Kevin Sorbo (Former Hercules Actor) - Ferguson Protesters Are Animals

The Technician

Formerly Commandernchief
BGOL Investor

Kevin Sorbo’s insane, racist Ferguson rant: Calls protesters “losers” and “animals”


Kevin Sorbo has a few thoughts on Ferguson, and they are very, very, very bad. (I guess that’s how a B-list actor manages to stay relevant these days?) The former “Hercules” star has penned a truly insane, horrible, racist rant on Facebook, calling the protesters in Ferguson “losers” and “animals.” Ferguson, a predominantly black community, is just one of the many that has experienced racial profiling by police who see black kids as thugs, and Old Herc apparently agrees with that sort of profiling.

Therefore, Sorbo can’t seem to understand why people are upset that police shot and killed an unarmed kid and then used excessive force against everyone who spoke out against it (including journalists who were there to report on it). Here’s the rant:

Ferguson riots have very little to do with the shooting of the young man. It is an excuse to be the losers these animals truly are. It is a tipping point to frustration built up over years of not trying, but blaming everyone else, The Man, for their failures. It’s always someone else’s fault when you give up. Hopefully this is a reminder to the African Americans ( I always thought we just Americans. Oh, well.) that their President the voted in has only made things worse for them, not better.​

He goes on to quote an article by Alicia Colon in the right-wing publication Jewish World Review, in which Colon writes victim-blamey things like, “Those with open minds would question why the mothers of these so-called martyrs (Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin) are hogging the media airwaves when they were not even around their grown children’s lives at the time of their deaths.” It’s really terrible stuff, and I’m sorry that you had to read any of this.

CAC Apology: (As if it matters)

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Wait for it.....
OG Investor
Classic CAC moments of uncontrolled racism oozing out of the faceholes are
always followed up with an apology or 2 when their managers and agents remind
them of the $$$$$$ they could loose:smh:


Classic CAC moments of uncontrolled racism oozing out of the faceholes are
always followed up with an apology or 2 when their managers and agents remind
them of the $$$$$$ they could loose:smh:

LOL, Kevin Sorbo has no $$$ to lose, mofo is STILL butthurt that he didn't even get asked to be in The Rock's "Hercules"!:lol:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
LOL, Kevin Sorbo has no $$$ to lose, mofo is STILL butthurt that he didn't even get asked to be in The Rock's "Hercules"!:lol:

And even further proof why he couldn't deal with his character on "ANDROMEDA" being constantly upstaged by this Brother...


Even WHITE fans of the show were pissed when Tyr was written off the show, and then later killed off when he returned.

Sorbo has been well known to have massive ego issues.
I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of those are racial.
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
And even further proof why he couldn't deal with his character on "ANDROMEDA" being constantly upstaged this Brother...


Even WHITE fans of the show were pissed when Tyr was written off the show, and then later killed off when he returned.

Sorbo has been well known to have massive ego issues.
I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of those are racial.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He just a "D' class actor trying to get any attention he can :smh: .. Mad cause he was not asked to be in the Expendables :lol:

Kwame Coltrane

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That was the worst "apology" ive ever heard. He just went on another rant and ended it with "it was stupid of me to post it" :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And he wonders why he can't get any work after his shitty Hercules series but that Xena chick was getting drilled in Spartacus and is constantly working. :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
LOL, Kevin Sorbo has no $$$ to lose, mofo is STILL butthurt that he didn't even get asked to be in The Rock's "Hercules"!:lol:

movie was a flop so he didnt have anything to worry about :lol:

And he wonders why he can't get any work after his shitty Hercules series but that Xena chick was getting drilled in Spartacus and is constantly working. :smh:

shouldve told her to put in a good word for him to the showrunners of Agents Of SHIELD

Rocky Miavia

BGOL Investor
Yeah, this is the same CaC who was hoping he'd get a cameo in The Rock's Hercules film. The fuck you wanna be in a movie with an "animal"? :hmm:

Multi - Personality

Rising Star
Wasn't he the voice of Hercules on God of War and got the worst beating on that game? Guess he Stays posing to black men.

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Rising Star
OG Investor
This mofo is the worst actor ever, i could never watch any show he was in.
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