...... Ain't no way I'm reading all that shit.
you should because it pertains to YOU..
...... Ain't no way I'm reading all that shit.
Facing America's History of Racism Requires Facing the Origins of 'Race' as a Concept
The logic behind the history of race initially seems deceivingly clear: to justify the forced deportation of 400,000 Black Africans to North America (and another eleven million to other parts of the Americas between 1525 and 1866), Europeans and their American heirs found it necessary to debase and revile their captives. Yet today’s racism is more than a malignant byproduct of the 19th-century American plantation system; it also grew out of an elaborate and supposedly “scientific” European conception of the human species that began during the Enlightenment.
By the early decades of the 18th century, the Continent’s savants and natural philosophers no longer automatically looked to the Bible to explain the story of the human species. Intent on finding physical explanations for natural phenomena, naturalists employed more “empirical” methods to solve one of the biggest “anthropological” questions of the day: why did people from Africa, millions of whom were already toiling in European plantations, look different from white Europeans?
By the 1740s, one could find a dozen or more purportedly scientific explanations. Some claimed that blackness came from vapors emanating from the skin; others claimed that black skin was passed on from generation to generation via the power of the maternal imagination or from darkened sperm; still others asserted that the heat or the air of the Torrid Zone darkened the humors and stained the skin.
The dominant “anthropological” concept that emerged around 1750 was called degeneration, which can be understood as the precise opposite of what we now know to be true about humankind’s origins. In contrast to the model that shows how evolution and successive human migrations from the African continent account for humanity’s many colors, degeneration theory maintained that there was an original and superior white race, and that this group of humans moved about the globe and mutated in different climates. These morphological and pigmentation changes were not seen as adaptations or the results of natural selection; they were explained as a perversion or deterioration of a higher archetype.
Medical practitioners stepped in to flesh out that vague narrative, creating the basis for the idea of what we now call race. Anatomists, in particular, dissected the bodies of supposedly degenerated Africans, and published numerous now-shocking articles on the supposed damage of living in a tropical climate: black brains, black bile, black sperm and even race-specific black lice.
The most bigoted of European physicians attributed specific organ-based liabilities to Black Africans, including indolence and diminished cognition. Not surprisingly, these falsehoods and the methods that produced them flourished in the United States: in 1851, Samuel A. Cartwright identified two “diseases” associated with Africans. The first was a mental illness he dubbed drapetomania, which caused slaves to run away. The second was dysaesthesia aethiopica, a type of lethargy that struck Africans who were not enslaved or overseen by whites. His cure: anointing them with oil, and applying a leather strap.
Europe also bequeathed Americans with the very category of “race.” By the 1770s, German figureheads including Emmanuel Kant and J.F. Blumenbach—the latter of whom coined the term Caucasian because he believed that the original prototype race originated in the Caucus Region—affirmed that new biometric and anatomical discoveries justified the use of the modernistic word race to distinguish among human subspecies.
Racial classification schemes provided the most powerful framework for understanding the divide between white and Black. Some naturalists took this one step further, proposing that Africans actually formed a different species entirely. Predictably, this latter idea was adopted by some members of the proslavery lobby in the United States.
Progressive thinkers, abolitionists and, eventually, formerly enslaved people including the writer Olaudah Equiano began critiquing the roots and effects of racial prejudice as early as the 1770s. And yet, even as scientific research has confirmed just how wrong Enlightenment theories of race were, many of the most rearguard and unscientific European notions regarding race have remained deeply embedded in the American psyche, not to mention in the arsenal of the Alt Right. Indeed, the immigration policies of the Trump Administration, in insisting that immigrants from certain countries are less desirable than others, are effectively resurrecting centuries-old notions about the supposedly deterministic nature of race.
