Judge Donna Scott Davenport of Tennessee County Reportedly Illegally Jailed Hundreds Of Children, Charging Some With Crimes That Don’t Exist.(Update)

Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You mean @fonzerrillii and @HeathCliff

I’m the one that has been calling out the political game when it comes to these liberal white, especially judges, for a while. And guess what? This judge lives and was elected in a BLUE / DEMOCRAT county. But yeah, both sides :smh:

You're mistaken Rutherford with Davison County. Rutherford votes Repub by a ratio of 2 to 1 with only half of the counties population actually voting. Her unopposed elections turnout even less. Some counties your claim might stand but not this one.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is not surprising. Still, it’s tragic.

SVU had an episode back in the day about this happening somewhere in NY.

It’s way more happening than this and that’s the real problem.

That 13th amendment gotta go. Slavery illegal period and THEN rewrite the whole constitution…the sh!ts worthless.


Rising Star
This is not surprising. Still, it’s tragic.

SVU had an episode back in the day about this happening somewhere in NY.

It’s way more happening than this and that’s the real problem.

That 13th amendment gotta go. Slavery illegal period and THEN rewrite the whole constitution…the sh!ts worthless.

Right on, bruh!! It is tragic!! One more thang, your right there alot more shit(excuse my language) going on that the masses have no idea thats going on!! Anyway, bruh good reply!!!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
When they go after your kids, there is only one answer:



Rising Star
This is not surprising. Still, it’s tragic.

SVU had an episode back in the day about this happening somewhere in NY.

It’s way more happening than this and that’s the real problem.

That 13th amendment gotta go. Slavery illegal period and THEN rewrite the whole constitution…the sh!ts worthless.
That is a very slippery slope.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I just looked this up and apparently this just came out on MSNBC yesterday so lets hope this story gains traction, these fucking devils always coming after our children and all for some fucking money they will be willing to ruin a childs life and not see nothing wrong with it i cant i swear i can literally shoot that devil bitch right in her fucking face right about now.
but im sure FOX news covered it too cos BOTH SIDES


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She's been running unopposed for decades with only 20k people voting. Don't tell me elections don't matter.
BOTH SIDES & DONT VOTE unless teh candidate specifically says its for reparations, so in the meantime jus sit at home , dont organize, dont try to get into the seat of power thru the easier options (& u can guess which party that is ) to change shit just sit behind ur keyboards & attack other black peoples & democrats only and that should get the republicans to come to our aid with all the gifts & justice & payments we need :cheers:


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
Some people need to be "helped" with a bullet dead in they ass.

Listen, man, I ain't god and I don't want to be. I have no right to chose who lives and dies but on my momma you are dead on point. This is fucking war and in war people get killed. There will be blood and it should be her's and that other chick and a whole bunch of other crackkkas.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Tennessee judge and other county officials have been illegally jailing kids as young as 7 for years...


@fonzerrillii have you heard about this shit?


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor