Kevin Sorbo (Former Hercules Actor) - Ferguson Protesters Are Animals


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

WE invented the word
"We" didn't invent that word.
White people did. And now they've "convinced" soft headed fools from the Black Community that it's a term of endearment among ourselves.

Think about it.
How often do you see other races/ethnicities publicly using negative racial pejoratives to refer one another? How often do you see, or hear music or witness:
- Italians call each other Wop or Dago?
- Asians call each other Chink or Slant?
- Mexicans call each other Wetback or Beaner?
- Jews call each other Kike or Heeb?
- Native Americans call each other Redskin or Injun?
But you DO find Blacks actually being encouraged to refer to each other with a negative title placed on us by White Systemic Racism.

And what's WORSE is they've got you so brainwashed that you actually believe Blacks "invented" the word...
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
His story?

And Nigga is a Black American word.

THATS the only word I’m focused on.
"Nigga" IS NOT a "Black American" word. :hmm:
It's a derivative of a racial slur created by (and still used by) White people.
- It was never created by Black people.
- It still has a negative meaning.
- Black people don't "own" it.
This is just more proof that you've been brainwashed and you're a willing participant in your own degradation.
Please stop trying to defend ignorance and promoting White supremacy.

A lesson from the late, great Richard Pryor:



Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
"Nigga" IS NOT a "Black American" word. :hmm:
It's a derivative of a racial slur created by (and still used by) White people.
- It was never created by Black people.
- It still has a negative meaning.
- Black people don't "own" it.
This is just more proof that you've been brainwashed and you're a willing participant in your own degradation.
Please stop trying to defend ignorance and promoting White supremacy.

A lesson from the late, great Richard Pryor:

Have u been to the hand thread?

Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor
Next time yall update and bump this thread I want it to read, “Rest In Piss Kevin Sorbo” :hmm: