Joe Rogan once again exposes that he’s a racist white nationalist.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
he's wrong but not for the reasons people think

“A Negro and by Consequence an Alien” - The legacy of Legal Race Making.

Legal race making became a distinctive feature of Atlantic slave societies, reducing Africans and their descendants to “negroes,” “negros,” “nègres,” or “noirs,” subjects without history, honor, or genealogy. Blackness obliterated and flattened a multitude of cultures, languages, histories, and experiences into a single legally defined, socially constituted category of degradation.7 Across linguistic and imperial barriers, the law constituted “blacks” as social outcasts, conflating their social existence with enslavement. Legal prohibitions that applied to “all black men and women, free or enslaved,” or defined certain actions by “any black or mulatto” against “whites” as a crime, made blackness, rather than enslavement, the mark of degradation.

I posted this and people here really don't want to have this conversation. :smh::smh::smh: :dunno: :dunno: :dunno:


Rising Star


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nothing wrong w what he said. I’m here for it.

Not saying that he’s not a racist/WN but nothing wrong w what he said. Not saying I agree either.

Anyone coming for me.

Carry on…….

Peterson's right MED isn't black but he's wrong in that MED is classified as black because the african slaves were called black in the new world stripping them of their identity and replacing it with a skin color designation..

Rogan is wrong about Africans being called black. People in Africa aren't black. They are Igbo, Yoruba, Hausa, Kikuyu etc... Those are specific ethnic groups. It's not that they aren't just black... they aren't black at all. Africans aren't black as black and white are race terms and european concepts thats a purely social construct. It has socio-political value in western culture. And really shouldn't apply to africans in the way it applies to the american descendants of the african slaves.

But what annoys me the most is that rogan and peterson want to pretend that the race terms just popped into existence rather than admit the terms were created for specific reasons some 500 years ago by european pseudo scientists.


BGOL Legend
Certified Pussy Poster
@Dr. Truth OT I am back in the bay for the next year, I have a shit ton of consulting work in Oak and Treasure Island with all the new buildings going up. I need some UPSCALE hot spots. Ill be in Oak until Friday and then LA for a week until I come back to SF. All my meetings and such for the next month or 2 will be in Oak. Dont send me to no shitholes !

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
@Dr. Truth OT I am back in the bay for the next year, I have a shit ton of consulting work in Oak and Treasure Island with all the new buildings going up. I need some UPSCALE hot spots. Ill be in Oak until Friday and then LA for a week until I come back to SF. All my meetings and such for the next month or 2 will be in Oak. Dont send me to no shitholes !
I’ve been back and forth between LA and NYC so I’m not sure how things are right now with the clubs and all that. Covid really fucked shit up and shut shit down. Luka’s is being demolished to put up more Condos. I used to fuck with them Oyster days heavy. Lexx Jones would DJ the club. Shit will be missed


BGOL Legend
Certified Pussy Poster
I’ve been back and forth between LA and NYC so I’m not sure how things are right now with the clubs and all that. Covid really fucked shit up and shut shit down. Luka’s is being demolished to put up more Condos. I used to fuck with them Oyster days heavy. Lexx Jones would DJ the club. Shit will be missed

I leave for LA on friday. Here in SF you have to have proof of vaccination to get in anywhere.
Lukas on broadway and grand ? I am involved in that project lol.
If I run into you imma smack the bad music taste out ur head . :roflmao:


Rising Star
Peterson's right MED isn't black but he's wrong in that MED is classified as black because the african slaves were called black in the new world stripping them of their identity and replacing it with a skin color designation..

Rogan is wrong about Africans being called black. People in Africa aren't black. They are Igbo, Yoruba, Hausa, Kikuyu etc... Those are specific ethnic groups. It's not that they aren't just black... they aren't black at all. Africans aren't black as black and white are race terms and european concepts thats a purely social construct. It has socio-political value in western culture. And really shouldn't apply to africans in the way it applies to the american descendants of the african slaves.

But what annoys me the most is that rogan and peterson want to pretend that the race terms just popped into existence rather than admit the terms were created for specific reasons some 500 years ago by european pseudo scientists.

Agree w most of what you stated. Most only because some was new info to me.

Rogan may seem misinformed and ignorant on some of the facts but I wouldn’t characterize him solely from these statements.

The naked comment was just ignorance and it is notable that Rogan who usually has in depth views glossed over the history of racial identities.

I found most whites to be ignorant, prejudice, arrogant and condescending when it comes to race. I view racist as a verb.

Carry on…..