Facing America’s History of Racism Requires Facing the Origins of ‘Race’ as a Concept
Europe bequeathed Americans with the very category of “race"
thats why I find it highly annoying and disturbing to see "intellectuals" like peterson using these terms and NOT putting then in proper historic context. And WE ALL do the same thing.
you should because it pertains to YOU..
and this is why cacs get over blacks as a group because niggas are afraid to readUse your words NEGRO.
and this is why cacs get over blacks as a group because niggas are afraid to read
heres a video for the illiterate among us.
im justDid the colonizers in Africa have such a distinction?
1. I have in earlier posts stated my point (if you bothered to READ it)Bruh I asked you a direct answer and you are posting articles and videos. How the fuck you gonna call someone illiterate when you can formulate a sentence of your own thoughts to support something you posted?
i dont care what europeans tried to do with the term BLACK according to u ,Facing America's History of Racism Requires Facing the Origins of 'Race' as a Concept
The logic behind the history of race initially seems deceivingly clear: to justify the forced deportation of 400,000 Black Africans to North America (and another eleven million to other parts of the Americas between 1525 and 1866), Europeans and their American heirs found it necessary to debase and revile their captives. Yet today’s racism is more than a malignant byproduct of the 19th-century American plantation system; it also grew out of an elaborate and supposedly “scientific” European conception of the human species that began during the Enlightenment.
By the early decades of the 18th century, the Continent’s savants and natural philosophers no longer automatically looked to the Bible to explain the story of the human species. Intent on finding physical explanations for natural phenomena, naturalists employed more “empirical” methods to solve one of the biggest “anthropological” questions of the day: why did people from Africa, millions of whom were already toiling in European plantations, look different from white Europeans?
By the 1740s, one could find a dozen or more purportedly scientific explanations. Some claimed that blackness came from vapors emanating from the skin; others claimed that black skin was passed on from generation to generation via the power of the maternal imagination or from darkened sperm; still others asserted that the heat or the air of the Torrid Zone darkened the humors and stained the skin.
The dominant “anthropological” concept that emerged around 1750 was called degeneration, which can be understood as the precise opposite of what we now know to be true about humankind’s origins. In contrast to the model that shows how evolution and successive human migrations from the African continent account for humanity’s many colors, degeneration theory maintained that there was an original and superior white race, and that this group of humans moved about the globe and mutated in different climates. These morphological and pigmentation changes were not seen as adaptations or the results of natural selection; they were explained as a perversion or deterioration of a higher archetype.
Medical practitioners stepped in to flesh out that vague narrative, creating the basis for the idea of what we now call race. Anatomists, in particular, dissected the bodies of supposedly degenerated Africans, and published numerous now-shocking articles on the supposed damage of living in a tropical climate: black brains, black bile, black sperm and even race-specific black lice.
The most bigoted of European physicians attributed specific organ-based liabilities to Black Africans, including indolence and diminished cognition. Not surprisingly, these falsehoods and the methods that produced them flourished in the United States: in 1851, Samuel A. Cartwright identified two “diseases” associated with Africans. The first was a mental illness he dubbed drapetomania, which caused slaves to run away. The second was dysaesthesia aethiopica, a type of lethargy that struck Africans who were not enslaved or overseen by whites. His cure: anointing them with oil, and applying a leather strap.
Europe also bequeathed Americans with the very category of “race.” By the 1770s, German figureheads including Emmanuel Kant and J.F. Blumenbach—the latter of whom coined the term Caucasian because he believed that the original prototype race originated in the Caucus Region—affirmed that new biometric and anatomical discoveries justified the use of the modernistic word race to distinguish among human subspecies.
Racial classification schemes provided the most powerful framework for understanding the divide between white and Black. Some naturalists took this one step further, proposing that Africans actually formed a different species entirely. Predictably, this latter idea was adopted by some members of the proslavery lobby in the United States.
