Joe Budden podcast done? No Rory or Mal for 2nd straight episode


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Sexual harassment goes deeper than that in the work place. The other two women could have complained of sexual harassment just by hearing that comment.

As a man in the workplace, you can't say shit sexually towards a woman directly or within an earshot without the potential of it being sexual harassment.

Hell, you can't say that around a man either

Keep that shit 100% professional, this goes for your neighbours too, if you have a side piece never let any of your neighbours know no matter how cool they might seem.


Rising Star
Yes you’re correct, but I don’t believe the other two women were offended by the comments.

We all say crazy stuff at times, but we know who we can say it to. As the boss, don’t say shit period.

But in their environment on that show, his comments were in fun but probably serious and not out of the norm. He just said it to a woman who didn’t know him like that and they didn’t have that relationship.

He wasn't directing his comments at them. But they did try to laugh and correct him even though it was in a playful manner... I can tell they new that he fucked up severe times during that episode.

This reminds me when Dame Dash was like fighting for divorce/custody of children, fighting jay over rocawear, fighting the ex wife over her Rachel Roy fashion brand. My man Dame spiraled during that time.

Hopefully Joe seeks help...looks like he's gonna be fighting on several fronts... at this rate Cyn might want an increase in child support after hearing all these numbers from the podcast.... When it rains it pours... Hopefully he packed an umbrella.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

why ya'll say that?

After hearing the Mal and Rory response.......

They all definitely said some foul and disrespectful ish coming from a place of anger and hurt....

Joe definitely crossed the line....

And Mal will never forget or forgive that

But Rory seemed not to take any of this personally.....

Mal and Joe absolutely have taken this personal between them
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
After hearing the Mal and Rory response.......

They all definitely said some foul and disrespectful ish coming from a place of anger and hurt....

Joe definitely crossed the line....

And Mal will never forget or forgive that

But Rory seemed to take any of this personally.....

Mal and Joe absolutely have taken this personal between them
Joe: would you forgive a nig that hides the tide?

Mal: your name might be bigger than mine but I had the cleaner clothes


Rising Star
With all the deals the guy is juggling, and the current "cancel culture" and "#MeToo" climate, him not simply cutting this chick a check to go away and/or stfu underscores how horrible a "boss" and idiotic a person this guy really is.

This sounds familiar. Not aware of details tho.

Let’s dig deeper. The same guy who told Rory not to send goons to Akamdics house because it wouldn’t be a good look if he got in trouble out here humping his female employees and harassing them smh on camera!!!!

I saw that whole episode and all ima say is I believe it went down exactly how she said it went down but one thing I do wonder about is why now?

My friend said she was probably pissed about it and figured now would be the time for some payback.

Database Error

You're right dawg
OG Investor
Damn 36 page thread on bgol for dude.
:smh: He's not going anywhere no time soon. He is winning. Katts are watching him because they like his show or they're watching him because they hate him and want to see him fail either way they're watching.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sexual harassment goes deeper than that in the work place. The other two women could have complained of sexual harassment just by hearing that comment.

As a man in the workplace, you can't say shit sexually towards a woman directly or within an earshot without the potential of it being sexual harassment.

Hell, you can't say that around a man either

I once almost caught an HR case this way years ago.

Worked with a bunch of women, reckless sex involved talk all around. One chick reported to HR. Only thing that saved my job was others backed me up that she participated in these talks too. We all did.

Lesson learned, and after that I never held such talks in the office place.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I once almost caught an HR case this way years ago.

Worked with a bunch of women, reckless sex involved talk all around. One chick reported to HR. Only thing that saved my job was others backed me up that she participated in these talks too. We all did.

Lesson learned, and after that I never held such talks in the office place.

I work with nothing but women now and no matter how reckless thwy get with those topics I never get caught up in it because I know it will come back on me.

I won't even fuck with a female who works in my same organization even though I've had plenty opportunities because I know how that can go bad real quick and being a man amongst women I know it will be held against me when it does.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I work with nothing but women now and no matter how reckless thwy get with those topics I never get caught up in it because I know it will come back on me.

