Kanye West "There's nobody that gets judged more than a straight white male he is a nazi now." back with a new rant 2025


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Wait so are niggas still defending Kanye after saying Hitler did good things and Nazi's weren't that bad?
No, but Elon was all about free speech at all costs and never really addressed all the racist tweets towards blacks. Since the racist incel crowd haven't been up in arms, I guess only Ye gets banned and free speech stops at the front door of the Jewish mafia.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
Niggas hate Jews more than they love themselves or their people. I'm convinced that if BGOL was around in then, Hitler would have been a superstar on this board even though he hated Black people too.

"Hitler and Nazis ain't done nothing to me and he keeps it real about those globalist Khazars!" A lot of brothers here (and elsewhere) don't really understand what fascism is or how it operates imo.

Kanye has embarrassed the fuck out of them. Can’t wait to see how they weasel out of this one lol.

I don't think so tbh bruh. Kanye's newest handlers, Milo Y-anapawhateverthefuck and Nick Fuentes are both legit Nazis who revel in laundering fascist propaganda through mainstream and not-so-mainstream outlets. Buzzfeed covered Milo's game pretty well a few years before he was deplatformed. You could see how that little goblin (Nick) could barely contain his glee throughout this interview.

Alex Jones is mainly a grifter but he makes a pretty good living from dog-whistling this insane bullshit (much like Tucker Carlson, Tim Poole and all the other supposedly "mainstream" conservative provocateurs). It's unusual to have a dude saying the quiet part out loud so casually. Most of these guys typically code their fascist bullshit with catch-phrases and plausible deniabillity. Having someone like Kanye out here (a black MEGA star) praising Hitler and Nazis, diminishing their atrocities and trotting out the fucking Jewish Question to a world-wide audience is a dream come true for these sick fucks. Fascists have getting some pretty big dubs over the last 6-7 years or so. Shit is really wild.

Like I said, cursed fucking timeline :smh:


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Niggas hate Jews more than they love themselves or their people. I'm convinced that if BGOL was around in then, Hitler would have been a superstar on this board even though he hated Black people too.

The worst part is that so many of these dudes hate themselves for being Black they would probably also be Nazis.

To all the AMAZINGLY STUPID dudes that would of thought Hitler would of been cool with Black people y'all might want to take a look...



Flawless One
BGOL Investor
"Hitler and Nazis ain't done nothing to me and he keeps it real about those globalist Khazars!" A lot of brothers here (and elsewhere) don't really understand what fascism is or how it operates imo.

So with your logic, slavery wasn't that bad because you personally were not born a slave right?


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
We live in the most cursed timeline imaginable.

And we still got an election in 2024 coming :lol: Reports of a zombie virus this week too. I thought 2020 lockdowns were a twilight zone. Who knows what is coming in 2023 and 2024. WW3 and Zombie apocalypse??:roflmao:

‘Zombie’ viruses are thawing in melting permafrost. But don’t panic — yet
Ancient viruses are locked in Russia’s permafrost. We may soon get a peek.
The thawing of the permafrost due to climate change may expose a vast store of ancient viruses, according to a team of European researchers, who say they have found 13 previously unknown pathogens that had been trapped in the previously frozen ground of Russia’s vast Siberian region.

The scientists found one virus that they estimated had been stranded under a lake more than 48,500 years ago, they said, highlighting a potential new danger from a warming planet: what they called “zombie” viruses.

The same team of French, Russian and German researchers previously isolated ancient viruses from the permafrost and published their findings in 2015. This concentration of fresh viruses suggests that such pathogens are probably more common in the tundra than previously believed, they suggest in a preprint study they published last month on the BioRxiv website, a portal where many scientists circulate their research before it is accepted in a scientific journal.

“Every time we look, we will find a virus,” said Jean-Michel Claverie, a co-author of the study and an emeritus professor of virology at Aix-Marseille Université in France, in a phone interview. “It’s a done deal. We know that every time we’re going to look for viruses, infectious viruses in permafrost, we are going to find some.”

Although the ones they studied were infectious only to amoebas, the researchers said that there was a risk that other viruses trapped in the permafrost for millennia could spread to humans and other animals.

Virologists who were not involved in the research said the specter of future pandemics being unleashed from the Siberian steppe ranks low on the list of current public health threats. Most new — or ancient — viruses are not dangerous, and the ones that survive the deep freeze for thousands of years tend not to be in the category of coronaviruses and other highly infectious viruses that lead to pandemics, they said.

