Kyrie... Nets Condemn Antisemitic Film & Book?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

I hope Tony happy now.

But I swear...

If he ain't LOUD AND VOCAL the next time a Black person is the target of any manner of hate?

Woo buddy.


See how they doing Lebron?

Tony at PTI and all the others were killing Lebron.

First it's why ain't say nothing.

Then good Lebron you said something but why weren't you harder on Kyrie?

Then its - why you telling us to back off Kyrie???

You can't win.

So I hope the public understands why these celebrities don't want to ever say serious stuff

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
Below is what's quoted and what's in the documentary that's got some in an uproar:

(The Jews have established five major falsehoods which work to conceal their nature and protect their status and power, to wit:

1) The Jews are Israelites, and thus God’s chosen people;
2) Jesus Christ was a Jew;
3) That 6 million Jews were killed in a holocaust during WW II;
4) That all races are equal, or that all are brothers; and,
5) That the Jews are just another religious group.)
Thank you bro

I already posted this

And I'm sure it's been posted already

And it's folk continuing to act like things like this are OK or just a typo along with the Hitler mis-quotes - that is making it difficult for many to even try to sympathize with Kyrie.

You can't just throw a rock and hide your hands

Or just claim you didn't know it was a rock

Or you didn't mean to hit anyone.

Now all that being said?

What they doing to that man NOW?

Is complete and utter bullsh*t public shaming

And Jewish folk since Nick Cannon and BEFORE that have tried to warn their community that public whipping like this will backfire in a massive way they are not gonna be able to handle.

Cause even someone like me who thinks Kyrie is a pain in the ass?

Doing THIS to bring him to his knees?

Is really making a lot of the "lies" seem very not.

So yall just gonna omit that those whole 5 lines were quoted and attritubuted by a jew in the movie huh?
ok cool


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Come let's not rehash the entire situation all over again.

Kyrie didn't answer the man's texts. So he most likely wasn't answering his phone calls so there was no chance of a meeting.

Bro honestly?

I completely forgot that. Been in and out on this.

Just happy this is getting resolved.

I also hope we don't see crowds booing Kyrie once he returns.

Every one just needs to move forward.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
So yall just gonna omit that those whole 5 lines were quoted and attritubuted by a jew in the movie huh?
ok cool

At this point we gonna just move on.

There is really nothing more to discuss at least on my part.

I ain't seen the movie myself which I said multiple times no plans too.

Hopefully we can all move past this.

Peace to Kyrie he apologized, let him play and I hope this rise of antisemitism being reported is brought to a halt.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So yall just gonna omit that those whole 5 lines were quoted and attritubuted by a jew in the movie huh?
ok cool

I simply posted what was in the documentary that people appears to be upset about.

I didn't state that Kyrie, the movie producer, director or host said it.

But feel free to paint any picture that you like.


Rising Star
what i am saying is what did u expect to happen?
they just bow down on some u right we evil?

they control the narrative to the point we are not even seen as humans

u want to fight the system with so called good cacs around?
maaan never going to happen. this shit will be forgotten by next year
and a new ky or keap or whoever will happen again

again as long as we dont own shit
nothin is going to happen
what i am saying is what did u expect to happen?
they just bow down on some u right we evil?

they control the narrative to the point we are not even seen as humans

u want to fight the system with so called good cacs around?
maaan never going to happen. this shit will be forgotten by next year
and a new ky or keap or whoever will happen again

again as long as we dont own shit
nothin is going to happen
So basically you're saying it's an inescapable feedback loop


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bro honestly?

I completely forgot that. Been in and out on this.

Just happy this is getting resolved.

I also hope we don't see crowds booing Kyrie once he returns.

Every one just needs to move forward.

Yes, I too am happy that it's getting resolved.

They didn't boo him in the last game that he played, I also didn't hear any boos when the Jewish fans sat courtside with the t-shirts.

The media's the one's that elevated the story, made everyone pay attention to the story and blew it out of proportion.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Bro honestly?

I completely forgot that. Been in and out on this.

Just happy this is getting resolved.

I also hope we don't see crowds booing Kyrie once he returns.

Every one just needs to move forward.

The biggest hope is that we’re not back here a month from now because Kyrie did something else.

But glad this is getting resolved.

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
At this point we gonna just move on.

There is really nothing more to discuss at least on my part.

I ain't seen the movie myself which I said multiple times no plans too.

Hopefully we can all move past this.

Peace to Kyrie he apologized, let him play and I hope this rise of antisemitism being reported is brought to a halt.
I simply posted what was in the documentary that people appears to be upset about.

I didn't state that Kyrie, the movie producer, director or host said it.

But feel free to paint any picture that you like.
I saw the doc and did a mini review in this thread.
I don't like to speak on things I know nothing about.
People are willing to throw the baby out with the bath water.
That text appears on screen for 15secs in a 3 hour film.

At the end of day the Jews got people scared to check their shit and question. Hopefully those days are coming to an end.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I saw the doc and did a mini review in this thread.
I don't like to speak on things I know nothing about.
People are willing to throw the baby out with the bath water.
That text appears on screen for 15secs in a 3 hour film.

At the end of day the Jews got people scared to check their shit and question. Hopefully those days are coming to an end.

I watched an hour of it because I wanted to see what it was about and if it was that bad.

Once I got to that portion I realized what they were upset about.