International Member
fuck Rogan, fuck Peterson
... and why anyone would care about the opinions of their enemy is beyond me :smh:
... and stop with the divisiveness between you and your brethren
... cause guess what? Rogan and Peterson are not your brethren... under no cot damn scenario!!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Wait so unless you’re naked from Africa you’re not Black? Because that’s what that faggot ass cac said. Like people in Africa don’t wear clothes in 2022? Fuck that honky
Exactly.. Fake deep honkey mofos wanna pontificate on color designations but are too fucking chicken shit to go into the racist white inferiority complex based history and rationale.
Rogan may seem misinformed and ignorant on some of the facts but I wouldn’t characterize him solely from these statements.

The naked comment was just ignorance and it is notable that Rogan who usually has in depth views glossed over the history of racial identities.
Rogan has as much depth as a puddle of piss.


It takes a nation of millions to keep us black
BGOL Investor
Nothing wrong w what he said. I’m here for it.

Not saying that he’s not a racist/WN but nothing wrong w what he said. Not saying I agree either.

Anyone coming for me.

Carry on…….
If this is all I agree w/ you but he has said other stuff beside this like the planet of the apes comment about blacks & other shit :curse: No he a racist asshole
Last edited:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
well He is right if you were to go by actual colors we are shades of brown..

but he is lying about his complexion talkin bout tan... LOL

Nah muthafucka yall Pale Shades of PINK...

but there is no white or black races, its all legal status,

and its been turned on its head...

In reality the original word for black meant pale pasty..

but I been over this a thousand times before..

cacs lied so much about everything, that when they start to tell

the truth, you think its a lie!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If this is all I agree w/ you but he has said other stuff beside this like the planet of the apes comment about blacks & other shit :curse: No he a racist ashore

What are you guys agreeing with? some surface level observation an 8 year old would make about dark skin sub-Saharan African people? This guy is talking to some psychologist whose supposed to be some kind of expert on sociological issues yet neither one of them (and I really would like to see the whole clip rather than some excerpt) delves into what and where the concept of race and racial grouping as we know it and use for the last 200 300 years particularly in the last 100 years came from in the first place.

What I find stunning and disappointing is that NO ONE who cares to discuss race ever wants to go back that far.

If I told you that the concept of "race" and racial grouping only goes back 500 years or so and it has no basis in biological science and its archaic and NO ONE should be really going by it anymore the response I get is this :hmm::hmm::hmm::hmm::hmm:

I've said this before....Because most of African Americans don't know the particulars of our african heritage beyond the most general knowledge of you came from this continent (hence the generalized term AFRICAN-american rather than say Nigerian-american or Ghanian-american and you can break it down even further from there) therefore we're stuck with the skin color designation of black..and we've been building a culture and heritage from that. And the descendants of those african slaves are STILL called black today..we carry the legacy of the racism that built this long as that skin color designation exists..then racism exists. Its the american way. Its how western culture functions.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Rogan replies: "Unless you are talking to someone who is like 100% African from the darkest place where they are not wearing any clothes all day ... the term Black is weird."

It is dam racist.
That is how many racist thinks of Africa, dark place, people running around naked, lions, no food.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Peterson's right MED isn't black but he's wrong in that MED is classified as black because the african slaves were called black in the new world stripping them of their identity and replacing it with a skin color designation..

Rogan is wrong about Africans being called black. People in Africa aren't black. They are Igbo, Yoruba, Hausa, Kikuyu etc... Those are specific ethnic groups. It's not that they aren't just black... they aren't black at all. Africans aren't black as black and white are race terms and european concepts thats a purely social construct. It has socio-political value in western culture. And really shouldn't apply to africans in the way it applies to the american descendants of the african slaves.

But what annoys me the most is that rogan and peterson want to pretend that the race terms just popped into existence rather than admit the terms were created for specific reasons some 500 years ago by european pseudo scientists.

Did the colonizers in Africa have such a distinction?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
But what annoys me the most is that rogan and peterson want to pretend that the race terms just popped into existence rather than admit the terms were created for specific reasons some 500 years ago by european pseudo scientists.
Exactly. Peterson does this all the time, or minimizes it, all while leaning on historical reasons for his other bullshit


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Whenever you hear people make ridiculous comments like that concerning Black people, they are racist...they can't come out and say what they really want so they skirt around it and end up sounding like buffoons...and even then, Rogan went to the no clothes stereotype so he couldn't even help himself there...Black and White are concepts created by his people and he is talking like an alien who just visited Earth and genuinely doesn't understand what is going on

Walter Panov

Rising Star
He used the conversation to make a racist statement that had nothing to do with the conversation. He's not ignorant. He wanted to throw in the part about Africans living naked somewhere. Just like he did with "I walked into the planet of the apes. And to my surprise, the savages behaved properly".

Fuck him and anyone who listens to him.


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
he's wrong but not for the reasons people think

“A Negro and by Consequence an Alien” - The legacy of Legal Race Making.

