Alot of y'all don't realize it was a popular podcast b4 Everyday Struggle mainly because he came at Drake
Ppl HATED Joe especially on this board beside the few ppl who liked the Mood Muzik mixtapes
Ppl started liking Joe cause he was on complex wildin on artists we all hated then he became more popular because they didn't like the way complex treated him.
Alot of ppl be playing Rory out like he wasn't carrying the show. Joe didn't even care to talk about topics at the beginning even missed episodes lol
I don't support Joe Budden so I don't know the history nor do I care about the inner workings of the shit and how it started.
Whatever the case is, they should have been real enough to talk to him and get shit straight
the fact that they didn't and it comes to this lets me know that they weren't real friends
white dude said he brought it up once and then he yelled at him
and at that point after he came back and was working with him he was an employee period.
i don't have any friends who can yell at me PERIOD. about anything that has to do with anything. Talk to me with respect and we handle our business.
The next issue comes up he gets played and then is like ok ill let it go we friends
NAH you letting it go cause you in a position to be relevant
people don't accept abuse from their "Friends"