It was asked repeatedly in this thread what parts of the film were deemed antisemitic. I found it and posted it.

As you pointed out, the source of the statement is an issue within itself...

To the Jews.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Yes, I too am happy that it's getting resolved.

They didn't boo him in the last game that he played, I also didn't hear any boos when the Jewish fans sat courtside with the t-shirts.

The media's the one's that elevated the story, made everyone pay attention to the story and blew it out of proportion.

I saw the doc and did a mini review in this thread.
I don't like to speak on things I know nothing about.
People are willing to throw the baby out with the bath water.
That text appears on screen for 15secs in a 3 hour film.

At the end of day the Jews got people scared to check their shit and question. Hopefully those days are coming to an end.
I watched an hour of it because I wanted to see what it was about and if it was that bad.

Once I got to that portion I realized what they were upset about.

It was asked repeatedly in this thread what parts of the film were deemed antisemitic. I found it and posted it.

As you pointed out, the source of the statement is an issue within itself...

To the Jews.


Appreciate and agree with ALL this

Thank you brothers


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think that sometimes people think too much of influencers/celebrities/and the like and not realizing that despite the wealth and access, they're all human beings. Not everyone is gonna be as adept or forward thinking to be like hey let me put my resources towards finding out XYZ. His journey could've started like the way many of us go down the rabbit hole with many things, coming across something interesting on the internet and just continuing doing research about it there, learning/finding information from others through message boards etc.. If you're already finding content, the thought isn't gonna hit everyone to be like hey let me put money or contact so and so to get more information. He probably never even finished the documentary, probably watched parts of it and resonated with it and shared it. Again, we are all human. And it's sad that being a known figure in the public takes away your freedom to just share things you have an interest in without judgement or persecution. I'm sure everyone here has had a moment where they shared incorrect or controversial information once or twice. It would suck to be stoned because of it, especially when you're not sharing it to harm anyone. I hope things work out for him, but if there's anything I took away from this situation is that we need more of us at the head instead of the tail.
Beautiful post


International Member
The media's the one's that elevated the story, made everyone pay attention to the story and blew it out of proportion.
as they alwways do
mind u they have to get permission and who is giving that?

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
ANNNNNNNNND a time magazine was ran by a jew..

Time magazine NAMED HITLER

MAN OF THE YEAR!!!!!!i in 1938..
Had to look this up to see if it were true. It took me about 10 minutes to find out that it's, unsurprisingly, false.

Henry Luce, who founded Time, Life, Fortune, and Sports Illustrated, was running the magazine at that time. He wasn't Jewish.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
She's wrong, Lebron spoke almost a week ago on the issue. She's just looking for another reason to shit in a Black man.

Black people didn't like Lebron's comments about Kyrie which is why he was condemned.


She always wrong

I have no idea why this isn't just taken as a given every time she opens her mouth


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Had to look this up to see if it were true. It took me about 10 minutes to find out that it's, unsurprisingly, false.

Henry Luce, who founded Time, Life, Fortune, and Sports Illustrated, was running the magazine at that time. He wasn't Jewish.

Yes that is absolutely correct,

He was married to one.

but at the time jews were coming UP through organized crime

and running hollywood.. and the porn industry...

but here is what NOBODY is talkin bout, if you want something to research..



A thousand.... TEn thousand... Fifty thousand..



and dont get me started on that anti semitism dumb shit,

thats just retarded!!
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Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor

I shouldve said jewish influenced..

His wife..

Lila Ross Hotz, the daughter of Robert Schuttler Hotz, an inventor and financier
He had been divorced from Hotz for 3 years by 1938 though. He was married to Clare Booth Luce in 1935.

Furthermore, he hated communism and promoted anyone who was anti-communist like Hitler. He didn't need to be influenced to put him on the cover.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He had been divorced from Hotz for 3 years by 1938 though. He was married to Clare Booth Luce in 1935.

Furthermore, he hated communism and promoted anyone who was anti-communist like Hitler. He didn't need to be influenced to put him on the cover.

No argument here, but moot,

real topics to discuss here


How many Jews were in Hitlers Army???

and why doesnt anyone actually

read the definition of ANTISEMITISM

because to call someone that is the most stupidest thing ever!!!

The Time magazine point

was how influential were the jews IF



three years after the war ends..

Isreal becomes a THING!!

How influential were the zionist at that time,

and how much influence did they actually have on world war 2..

because Hitler wanted peace..

can you research that and get back to me..
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Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
No argument here, but moot,

real topics to discuss here


How many Jews were in Hitlers Army???

and why doesnt anyone actually

read the definition of ANTISEMITISM

because to call someone that is the most stupidest thing ever!!!

The Time magazine point

was how influential were the jews IF



three years after the war ends..

Isreal becomes a THING!!

How influential were the zionist at that time,

and how much influence did they actually have on world war 2..

because Hitler wanted peace..

can you research that and get back to me..
What "real topics"? I don't see any real topics. I know there were mischlings, part-Jews, who were nazis but I don't believe there were very many of them.

While Semite means any group who speaks a Semitic language -- Arabs, Ethiopians, Jews, etc -- the word "anti-Semite" has always been used to denote anti-Jewish views.

Hitler "wanted peace"? He had a funny way of showing it by first attacking Poland after agreeing not to do so in Munich anr then attacking the USSR, breaking his pact with Stalin.