Legal race making became a distinctive feature of Atlantic slave societies, reducing Africans and their descendants to “negroes,” “negros,” “nègres,” or “noirs,” subjects without history, honor, or genealogy. Blackness obliterated and flattened a multitude of cultures, languages, histories, and experiences into a single legally defined, socially constituted category of degradation.7 Across linguistic and imperial barriers, the law constituted “blacks” as social outcasts, conflating their social existence with enslavement. Legal prohibitions that applied to “all black men and women, free or enslaved,” or defined certain actions by “any black or mulatto” against “whites” as a crime, made blackness, rather than enslavement, the mark of degradation.

I posted this and people here really don't want to have this conversation. :smh::smh::smh: :dunno: :dunno: :dunno:

This is incorrect in that the practice started in ancient Khemet. Once the savage whites were allowed on the continent they began to ingratiate themselves and breed with Afrikan women - never men. The resulting offspring were called "Egyptians" and classified as white by, oh dear, the very same white interlopers.

Thus began the division of the Black race and it continues today with the idiotic "team lightskin" and all that other bullshit pertaining to colorism.

As if anybody had a choice in their ancestors.

However, the point about rogan being a racist has been long established and I'm surprised anyone was even fooled for this long.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
This is incorrect in that the practice started in ancient Khemet. Once the savage whites were allowed on the continent they began to ingratiate themselves and breed with Afrikan women - never men. The resulting offspring were called "Egyptians" and classified as white by, oh dear, the very same white interlopers.

Thus began the division of the Black race and it continues today with the idiotic "team lightskin" and all that other bullshit pertaining to colorism.

As if anybody had a choice in their ancestors.

However, the point about rogan being a racist has been long established and I'm surprised anyone was even fooled for this long.
Why didn’t u say team dark skin?


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
Why didn’t u say team dark skin?

Because that's not the term I see on here. I've never seen team darkskin but whatever the term it's divisive. Just like n***** is. I know I'll get the entirely predictable responses but anyone with a tiny bit of self-respect would never call their brothers n***** or their sisters b******.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Did the colonizers in Africa have such a distinction?

Facing America's History of Racism Requires Facing the Origins of 'Race' as a Concept

The logic behind the history of race initially seems deceivingly clear: to justify the forced deportation of 400,000 Black Africans to North America (and another eleven million to other parts of the Americas between 1525 and 1866), Europeans and their American heirs found it necessary to debase and revile their captives. Yet today’s racism is more than a malignant byproduct of the 19th-century American plantation system; it also grew out of an elaborate and supposedly “scientific” European conception of the human species that began during the Enlightenment.

By the early decades of the 18th century, the Continent’s savants and natural philosophers no longer automatically looked to the Bible to explain the story of the human species. Intent on finding physical explanations for natural phenomena, naturalists employed more “empirical” methods to solve one of the biggest “anthropological” questions of the day: why did people from Africa, millions of whom were already toiling in European plantations, look different from white Europeans?

By the 1740s, one could find a dozen or more purportedly scientific explanations. Some claimed that blackness came from vapors emanating from the skin; others claimed that black skin was passed on from generation to generation via the power of the maternal imagination or from darkened sperm; still others asserted that the heat or the air of the Torrid Zone darkened the humors and stained the skin.

The dominant “anthropological” concept that emerged around 1750 was called degeneration, which can be understood as the precise opposite of what we now know to be true about humankind’s origins. In contrast to the model that shows how evolution and successive human migrations from the African continent account for humanity’s many colors, degeneration theory maintained that there was an original and superior white race, and that this group of humans moved about the globe and mutated in different climates. These morphological and pigmentation changes were not seen as adaptations or the results of natural selection; they were explained as a perversion or deterioration of a higher archetype.

Medical practitioners stepped in to flesh out that vague narrative, creating the basis for the idea of what we now call race. Anatomists, in particular, dissected the bodies of supposedly degenerated Africans, and published numerous now-shocking articles on the supposed damage of living in a tropical climate: black brains, black bile, black sperm and even race-specific black lice.

The most bigoted of European physicians attributed specific organ-based liabilities to Black Africans, including indolence and diminished cognition. Not surprisingly, these falsehoods and the methods that produced them flourished in the United States: in 1851, Samuel A. Cartwright identified two “diseases” associated with Africans. The first was a mental illness he dubbed drapetomania, which caused slaves to run away. The second was dysaesthesia aethiopica, a type of lethargy that struck Africans who were not enslaved or overseen by whites. His cure: anointing them with oil, and applying a leather strap.

Europe also bequeathed Americans with the very category of “race.” By the 1770s, German figureheads including Emmanuel Kant and J.F. Blumenbach—the latter of whom coined the term Caucasian because he believed that the original prototype race originated in the Caucus Region—affirmed that new biometric and anatomical discoveries justified the use of the modernistic word race to distinguish among human subspecies.

