All that may be true, but we can’t go off of what others may have got away with. We ain’t them. We’re under a microscope and it’s been like that for a long while.
With the start power she was gathering, she had to be straight as an arrow.
No, her actually testing positive should be excused because there are imagined cacs who hypothetically tested positive too.

I found this from a few weeks back and it seems like she had to be really fucking up to actually test positive.
Since 2013, athletes have been allowed to compete with up to 150 nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml) of marijuana in their systems — a 10-fold increase from the prior threshold of 15 ng/ml.
For the uninitiated cannabis user, what does this scientific jargon really mean in practice? Marijuana usually stays in a casual user's system for a few weeks, and in a chronic user's for over a month (though this varies person to person), but with some time between use and competition, the level of marijuana may be too insignificant to trigger a positive Olympic drug test. To put this in perspective, most workplaces with drug testing policies have much stricter thresholds for marijuana use — they won't bat an eye if you have between 15 and 50 ng/ml of marijuana in your system, but you'd be in big trouble with 150 ng/ml. For those wondering about cannabidiol, Olympic athletes have had the full green light to use CBD products, such as
CBD lotions, serums and salves, since 2019.
Olympic athletes and marijuana have a contentious history. A few months after winning a record-breaking eight gold medals at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, swimmer Michael Phelps was caught on camera s…