Progressive thinkers, abolitionists and, eventually, formerly enslaved people including the writer Olaudah Equiano began critiquing the roots and effects of racial prejudice as early as the 1770s. And yet, even as scientific research has confirmed just how wrong Enlightenment theories of race were, many of the most rearguard and unscientific European notions regarding race have remained deeply embedded in the American psyche, not to mention in the arsenal of the Alt Right. Indeed, the immigration policies of the Trump Administration, in insisting that immigrants from certain countries are less desirable than others, are effectively resurrecting centuries-old notions about the supposedly deterministic nature of race.
Facing America’s History of Racism Requires Facing the Origins of ‘Race’ as a Concept
Europe bequeathed Americans with the very category of “race"
thats why I find it highly annoying and disturbing to see "intellectuals" like peterson using these terms and NOT putting then in proper historic context. And WE ALL do the same thing.
i think u are also wrong for conflating issues , i think i get what ure tryin to say but ure using the wrong pretext and thereby arriving at the wrong destination ..he's wrong but not for the reasons people think
“A Negro and by Consequence an Alien” - The legacy of Legal Race Making.
Legal race making became a distinctive feature of Atlantic slave societies, reducing Africans and their descendants to “negroes,” “negros,” “nègres,” or “noirs,” subjects without history, honor, or genealogy. Blackness obliterated and flattened a multitude of cultures, languages, histories, and experiences into a single legally defined, socially constituted category of degradation.7 Across linguistic and imperial barriers, the law constituted “blacks” as social outcasts, conflating their social existence with enslavement. Legal prohibitions that applied to “all black men and women, free or enslaved,” or defined certain actions by “any black or mulatto” against “whites” as a crime, made blackness, rather than enslavement, the mark of degradation.
I posted this and people here really don't want to have this conversation.![]()
1. I have in earlier posts stated my point (if you bothered to READ it)
2. the articles and video to back up what I spoke about since experts and can offer validity to the viewpoint plus more history, context and info.
if youre not interested in the info then just ignore and don't complain
im justat his point ''
i wanna ask a question of all those who think that same way...
has anyone person of european heritage anywhere ever collectively tried to tell u they are not WHITE ?
are there european americans who would tell you they arent WHITE ?
But its not according to me its according to history....this is why I posted the articles and sources to show you all I'm not making it up or cherry picking.i dont care what europeans tried to do with the term BLACK according to u ,
but in its current day use as has been for 200+years BLACK IS BLACK(african) & WHITE IS WHITE(european)...
and i dont see anythin wrong with the term BLACK !!
cos BLACK in the color spectrum is the deepest richest frequency and most powerful that can absorb every other frequency , if u can ascribe european ideals to the use of the word BLACK then i can also apply metaphysical ideology to the term BLACk !!
its the actions & intentions behind it that matters not how u describe it in its current use... take for example the word "NIGG*R" ! its etymology and application thru time has changed based upon its use & the intentions behind it
i think u are also wrong for conflating issues , i think i get what ure tryin to say but ure using the wrong pretext and thereby arriving at the wrong destination ..
few questions
1: are u moor/indigenous ?
2: in racial or ethnic terms , what do u identify yourself as?
3: have u ever seen a WHITE PERSON ever tell u they are not WHITE ? and why do u think that is ?
But its not according to me its according to history....this is why I posted the articles and sources to show you all I'm not making it up or cherry picking.
Black means African and white means European but those designations were applied by Europeans for the specific purpose of justifying how they were going to treat people. Those terms were designed for the othering of a group to justify slavery, colonialism etc and all of the hatred, disparities and issues we're dealing with TO THIS DAY goes back directly to the ORIGINAL purpose of those terms in race science.
You can't take issue with RACIAL INJUSTICE in america without looking at the concept of RACE and how it was INVENTED and how its supposed to function. Racial injustice isn't indicative of a broken system.... its how the system is suppose to work. And that system is STILL working today. And it starts with black and white.
