Your post was a topic of conversation so I was not directly talking to you
No the fuck it was not you quoted me and SPECIFICALLY said "that would be self hate and the dumbest shit I ever seen." Then in the same quote response you said "every black person didn't grow up in poverty."
So I'll ask your slow ass again, where in anything that I typed mention or insinuate growing up in poverty?
What I said was being black is having shared experiences, MEANING that black people, no matter the distance between us, have a lot of shared experiences. Even though we don't know each other, haven't seen each other, haven't met, chopped it up, had a drink together, there are some things within the black community that are shared and make us closer to one another than we may think.
A brother already gave 1 example with "the nod" when in a setting where there are few black people around... THAT'S a shared experience that only black people have. Other POC will more than likely assimilate with the majority ethnic group in that setting, but not us. We might not get to it that very second, but somehow we gonna find our way to each other and talk shit about what's going on. THAT'S JUST US.
Like for instance, if I say my grandmother had a big wooden fork and spoon on the wall in her kitchen, I'D BE WILLING TO BET MY ENTIRE MONTH'S SALARY that someone on this message board that I don't know from fckn Adam can say "mine did too!"
If I say "finish this sentence: stop crying before (__________________)," somebody on this board will fill in the blank.
I could go on all day with this shit.
These are shared life experiences in the black community that NO OTHER ETHNIC GROUP can say they have. This is why it's even called THE BLACK COMMUNITY, because that's what we are you dumb fuck.
Honestly now that I put things together, you in here stanning real hard for a half breed foreigner that's trying his best to insert himself into black American culture even though he's never experienced it because he's a jew that grew up in suburban Toronto and wouldn't know the struggle (that's another way of saying BEING BLACK and doesn't necessarily mean actually struggling) if it pulled up to his front door and shit on his porch.
You relate to him way too much. Then your chosen user name (brown turd) is definitely on some self hate shit because no black person in their right mind would call themselves that.
Have you checked into the verification thread, white boy?