Kanye West "There's nobody that gets judged more than a straight white male he is a nazi now." back with a new rant 2025

Akata King

Send them back!!
BGOL Investor


Staff member

Thanks Man, I still don't know why they won't go back to selling album downloads.
I have said this before, let an artist place a single from his/her album on Spotify.
If a person wants to hear more from that album, they can pay ($9.95 just an example)
Through Spotify or whatever streaming service for full access to that entire album.
That solves the problem. Spotify them becomes more of an advertising tool just like radio was back in the day.

The Music Industry panicked when Napster and Kazaa etc came into existence.
During the height of Napster artist were still going Gold and Platinum.
They just couldn't stand the idea of them not getting all the money.

If you take a look at boxing right now, boxer are still making good money from Pay Per View.
Anyone with any knowledge can still watch any fight for free, but a large number of people still would rather pay and be done with it.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
This nigga is mentally gone. The only person who kept his head on straight was his momma.
Slightly different take. His behavior is because he feels responsible for the death of his mother. Clearly, he couldn't tell her what to do, but it's likely he provided the funds or safety net if she used her own funds. He likely feels like he should have stopped (or done more) her from the unnecessary operation. Mentally that's alot to put on yourself and not decline mentally.

That or long term effects from the crash.


Electric Relaxation
BGOL Investor
This dude pushed away all his “friends” by being fake AF. And the hiphop community should’ve called him out on his fakeness but we didn’t

Haven’t co-signed Kanye in almost 10 years.

Save yourself nigga.
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