We can try to REPURPOSE those terms to make us FEEL better about ourselves but we STILL need to deal with the ORIGINAL root of the cause of all these issues...where they come from and how deeply ingrained it is in the CULTURE of our society. (something CRT tries to do that cacs are afraid of). IMO redefining the term actually confuses the issue.
its like 2 things that function in completely different ways but they both have the same term...which one are you talking about?
are you talking about BLACK that was used to justify slavery and jim crow and the war on drugs and redlining etc
are you talking about black that that has all the positive metaphysical ideological aspects that provokes kinship for all peoples of africa and makes your heart swell?
If you take the history out of it and dismiss the fact that race is not biological but an arbitrary social construct designed to oppress people then you are actually letting the people who created and perpetuated that shit off the hook and assholes like rogan can say dumbshit like "isn't it strange to call someone black or white??" as if those terms just popped out of the ether into existence and its somethings that ALWAYS been around![]()
No motherfucker your forefather created that shit for the purposes of forwarding European hegemony* in Africa. So its not strange at all.
As long as you have RACE CLASSIFICATIONS you have RACISM...period. They say that slavery is the scar on America..that's not true...slavery was the open wound... BLACK Americans are the scar...the scar is the repair...the healed over skin...but a scar is also a reminder of the injury. As long as the Descendents Of American Slavery are called BLACK and not the countries/ethnicities of origin...then we're always going to be a reminder of the injury of race classification and "race science".
As long as BLACK and WHITE exist as racial construct terms there's always going to be racial issues.
whats the wrong pretext and wrong destination?
1. no
2. that's a loaded question because racial terms itself goes to race science which is the terms and definition old European men invented to categorize Africans for their purposes. As a descendant of enslaved Africans who lost the specifics of my ethnicity I and almost every other African American is left with the racial designation of black.
3. actually yes. I remember taking a cab in the early 90s and the cabbie was a white dude and we struck up a conversation that included race and how fucked up shit was at that time (no different from today) and he was talking about his coworkers and people he knew would talk shit about minorities and just as I got to my destination and was about to step out he wrapped up his point with stating his ethnic background which was like french and italian, something like that then he said every person who looks white doesn't mean theyre white. I was like
shook his hand wished him well and paid him his fare...
- leadership or dominance, especially by one country or social group over others.
Jewsim justat his point ''
i wanna ask a question of all those who think that same way...
has anyone person or people of european heritage anywhere ever collectively tried to tell u they are not WHITE ?
are there european americans who would tell you they arent WHITE ?
I'm not trying to be evasive...I'm trying to explain why my answer is what it is...ok check this
1: in racial or ethnic terms , what do u identify yourself as?
u still havent given me an answer
in racial or ethnic terms , what do u identify yourself as?
pls answer , it should be simple answer
2: have u ever seen a WHITE PERSON ever tell u they are not WHITE ? and why do u think that is ?
ask the cabbie if hes driving u into a predominantly white neighborhood with u in it and a riot broke out in anytown usa, where whites were rioting and they came up on the cab and asked him & u both what do u identify as white or black ?
what do u think his answer would be?
and if they asked to see photos of his family to verify the answer , what do u think he'd classify himself as in that scenario?
also its quite telling u had to dig to over 2 decades to remember one singular incident about some random cabbie tryin to win some social brownie points
Then you make an issue of the story being too old? I didn't know there was a time limit on the word ever....have u ever seen a WHITE PERSON ever tell u they are not WHITE ? and why do u think that is ?
I can understand the terms n conditions u used to arrive at ur position but it doesn't change the reality of how folks use the term, nor does it makes it truth, it's the way u choose to define it, universally people of African descent use the term Black and people of European descent use the term White , that's the simple crux of it and , how u think we arrived at the term post or pre doesnt change the price of tea in China.I'm not trying to be evasive...I'm trying to explain why my answer is what it is...
As a descendant of enslaved Africans who lost the specifics of my ethnicity I and almost every other African American is left with the racial designation of black. thats my answer to what do I identify myself as.
