Kanye West "There's nobody that gets judged more than a straight white male he is a nazi now." back with a new rant 2025


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Remember this shit.... actual tweet from the house Judiciary committee.

All three have railed against the greatest threat to us all.... discrimination and racism against white men.

BGOL both sides/MAGA crews say AMEN!!!!




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Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Yo this guy is q coon but he has his fans even here. Erase dude u cannt beef with white and blacks ? @playahaitian

A week after his Alex Jones interview I DJ'd a bat mitzvah and got a request for "American Boy." Didn't want to, but the host insisted so I pressed play and held my breath expecting my career to end.....

... And nothing happened. Turns out the people who cry "never again" don't take Kanye seriously either.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
i HEAR you

but historically I don't think just IGNORING hate speech is a good idea.

Denouncing it and shaming is a good thing

We do not want to LOSE that.
The thing is he has a pattern. He always does this crap when a record release is around the corner and then he goes silent again.

It also diminishes the real talking point that some of the criticism is towards as crazy talk. It creates push back or fear for others to speak because they get labelled with him. The same Puff he is talking about he labelled a fed and working with Zionists a few years ago.

They need to speak about the guy needing help. He spoke about possibly helping Kodak Black. He needs the same thing, but giving him attention this always now is just giving him what he is feigning for. He is an attention seeker.

There is a President who says hateful things, but he is there re-elected after having a government building ransacked. The media knows any PR is good PR which is what Kanye is doing. They know this. There's no such thing as bad publicity was said by PT Barnum who ran the circus and the media can be a circus.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
A week after his Alex Jones interview I DJ'd a bat mitzvah and got a request for "American Boy." Didn't want to, but the host insisted so I pressed play and held my breath expecting my career to end.....

... And nothing happened. Turns out the people who cry "never again" don't take Kanye seriously either.
That's the thing. Whoever thought Trump would win a landslide after all that stuff he has said and been through in courts and so on.

Sometimes "cancel culture" is just talk.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
The thing is he has a pattern. He always does this crap when a record release is around the corner and then he goes silent again.

It also diminishes the real talking point that some of the criticism is towards as crazy talk. It creates push back or fear for others to speak because they get labelled with him. The same Puff he is talking about he labelled a fed and working with Zionists a few years ago.

They need to speak about the guy needing help. He spoke about possibly helping Kodak Black. He needs the same thing, but giving him attention this always now is just giving him what he is feigning for. He is an attention seeker.

There is a President who says hateful things, but he is there re-elected after having a government building ransacked. The media knows any PR is good PR which is what Kanye is doing. They know this. There's no such thing as bad publicity was said by PT Barnum who ran the circus and the media can be a circus.

not one lie written


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
That's the thing. Whoever thought Trump would win a landslide after all that stuff he has said and been through in courts and so on.

Sometimes "cancel culture" is just talk.

Cancel culture is a direct response to Donald Trump.

In the 90s and early 2000s edgy racism was somewhat acceptable. Homophobia and sexism was mainstream all the way into the 2010s. De La Soul could say the lyric "work hard like wetbacks" and nobody raised an eyebrow.

Then America elected a guy who grabbed woman by the pussy, called Mexicans rapists, tried to ban Muslims, spread racist birther conspiracies, and openly courted white supremacists. All of that stuff became poisonous overnight.

If it were proven you had ever said anything remotely racist, sexist, homophobic, or anti-immigrant your career was over. Even if it was decades ago. Even if you didn't say anything, showing the smallest amount of support to someone who did would make you just as bad as them.

Notice at all that cancel culture stuff died down as soon as Biden was in office.You still couldn't get away with producing a film like Pulp Fiction or Sin City, but you wouldn't lose your job for something you tweeted in 2012 either.

Now that the Commander in Cheeto is back in office cancel culture will come back bigger than ever. If you own a Tesla I suggest you sell it. Even if you bought it in 2017.