Kyrie... Nets Condemn Antisemitic Film & Book?

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
How many jews today have "distant" jewish ancestory but are

still counted as jews??

first you had NO idea how many were in his army?

Now you are telling me, they ALL Were quasi jews,

Well then what are the Jews who go around calling themselves Jews today,

who are not from Semetic speaking lands at all, and most can trace their roots

to Slavic germanic people...?

are they NOT quasi jews.





it aint germanic jews breh!!!

Impressed yet?? LOL yea I bet you aint!!!

now make this about me and avoid THESE FACTS,

like all the good little agent boys do!!!

jews supported Hitler..

and some STILL DO..



Less well known is the story of Helmuth Wilberg (1880–1941), one of Germany’s first fighter pilots. In 1917–1918 Wilberg had approximately seventy squadrons under his command, and in the 1920s, he was considered the leading theoretician of aviation in the Reichswehr. Göring wanted to appoint Luftwaffe General Wilberg as Chief of Staff of the Air Force, but it was discovered that the pilot’s mother was Jewish. Not willing to lose such a valuable ally, Göring made him his “honorary Aryan,” commissioning him to develop the doctrine of the German Air Force. Wilberg was one of the authors of the Blitzkrieg strategy and took part in the Polish campaign. He died in a plane crash in November 1941.

Wash Helmuth WILBERG


Hey Im just here to plant seeds of thought!!!!
You're uneducated. You didn't even know who the Mischlinge were. You claimed they were "Jews."

The Nuremberg Laws also determined who was a Mischling, or part-Jew. Two Jewish grandparents made you a first degree Mischling, whilst one Jewish grandparent resulted in a second degree categorization. These definitions meant that over 1.5 million people in Germany were considered either full Jews or Mischlinge in 1935 – approximately 2.3 per cent of the population. Many people who had never practised Judaism and who considered themselves ethnically German were now declared members of a supposedly inferior, non-German racial group.

Even if you want to count the Mischlinge as Jews, 150k would only be 10% of the population in Germany alone. It would be even less when you count Austria and the Sudentenland which became part of Germany before WWII.

Furthermore, the Wehrmact (Nazi Getmany's military) had 18 million active duty personnel. That means the 150k Mischlinge would make up less than 1% (0.83%) of the military. As I said, that's not very many.

Göring wanted to appoint Luftwaffe General Wilberg as Chief of Staff of the Air Force, but it was discovered that the pilot’s mother was Jewish. Not willing to lose such a valuable ally, Göring made him his “honorary Aryan,” commissioning him to develop the doctrine of the German Air Force.

"Honorary Aryan" was the title the nazis gave to persons they believed inferior to them but useful toward the nazi cause.

If the nazis loved Jews so much, as you claim, why would they have to confer that title toward any nazi who had Jewish heritage? The answer should be obvious.

The nazis hated Jews. The problem was that Jews had been part of German society so long that they were bound to be part of the ancestry of some Germans.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Aww, you're in your feels. I schooled you and now you're upset.

You already conceded I was right about Luce running Time magazine in 1938 but now you want bring the topic up again. Why do you feel so threatened?

Uh No argument is not conceding, a cofounder is just a cofounder, who was a skull and bones members, skull and bones members


I know you are NOT on the level for that type of debate so, I will NOT ARGUE that with you.

But just like I predicted this was ABOUT ME and NOT the topic..

thanks for exposing yourself Agent....!!

Get over it




CMON SON, it almost seems like I suckered you into the slaughter like a dumb PIG!!


I would NEVER do such a thing....!!!

Where that extensive research of yours at NOW???


Do you THINK HITLER was Jewish???

Do you think the Jews in Isreal today,

are acting Just like Hitler with their

Treatment of the Palestinians???

Just asking questions and planting seeds??

and wondering where your extensive research skills vanished to,

seemed like its been reduced to agent like ad hominem which

I BEEN called out in my sig, you should read it some time...!

if you want to argue who Ran Time Magazine, I could easily shut

your little offical narrative down.

If you are willing to get slaughtered..

I was tryin to play nice and help you save face...

Youd be a naive little nancy if you think a skull and bones member

calls his own shots...!!

a REAL naive little nancy bruh!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You're uneducated. You didn't even know who the Mischlinge were. You claimed they were "Jews."

The Nuremberg Laws also determined who was a Mischling, or part-Jew. Two Jewish grandparents made you a first degree Mischling, whilst one Jewish grandparent resulted in a second degree categorization. These definitions meant that over 1.5 million people in Germany were considered either full Jews or Mischlinge in 1935 – approximately 2.3 per cent of the population. Many people who had never practised Judaism and who considered themselves ethnically German were now declared members of a supposedly inferior, non-German racial group.

Even if you want to count the Mischlinge as Jews, 150k would only be 10% of the population in Germany alone. It would be even less when you count Austria and the Sudentenland which became part of Germany before WWII.