Unlike the trans community, African Americans don't have a choice like that...unless someone wants to play up they have some Indian in their family or they have green eyes and "good hair" and do the biracial thing. And even then what are they playing up...the known non African aspects of themselves right? I'm part Cherokee...I'm half Italian. when have you have heard an Black American say I'm part Ghanaian or have people from Cameroon or Gabon or any of the west African countries that participated in the Atlantic slave trade. And then break it down to the specific ethnic tribes within those countries.
No black american talks about that because no black american can...all the enslaved people who came from those countries got homogenized into one single skin color designation...Negro which means "black" in both Spanish and Portuguese languages. None of this info is new....Nation Of Islam in the 60s were talking about this 50 years ago thats why they kept saying the SO CALLED Black Man. But today we're trying to redefine what black is in regards to us while at the same time wanting to hold white people accountable for the heinous acts they committed against us. But if Black Americans can't agree on what and where blackness originally came from and how it plays into the issues we're dealing with today...then we're just spinning our wheels on this racial injustice/systemic racism thing.
Remember American Gods and the speech that Ananzi said to the slaves coming over the middle passage? the most powerful line in it IMO was when he said.
Let me tell you a story. "Once upon a time, a man got fucked." Now, how is that for a story? 'Cause that's the story of black people in America. [chuckles] Shit, you all don't know you black yet. You think you just people. Let me be the first to tell you that you are all black. The moment these Dutch motherfuckers set foot here and decided they white, and you get to be black, and that's the nice name they call you.
Thats some of the most honest and powerful writing Orlando Jones has ever done. And I don't think the nuance of that part of the speech really sank in for many of us.
as for the other thing....dude you said and bolded:
Then you make an issue of the story being too old? I didn't know there was a time limit on the word ever....![]()
come on dude
Joe Rogan is a racist and he works at making sure he gives other racists the exposure they need. Stop giving the dude numbers by listening to his podcast. Even the excuse of listening only when he has Black people on is still activly helping the dude....
"Jew" is a religious designation, we have Italian jews n German jewsJews
Them Germans and Italians will tell u Jews are Jews and not white
same as “niggas” see Africans as Africans and not “black people”
Do u get it or do I have to break down even further?
It seems there are people on bgol who would cosign this cracka here![]()
Just scroll to the dailybeast Twitter page and it'll reveal it even more to u , where majority of the responses are white people doing their best white peopling !!
They tryna cosign this cracka ?
think about it !Especially since his premise is you're not Black if you have money and success.
neither of them would touch that on this episode becos it'll require them to accept the fact that they are in fact WHITE and operate as WHITE but will stand here and try to act like the problem is black folks operating and self defining as BLACKThis guy is talking to some psychologist whose supposed to be some kind of expert on sociological issues yet neither one of them (and I really would like to see the whole clip rather than some excerpt) delves into what and where the concept of race and racial grouping as we know it and use for the last 200 300 years particularly in the last 100 years came from in the first place.
What I find stunning and disappointing is that NO ONE who cares to discuss race ever wants to go back that far.
neither of them would touch that on this episode becos it'll require them to accept the fact that they are in fact WHITE and operate as WHITE but will stand here and try to act like the problem is black folks operating and self defining as BLACK
a very good clip from Eric Dyson on Don lemon's segment
Naw bro"Jew" is a religious designation, we have Italian jews n German jews
"Niggas" can see what they want to see "niggas" can't tell Africans they are not black becos Africans themselves say they are Black !!
How u chose to feel about that doesn't change the fact
Point blank period if I was describing you to anybody that’s around me you would be described as the african nigga OR the Nigerian nigga if I knew where was u was from"Jew" is a religious designation, we have Italian jews n German jews
"Niggas" can see what they want to see "niggas" can't tell Africans they are not black becos Africans themselves say they are Black !!
How u chose to feel about that doesn't change the fact
"Jew" is a religious designation, we have Italian jews n German jews
"Niggas" can see what they want to see "niggas" can't tell Africans they are not black becos Africans themselves say they are Black !!
How u chose to feel about that doesn't change the fact