Racial classification schemes provided the most powerful framework for understanding the divide between white and Black. Some naturalists took this one step further, proposing that Africans actually formed a different species entirely. Predictably, this latter idea was adopted by some members of the proslavery lobby in the United States.

Progressive thinkers, abolitionists and, eventually, formerly enslaved people including the writer Olaudah Equiano began critiquing the roots and effects of racial prejudice as early as the 1770s. And yet, even as scientific research has confirmed just how wrong Enlightenment theories of race were, many of the most rearguard and unscientific European notions regarding race have remained deeply embedded in the American psyche, not to mention in the arsenal of the Alt Right. Indeed, the immigration policies of the Trump Administration, in insisting that immigrants from certain countries are less desirable than others, are effectively resurrecting centuries-old notions about the supposedly deterministic nature of race.

thats why I find it highly annoying and disturbing to see "intellectuals" like peterson using these terms and NOT putting then in proper historic context. And WE ALL do the same thing.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Facing America's History of Racism Requires Facing the Origins of 'Race' as a Concept

The logic behind the history of race initially seems deceivingly clear: to justify the forced deportation of 400,000 Black Africans to North America (and another eleven million to other parts of the Americas between 1525 and 1866), Europeans and their American heirs found it necessary to debase and revile their captives. Yet today’s racism is more than a malignant byproduct of the 19th-century American plantation system; it also grew out of an elaborate and supposedly “scientific” European conception of the human species that began during the Enlightenment.

By the early decades of the 18th century, the Continent’s savants and natural philosophers no longer automatically looked to the Bible to explain the story of the human species. Intent on finding physical explanations for natural phenomena, naturalists employed more “empirical” methods to solve one of the biggest “anthropological” questions of the day: why did people from Africa, millions of whom were already toiling in European plantations, look different from white Europeans?

By the 1740s, one could find a dozen or more purportedly scientific explanations. Some claimed that blackness came from vapors emanating from the skin; others claimed that black skin was passed on from generation to generation via the power of the maternal imagination or from darkened sperm; still others asserted that the heat or the air of the Torrid Zone darkened the humors and stained the skin.

The dominant “anthropological” concept that emerged around 1750 was called degeneration, which can be understood as the precise opposite of what we now know to be true about humankind’s origins. In contrast to the model that shows how evolution and successive human migrations from the African continent account for humanity’s many colors, degeneration theory maintained that there was an original and superior white race, and that this group of humans moved about the globe and mutated in different climates. These morphological and pigmentation changes were not seen as adaptations or the results of natural selection; they were explained as a perversion or deterioration of a higher archetype.

Medical practitioners stepped in to flesh out that vague narrative, creating the basis for the idea of what we now call race. Anatomists, in particular, dissected the bodies of supposedly degenerated Africans, and published numerous now-shocking articles on the supposed damage of living in a tropical climate: black brains, black bile, black sperm and even race-specific black lice.

The most bigoted of European physicians attributed specific organ-based liabilities to Black Africans, including indolence and diminished cognition. Not surprisingly, these falsehoods and the methods that produced them flourished in the United States: in 1851, Samuel A. Cartwright identified two “diseases” associated with Africans. The first was a mental illness he dubbed drapetomania, which caused slaves to run away. The second was dysaesthesia aethiopica, a type of lethargy that struck Africans who were not enslaved or overseen by whites. His cure: anointing them with oil, and applying a leather strap.

Europe also bequeathed Americans with the very category of “race.” By the 1770s, German figureheads including Emmanuel Kant and J.F. Blumenbach—the latter of whom coined the term Caucasian because he believed that the original prototype race originated in the Caucus Region—affirmed that new biometric and anatomical discoveries justified the use of the modernistic word race to distinguish among human subspecies.

Racial classification schemes provided the most powerful framework for understanding the divide between white and Black. Some naturalists took this one step further, proposing that Africans actually formed a different species entirely. Predictably, this latter idea was adopted by some members of the proslavery lobby in the United States.

Progressive thinkers, abolitionists and, eventually, formerly enslaved people including the writer Olaudah Equiano began critiquing the roots and effects of racial prejudice as early as the 1770s. And yet, even as scientific research has confirmed just how wrong Enlightenment theories of race were, many of the most rearguard and unscientific European notions regarding race have remained deeply embedded in the American psyche, not to mention in the arsenal of the Alt Right. Indeed, the immigration policies of the Trump Administration, in insisting that immigrants from certain countries are less desirable than others, are effectively resurrecting centuries-old notions about the supposedly deterministic nature of race.

thats why I find it highly annoying and disturbing to see "intellectuals" like peterson using these terms and NOT putting then in proper historic context. And WE ALL do the same thing.


...... Ain't no way I'm reading all that shit.
