Juju Watkins covers SLAM 248 (Women's College Basketball Player)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Commentary got me wanting to check her out

On Gil Arenas podcast he said JuJu played with his daughter who's still in high school...

And she also spent the summer working out with D Brook and Durant...

Now watching her play I can't unsee the D Book influence in her game...

She been training with NBA and WNBA vets...



Transnational Member
I never understood the watching and obsessing over another alpha male in sports like you are gay. I would go to all the female events in sports chasing them around, if I saw one of them struggling because of their breastest or booty limiting their performance, I would target them hard.

I would come into their showers acting like I am a reporter. Fuck gay stalking a Lebron or Jordan...


Since I am the only person chasing them around, staring, stalking; they appreciate the attention. One of them asked me, why aren't other men doing the same thing as you?