I won't even fuck with a female who works in my same organization even though I've had plenty opportunities because I know how that can go bad real quick and being a man amongst women I know it will be held against me when it does.

Yup...Great lesson I had to deal with luckily in my early 20's to let me know workplace shenanigans with females is a big no no.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I work with nothing but women now and no matter how reckless thwy get with those topics I never get caught up in it because I know it will come back on me.

I won't even fuck with a female who works in my same organization even though I've had plenty opportunities because I know how that can go bad real quick and being a man amongst women I know it will be held against me when it does.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My problem with her accusation is that it was only on air. They are doin a pod and that’s the purpose of the pod , to have reckless convos that you couldn’t have in other media spaces.if she felt that was her line then that’s absolutely not the space in media for her. She has every right to feel how she feel and she was also in a space where she shoulda shut shit down in the moment


BGOL Legend
I listened to the joe budden thing
and the rory and mal response

those two bozo's are definitely telling the truth.
and that's why they're bozo's
they keep trying to play it off like hey this is my friend this is why i don't do that and this is business and this and that

they knew what time it was and that they NEEDED joe and joe didn't NEED THEM
that's why they stayed for years getting chicken scratch the brand elevated them.

this doesn't mean joe is right in what he did he ain't

but them dudes is bozo's and proved as much with their revelation that they'd been getting crumbs for YEARS under the guise of "I don't care about the money we're friends let's just do this"

then you don't complain now if that's the fact right?
the money doesn't matter so the money never bubbles up the contracts never bubble up the accounting never bubbles up the percentage accounting stuff doesn't bubble up if it's all about the podcast and not about the money.

it is about the money you thought you could play him and then get paid later and he never paid ya.


BGOL Legend
No one thinks they are owners but them. But he does have to show them what figures are being used to determine profit, how profit is defined, and what those profit numbers are in order to determine their percentage pay. Assuming what they are saying about their pay model is accurate. But again, we will never know those details imo.. Im going off the actions and responses, and Joes movements are those of someone who isnt being forthcoming or honest.

Joe Budden def robbed them


Rising Star
Platinum Member
White cat just happened to be the friend of Joe Budden.
Alot of y'all don't realize it was a popular podcast b4 Everyday Struggle mainly because he came at Drake

Ppl HATED Joe especially on this board beside the few ppl who liked the Mood Muzik mixtapes

Ppl started liking Joe cause he was on complex wildin on artists we all hated then he became more popular because they didn't like the way complex treated him.

Alot of ppl be playing Rory out like he wasn't carrying the show. Joe didn't even care to talk about topics at the beginning even missed episodes lol


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I listened to the joe budden thing
and the rory and mal response

those two bozo's are definitely telling the truth.
and that's why they're bozo's
they keep trying to play it off like hey this is my friend this is why i don't do that and this is business and this and that

they knew what time it was and that they NEEDED joe and joe didn't NEED THEM
that's why they stayed for years getting chicken scratch the brand elevated them.

this doesn't mean joe is right in what he did he ain't

but them dudes is bozo's and proved as much with their revelation that they'd been getting crumbs for YEARS under the guise of "I don't care about the money we're friends let's just do this"

then you don't complain now if that's the fact right?
the money doesn't matter so the money never bubbles up the contracts never bubble up the accounting never bubbles up the percentage accounting stuff doesn't bubble up if it's all about the podcast and not about the money.

it is about the money you thought you could play him and then get paid later and he never paid ya.
White cat just happened to be the friend of Joe Budden.
he is just coasting along -living off the genius of his friends - first duce then the pod now he hoping his friends will help his artists pop


BGOL Legend
Alot of y'all don't realize it was a popular podcast b4 Everyday Struggle mainly because he came at Drake

Ppl HATED Joe especially on this board beside the few ppl who liked the Mood Muzik mixtapes

Ppl started liking Joe cause he was on complex wildin on artists we all hated then he became more popular because they didn't like the way complex treated him.

