Kevin Sorbo (Former Hercules Actor) - Ferguson Protesters Are Animals

An RnB Thug

El Capitan of The LOVE BOAT
Platinum Member
Actor Kevin Serbo: Fergurson Protestors are "Animals & Loses"


Former "Hercules" star, political conservative and outspoken Christian Kevin Sorbo unleashed a Facebook rant about the protestors in Ferguson, Missouri, labeling them "animals" and "losers."

Sorbo took to Facebook Wednesday, Aug. 20, to discuss the Ferguson protestors who have been calling for justice since the shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown by police officer Darren Wilson on Aug. 9. The actor criticized those who have been gathering in the St. Louis suburb for having what he said are ulterior motives.

"Ferguson riots have very little to do with the shooting of the young man," Sorbo wrote. "It is an excuse to be the losers these animals truly are. It is a tipping point to frustration built up over years of not trying, but blaming everyone else, The Man, for their failures. It's always someone else's fault when you give up. Hopefully this is a reminder to the African Americans ( I always thought we just Americans. Oh, well.) that their President the voted in has only made things worse for them, not better."

He then copy and pasted a portion of text from an article written by Alicia Colon for the Jewish World Review titled "Media Clueless About the Inner City." In her article, Colon -- who is also a Breitbart columnist -- accuses the press of catering to "media whores seek only to generate news that reflects their own bleeding heart ideology."

The media's frenzy that descended upon Ferguson, Mo. once again demonstrates its complete ignorance of life in the inner city. Anyone who has survived the barrios and the ghettos would recognize the usual cast of characters that converge on these incidents and would stay far away from them. But no-these media lapdogs shove mikes in their faces and actually believe their 'eyewitness' versions that nearly always turn out to be bogus and nothing other than a self-serving photo op.

Conservative rantings are nothing new from Sorbo, who currently appears in Investigation Discovery's "Heartbreakers." Earlier this week, Sorbo dubbed atheists "angry" while promoting his recent film, "God Is Not Dead," in which he plays an atheist, according to RawStory. Last year, he took aim at Hollywood for liberal hypocrisy.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There goes the little career he had to begin with. Maybe he can go shack up with Stacy Dash. She's a cac-lover coon.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
LOL, Kevin Sorbo has no $$$ to lose, mofo is STILL butthurt that he didn't even get asked to be in The Rock's "Hercules"!:lol:

Probably is boiling his blood that not only is a black actor playing the role that made him famous but he couldn't even get a damn cameo. :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He looks like he uses the same bath towel to wash his ass and his face. eff him.

Oh shit. That's damn hilarious. When your face smells like a seat on the train and your ass smells like facial scrub, you have very unhealthy hygiene standards.

conspiracy Bro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
After reading the whole thing Kevin Sorbo is racist as fuck. He hates Latinos too calling them savages and barbarians. If he had a career that post would have ended it.
He looks like he uses the same bath towel to wash his ass and his face. eff him.


I'm going to look for an opportunity to say that tonight.


Wow that was some blatantly racist shit

And it was a general rant towards blacks, not specifically targeting looters like claims

That entire first paragraph was just foul as fuck

It's more than obvious to me that he's been a hateful racist for a long time

I'm boycotting the shit out of him


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Kevin who? I know a Kevin Hart who happens to be relevant.
I used to hear about a Kevin Costner.
Who exactly is this Kevin?


You can never expect someone's who's entire life is based around handouts because of their whiteness to understand. My entire life was altered by one racist woman in California. Of course I kept trying, but I would probably still be living on the west coast 12 years later if I never had to deal with housing discrimination in the Bay Area. They don't know what it's like for someone to completely change their "tune" toward them when they see the color of their skin. They will never have to pick up on the intonations of judgement in a persons voice, like "oh you're black" (not white like you "sounded on the phone). They will never be considered criminal for having a car full of your life's possessions and a dream of moving cross country.:smh: we don't make this shit up, they make up and lie about history and make up damn near everything to suit their agenda (racists). [/rant]


After reading the whole thing Kevin Sorbo is racist as fuck. He hates Latinos too calling them savages and barbarians. If he had a career that post would have ended it.

I'm pissed that I used to watch his show.. :smh:

I used to like that corny ass shit..


Support BGOL
He looks like he uses the same bath towel to wash his ass and his face. eff him.


Most of them do though


Support BGOL
He just said what I believe a lot of white folks want to say out loud. I wonder what he thinks when whites tear down street lights and flip over cars when their favorite team wins a championship. Some CACs think that our ignorant acts are more uncivilized than theirs.:angry::angry:


BGOL Legend

Wow that was some blatantly racist shit

And it was a general rant towards blacks, not specifically targeting looters like claims

That entire first paragraph was just foul as fuck

It's more than obvious to me that he's been a hateful racist for a long time

I'm boycotting the shit out of him

that's going to be difficult since his fake fabio ass can't get any real work.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
LOL, Kevin Sorbo has no $$$ to lose, mofo is STILL butthurt that he didn't even get asked to be in The Rock's "Hercules"!:lol:
this here^^^^^^^

Sorbo argued that Brown’s death should be a “reminder to the African Americans ( I always thought we just Americans. Oh, well.) that their President the voted in has only made things worse for them, not better.”

:angry:This is the shit that really gets me about these so-called conservatives. So its Obama's fault that racists have become even more racists? By that logic, would electing someone like Adolf Hilter make racists behave?

FUCK OUTTA HERE:angry::angry:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fuck this racist. That last sentence he typed is racist as fuck..."their president"? President Obama is Kevin Sorbo's racist bitch ass president as well. I never really checked for him because he's a below average actor, but I hope he doesn't work a job again.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Gee; I wonder who Mr. Sorbo voted for in the last presidential election...:rolleyes:

Just another angry white guy who takes any chance to blame President Obama for anything that goes wrong in this country.:hmm:

Mentor B

"All literature is protest."
Kevin Sorbo is the type of cowardly racist that wouldn't even admit white supremacy is a realistic practice in American society.

It's like they want to act as though they're completely oblivious to it. But deep, deep, deep down inside they would like for it to remain perpetual.

I ain't stupid. I know exactly how these CAC bastards think.

Wack ass loser ass actor.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Gee; I wonder who Mr. Sorbo voted for in the last presidential election...:rolleyes:

Just another angry white guy who takes any chance to blame President Obama for anything that goes wrong in this country.:hmm:

oh he was mad as hell that Romney lost..was saying some slick shit on twitter too(along with chuck norris,janine turner,cowboy troy and stacy dash :rolleyes: )