The European team’s findings have not yet been peer-reviewed. But independent virologists said that their findings seemed plausible, and relied on the same techniques that have produced other, vetted results.
The risks from viruses pent up in the Arctic are worth monitoring, several scientists said. Smallpox, for example, has a genetic structure that can hold up under long-term freezing, and if people stumble upon the defrosted corpses of smallpox victims, there is a chance they could be infected anew. Other categories of virus — such as the coronaviruses that cause covid-19 — are more fragile and less likely to survive the deep freeze.
“In nature we have a big natural freezer, which is the Siberian permafrost,” said Paulo Verardi, a virologist who is the head of the Department of Pathobiology and Veterinary Science at the University of Connecticut. “And that can be a little bit concerning,” especially if pathogens are frozen inside animals or people, he said.



Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
And we still got an election in 2024 coming :lol: Reports of a zombie virus this week too. I thought 2020 lockdowns were a twilight zone. Who knows what is coming in 2023 and 2024. WW3 and Zombie apocalypse??:roflmao:

‘Zombie’ viruses are thawing in melting permafrost. But don’t panic — yet
Ancient viruses are locked in Russia’s permafrost. We may soon get a peek.
The thawing of the permafrost due to climate change may expose a vast store of ancient viruses, according to a team of European researchers, who say they have found 13 previously unknown pathogens that had been trapped in the previously frozen ground of Russia’s vast Siberian region.

The scientists found one virus that they estimated had been stranded under a lake more than 48,500 years ago, they said, highlighting a potential new danger from a warming planet: what they called “zombie” viruses.

The same team of French, Russian and German researchers previously isolated ancient viruses from the permafrost and published their findings in 2015. This concentration of fresh viruses suggests that such pathogens are probably more common in the tundra than previously believed, they suggest in a preprint study they published last month on the BioRxiv website, a portal where many scientists circulate their research before it is accepted in a scientific journal.

“Every time we look, we will find a virus,” said Jean-Michel Claverie, a co-author of the study and an emeritus professor of virology at Aix-Marseille Université in France, in a phone interview. “It’s a done deal. We know that every time we’re going to look for viruses, infectious viruses in permafrost, we are going to find some.”

Although the ones they studied were infectious only to amoebas, the researchers said that there was a risk that other viruses trapped in the permafrost for millennia could spread to humans and other animals.

Virologists who were not involved in the research said the specter of future pandemics being unleashed from the Siberian steppe ranks low on the list of current public health threats. Most new — or ancient — viruses are not dangerous, and the ones that survive the deep freeze for thousands of years tend not to be in the category of coronaviruses and other highly infectious viruses that lead to pandemics, they said.

The European team’s findings have not yet been peer-reviewed. But independent virologists said that their findings seemed plausible, and relied on the same techniques that have produced other, vetted results.
The risks from viruses pent up in the Arctic are worth monitoring, several scientists said. Smallpox, for example, has a genetic structure that can hold up under long-term freezing, and if people stumble upon the defrosted corpses of smallpox victims, there is a chance they could be infected anew. Other categories of virus — such as the coronaviruses that cause covid-19 — are more fragile and less likely to survive the deep freeze.
“In nature we have a big natural freezer, which is the Siberian permafrost,” said Paulo Verardi, a virologist who is the head of the Department of Pathobiology and Veterinary Science at the University of Connecticut. “And that can be a little bit concerning,” especially if pathogens are frozen inside animals or people, he said.

Y'all have to stop this.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
:lol: I can't keep up. Chris Paul gets dragged into this. I know Kim hand out pussy like she's been cursed by a gypsie to slut or die, but damn. Being rich, black and accused of fucking Kim isn't fair. It's damn near impossible to disprove. :roflmao:

And he is banned from Twitter again? What a clown. If he would have said he found good in Stalin, heads would have exploded because folks wouldn't know how to react. But he keeps doubling down on the Jew angle.

On the real side, hope he gets help he needs. Man has young kids. This their dad doing this clown shit for the world to see while throwing mama under the bus(not that she don't do it to herself too).


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
I don't follow. Stop what?

Are we not in crazy times with crazy headlines?
Nah you right we are.

That story is being shared all over the place with the implication that it's a virus that will turn you into a zombie. It's pretty clickbaity.

I know you didn't write it. I just hate clickbait and misinfo. Muhfuckas too dumb to play w nowadays.