Alot of ppl be playing Rory out like he wasn't carrying the show. Joe didn't even care to talk about topics at the beginning even missed episodes lol

I don't support Joe Budden so I don't know the history nor do I care about the inner workings of the shit and how it started.

Whatever the case is, they should have been real enough to talk to him and get shit straight
the fact that they didn't and it comes to this lets me know that they weren't real friends

white dude said he brought it up once and then he yelled at him
and at that point after he came back and was working with him he was an employee period.

i don't have any friends who can yell at me PERIOD. about anything that has to do with anything. Talk to me with respect and we handle our business.

The next issue comes up he gets played and then is like ok ill let it go we friends
NAH you letting it go cause you in a position to be relevant
people don't accept abuse from their "Friends"



BGOL Legend
he is just coasting along -living off the genius of his friends - first duce then the pod now he hoping his friends will help his artists pop

It's the whitest shit ever.
the nerve of a dude making 50k a week for 6 hours of talking lol
give me 2.4m a year minus taxes to speak my opinion
I'll make up whatever Joe Budden is stealing from me on my charisma and everything else.

I don't know if its a NY/NJ thing but man whenever a dude starts repeating "I'm good" "I don't need this trust me I'm good"


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I don't support Joe Budden so I don't know the history nor do I care about the inner workings of the shit and how it started.

Whatever the case is, they should have been real enough to talk to him and get shit straight
the fact that they didn't and it comes to this lets me know that they weren't real friends

white dude said he brought it up once and then he yelled at him
and at that point after he came back and was working with him he was an employee period.

i don't have any friends who can yell at me PERIOD. about anything that has to do with anything. Talk to me with respect and we handle our business.

The next issue comes up he gets played and then is like ok ill let it go we friends
NAH you letting it go cause you in a position to be relevant
people don't accept abuse from their "Friends"


You didnt know that's why i inform you because if u don't know u can't properly talk about the subject by saying the white cat just happen to be Joe friend

That's why i quoted that not the other post


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Joe Budden def robbed them
I can't call that robbery

3 lawyers + 8 week dispute and those 2 are still ignorant of their contract?
for 1 hour -making up new words and fantasy business terms while displaying gross ineptitude in entertainment business...

after years on the pod - pretending to be knowledgeable?

yes Mal - you are the dumbest guy in the room, but hey the white boy is only a bit smarter


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
the nerve of a dude making 50k a week for 6 hours of talking lol
they were not making that...
the pod might have made that much on Spotify
imo Its possible Patreon could give that kinda payout
I don't know if its a NY/NJ thing but man whenever a dude starts repeating "I'm good" "I don't need this trust me I'm good"


BGOL Legend
You didnt know that's why i inform you because if u don't know u can't properly talk about the subject by saying the white cat just happen to be Joe friend

That's why i quoted that not the other post

I think you're misunderstanding the point of that statement.
That in no world does HE get here without JOE BUDDEN so he is fortunate because happened to be JOE's friend.

I don't care what work he put in because anyone who happened to be Joe Buddens friend and interested could have put in that same work lol


BGOL Legend
I can't call that robbery

3 lawyers + 8 week dispute and those 2 are still ignorant of their contract?
for 1 hour -making up new words and fantasy business terms while displaying gross ineptitude in entertainment business...

after years on the pod - pretending to be knowledgeable?

yes Mal - you are the dumbest guy in the room, but hey the white boy is only a bit smarter

Full facade
you can smell the fake just the look seemed fake


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
You can tell just by both of them the ego lol
I'm not saying I don't have an ego
but I am saying that people couldn't be in my ear to the point I fuck up the cu sshiest job in show business.
hypothetical - if the head of viacom & Charlemagne wine dine n gas you saying its really you
if JayZ & RocNation execs wine dine n gas you while pitching possibilities

if after you walk all of above are saying pod over w/o you and whispering what Spotify "really" paid & offered, and all the offers Joe declined

takes a strong mind to tune that out