Man, for a long time, I laughed about integration being bad. But now I wonder. Because whether folks want to admit it or not, black COMMUNITY is done. Hispanics numbers have gone from 3 percent to close to 20. Asians from under 1 percent to 6 and growing.
Integration would have been great had it not been for others coming here. Asians via immigration visas taking positions up top, while hispanics walked here taking positions from the bottom. Then the 'others' who opened all the stores in what as left of our communities.
From an individual point, we will always succeed. But how do we come back from Hispanics and Asians knocking our community back? It was bad enough just dealing with white folks. And these goofy ass, bootlicking shills have no souls. At least Jews keep shit tight with themselves. Our leaders constantly sell the community out.
3 out the last 4 FED chairpeople been Jewish(they are only 2 percent of the population). Every presidential candidate -- mean twitter man included -- must bow down to Israel. Just let that sink in. Kanye was a fool for what he did. Imagine having all your money tied up with these fools and then publicly shitting on them? Ain't like he converted those positions to gold, bitcoin, pokemon cards, or vintage porn.

He'd been better off buying billions of dollars worth of bullets or toilet paper than keeping his wealth in their control and then shitting on them.
Jews can survive integration because their leaders don't sell them out for scraps. Jews also don't do figurehead positions. All the black community gets is figurehead postions.
Nah the Bruh and SIs community are reinventing themselves..
Its crazy how no matter what happens to us. our numbers will always stay at
like thirteen they say..
but it never changes, even with all the genocide, tuskegee experiments,
Shit is Cosmically Divine bruh.. and it scares the shit out of people keeping tabs
on these things..
SO we good..
but it looks dire now because there is literally no hood, you have a few
bruhs and sisters with businesses spread out the cidy,
but we have no community..
cacs ran from nyc in the seventies, talkin
bout the inner cities going to hell..yet it flourished,
when they left bruh.. NYC culture created a whole
hip hop movement that took over the globe..
cacs came running back,
and look what happend to the culture ever since...
but there are things happening...seeds sprouting,
things are moving so fast, demons dont know what
to do...
the crazy shit is, before thanksgiving..
Ye said, adidas and balcengia will have a BAD
bruh adidas, balaciegia and kim all lookin
pretty stupid rightnow, supportiing pedo shit...
bruh everybody waiting for Ye to just come out with another
Yall cant see the game plan...
focus on a presidential run.... take his whole game
to another level, if he can get his presidential platform
taking serioiusly, where he is on t.v...
debating issues for a possible Run..
he dont have to win..
Just Run...bruh do you KNOW what that will
do to his brand...Globally??
While Ye is on a Christian tour,
his haters adidas and balancegia getting busted
on some pedo demonic shit...
they not lookin good at all bruh!!