Wobble Wobble

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The thing is the Germans first tried creating concentration camps on the slave plantation model (Namibia or as it was then called German South-West Africa) ). They would not have sent us to the gas chambers. They would have worked us to death - or, as Kanye put it: We would have chosen to be worked to death.

The worst part is that so many of these dudes hate themselves for being Black they would probably also be Nazis.
To all the AMAZINGLY STUPID dudes that would of thought Hitler would of been cool with Black people y'all might want to take a look...
Last edited:


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Nah you right we are.

That story is being shared all over the place with the implication that it's a virus that will turn you into a zombie. It's pretty clickbaity.

I know you didn't write it. I just hate clickbait and misinfo. Muhfuckas too dumb to play w nowadays.

The thing is it is the mainstream that reported it first which goes right back to this timeline being bizzaro. You would not see this kind of reporting back in the 60s and 70s. The 80s it would be reported in this manner with grocery store line up magazines like National Enquirer. Kanye would also not be given headline news and would be put at the back of newspaper sections as editorials or the funny pages.

SkyNews out of Britain

The Independent

Then you got other news just adding to the paranoia too.



Transnational Member
This narrative about Nazis is completely false, there is another backstory and sane reason Kanye is stepping away from Twitter. I don't want to get involved, my primary focus is getting out of the country.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
The thing is it is the mainstream that reported it first which goes right back to this timeline being bizzaro. You would not see this kind of reporting back in the 60s and 70s. The 80s it would be reported in this manner with grocery store line up magazines like National Enquirer. Kanye would also not be given headline news and would be put at the back of newspaper sections as editorials or the funny pages.

SkyNews out of Britain

The Independent

Then you got other news just adding to the paranoia too.

Exactly! Everybody from top to bottom need they ass whooped honestly.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The thing is it is the mainstream that reported it first which goes right back to this timeline being bizzaro. You would not see this kind of reporting back in the 60s and 70s. The 80s it would be reported in this manner with grocery store line up magazines like National Enquirer. Kanye would also not be given headline news and would be put at the back of newspaper sections as editorials or the funny pages.

SkyNews out of Britain

The Independent

Then you got other news just adding to the paranoia too.

I just said they gonna blame the failure of this experimental drug

yall THINK is a vaccine..

on some new variant they pulled out their asses...

bruh there is cure for everything... in some fake ass

zomie bullshit virus...

six almonds and some seamoss bruh BOOM!

zombie virus eliminated!!!


fuck their fear bruh.. its all bullshit PROPAGANDA!!

the more you go outside and cut off,

mass media...

the more you realize its all mindfuckery to

keep you feeling helpless, these energy

vamps really feed off the fear of the

easily scurred..

dont be a scurred lil bitch like the Fed

jack walsh..

be a SuperHero like Mrfreddygoodbud,

no time fo faggotry type ass knigga


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I just said they gonna blame the failure of this experimental drug

yall THINK is a vaccine..

on some new variant they pulled out their asses...

bruh there is cure for everything... in some fake ass

zomie bullshit virus...

six almonds and some seamoss bruh BOOM!

zombie virus eliminated!!!


fuck their fear bruh.. its all bullshit PROPAGANDA!!

the more you go outside and cut off,

mass media...

the more you realize its all mindfuckery to

keep you feeling helpless, these energy

vamps really feed off the fear of the

easily scurred..

dont be a scurred lil bitch like the Fed

jack walsh..

be a SuperHero like Mrfreddygoodbud,

no time fo faggotry type ass knigga

Personally, I think the article is them giving people a red flag about something down the line. Just as CDC put out this blog about zombies and preparing for some kind of breakout.

Not scared at all. Just now how this media thing works and the powers that be behind it. Just as Trump, Biden, and Harris were talking about Abraham Lincoln and Hitler in the last couple of years. Then world war 3 talk ramped up in the media. They are allowing this talk and sensationalism to go on for some reason that may come more evident or maybe not. Maybe it is just a fallout of how social media has taken over the world.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Personally, I think the article is them giving people a red flag about something down the line. Just as CDC put out this blog about zombies and preparing for some kind of breakout.

Not scared at all. Just now how this media thing works and the powers that be behind it. Just as Trump, Biden, and Harris were talking about Abraham Lincoln and Hitler in the last couple of years. Then world war 3 talk ramped up in the media. They are allowing this talk and sensationalism to go on for some reason that may come more evident or maybe not. Maybe it is just a fallout of how social media has taken over the world.

they not really talkin about it

but they lowkey pancking in london


six young children died

from a type of strep throat...