Jamaica is afraid of her. Woulda coulda shoulda. If they beat her this Olympics she woulda never be heard from again. Instead they and other haters rallied in her banning which made her even more popular!!!

So now we don't know and they gotta watch her get all the bread and be a celeb for the next few years. Yea she ruined her life smoking weed and missing the racist ass Olympics. GTFOH!! Most of them Jamaican girls are old and won't be at the next 2 Olympics. And in a week will be out of the public psyche. Sha'Carri is 21, she will only be 24 next Olympics and will be killing other meets up until then AND endorsements.
Nike isn't dumb, they wouldn't be promoting her if her career trajectory was done. Hating is one thing, being factual is another. Right now more people know who Sha'Carri is than Cade Cunningham, and they both Nike athletes.