Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump to debate on September 10( East vs West, Women vs Men, Sista va Cac, DemoRat vs RePigLet)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A few points

1) Harris held up and didn’t hurt herself. She was able to go toe to toe and didn’t look out match. In addition to being stern at time she continue to show grace throughout that’s HUGE!

2) Trump was Trump! One speed and it was arrogance and angry. Not a hint of grace or humility.

The direction of this country is clear

With Harris things seem new and fresh!
With Trump it feels old and more of the same!

Chose your future!
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Something else I’ll add. Harris missed some opportunities to jump down his throat. Ultimately it seemed like she want to get her talking point across.

For example:

When they asked Trump about the border bill he killed. He went off in another direction and never answered the question.

^You gotta bring that back up and tear into his ass. Especially considering he killed the bill

EVERYTIME he brings up all this false number people coming in and eating animals. You have to beat his ass again with HE killed the border bill. You can’t let him slide on that. It’s too huge.

“If you really cared and thought it was that important then you shouldn’t have killed the bill Donny! As a matter of fact here’s your homework when you go home. Don’t pout and dont complain, pretend to be presidential for once, call all those representatives you told yo kill the bill and tell them you were wrong. Bring it back”

When he’s talking about eating animals. You gotta clown him and make the idiot sound even more like an idiot

Really Donald? What kinda animal?
How are they catching them?
Are they using seasoning?
Are they going in backyards?
How exactly are they catching them?
What’s your source? Because as the moderates pointed out their own governed says it isn’t happening?
Whats your source?
You’re a convicted lair. Why should we believe you over them?

clown his dumb ass!

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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm surprised that they don't play this more often? Guardian News: Jun 7, 2021

The US vice-president, Kamala Harris, said she had held 'robust' talks with the Guatemalan president, Alejandro Giammattei, as she sought to find ways of deterring undocumented immigration from Central America to the United States. Speaking during a news conference with Giammattei, Harris delivered a blunt message to people thinking of making the dangerous journey north: 'Do not come'

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Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
Platinum Member

Nothing like BTS reporting. This reported reaction confirms that Trump realizes he did NOT have a good night behind the mask of rapid fire freestyle, make it up as you go. But the resident MAGA bros will say it was "about even" or mention short-bus, insignificant narratives of VP Harris not addressing racist AF questions about her background.