Furthermore, the Wehrmact (Nazi Getmany's military) had 18 million active duty personnel. That means the 150k Mischlinge would make up less than 1% (0.83%) of the military. As I said, that's not very many.

"Honorary Aryan" was the title the nazis gave to persons they believed inferior to them but useful toward the nazi cause.

If the nazis loved Jews so much, as you claim, why would they have to confer that title toward any nazi who had Jewish heritage? The answer should be obvious.

The nazis hated Jews. The problem was that Jews had been part of German society so long that they were bound to be part of the ancestry of some Germans.

Bruh YOU mentioned them...

You think all a hundred thousand plus jews were quasi JEWS..

Was Helmuth Wiberg a "michenge' or whatever you "educated" ass

was indoctrinated with? because thats all education is, but you

wouldnt know that,

just like you dont know you over your head right now..and Im just playing nice...!

but lets get back to Helmuth Wiberg, he had SEVENTY SQUADRONS under his command,

His MOTHER WAS A JEW you know that all it takes right???

So he didnt know his mother was A jew???

What about the "hundreds' that were FULL JEWS...

Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called ‘full Jews’ served in the military with Hitler’s knowledge. The Nazis allowed these men to serve but at the same time exterminated their families,” Rigg said.


You have no idea Im leading you down a rabbit hole




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Aww, you're in your feels. I schooled you and now you're upset.

You already conceded I was right about Luce running Time magazine in 1938 but now you want bring the topic up again. Why do you feel so threatened?

You didnt school anybody, you just opened a box you cant close...

members of secret societys DONT RUN SHIT


but the clueless indoctrinate ahem.. I mean "EDUCATED" will never know

because they have no logic of their own and just run with official narratives.

Im not an indoctrinated official narrative kind of guy, I question everything



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You're uneducated. You didn't even know who the Mischlinge were. You claimed they were "Jews."

The Nuremberg Laws also determined who was a Mischling, or part-Jew. Two Jewish grandparents made you a first degree Mischling, whilst one Jewish grandparent resulted in a second degree categorization. These definitions meant that over 1.5 million people in Germany were considered either full Jews or Mischlinge in 1935 – approximately 2.3 per cent of the population. Many people who had never practised Judaism and who considered themselves ethnically German were now declared members of a supposedly inferior, non-German racial group.

Even if you want to count the Mischlinge as Jews, 150k would only be 10% of the population in Germany alone. It would be even less when you count Austria and the Sudentenland which became part of Germany before WWII.

Furthermore, the Wehrmact (Nazi Getmany's military) had 18 million active duty personnel. That means the 150k Mischlinge would make up less than 1% (0.83%) of the military. As I said, that's not very many.

"Honorary Aryan" was the title the nazis gave to persons they believed inferior to them but useful toward the nazi cause.

If the nazis loved Jews so much, as you claim, why would they have to confer that title toward any nazi who had Jewish heritage? The answer should be obvious.

The nazis hated Jews. The problem w=rewf

What were the Nazi's accusing the Jews of?

They just hated jews for NO reason??


Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
See how most of these Black media personalities are beginning to switch teams. They noticed the tide changing direction due to grassroots black support, and now they are saving themselves from the onslaught of blame to come. Fuck them all! Shannon, I thought you were different.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
See how most of these Black media personalities are beginning to switch teams. They noticed the tide changing direction due to grassroots black support, and now they are saving themselves from the onslaught of blame to come. Fuck them all! Shannon, I thought you were different.

When we come together, the few times we do.

We cannot be stopped... and they do NOT want this rock rolling down their hill to big up steam and turn into something bigger,

I know adidas and nike feeling kinda queasy right now...

the last think this system wants an needs is



they all fucked up now,


Even though I dont agree with all of it, Like we all came from African... I do agree with the premise,

I also know, Most of the Incidents in the Bible..


Most of the biblical events

Happened ON THESE SHORES...South, Central and North America..


but this is the AGE of TRUTH and RETRIBUTION


it funny watchin folks tryin to ward off their inevitable karma..

hence the plandemics and rumors of war!!

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
Uh No argument is not conceding, a cofounder is just a cofounder, who was a skull and bones members, skull and bones members


I know you are NOT on the level for that type of debate so, I will NOT ARGUE that with you.

But just like I predicted this was ABOUT ME and NOT the topic..

thanks for exposing yourself Agent....!!

Get over it




CMON SON, it almost seems like I suckered you into the slaughter like a dumb PIG!!


I would NEVER do such a thing....!!!

Where that extensive research of yours at NOW???


Do you THINK HITLER was Jewish???

Do you think the Jews in Isreal today,

are acting Just like Hitler with their

Treatment of the Palestinians???

Just asking questions and planting seeds??

and wondering where your extensive research skills vanished to,

seemed like its been reduced to agent like ad hominem which

I BEEN called out in my sig, you should read it some time...!

if you want to argue who Ran Time Magazine, I could easily shut

your little offical narrative down.

If you are willing to get slaughtered..

I was tryin to play nice and help you save face...

Youd be a naive little nancy if you think a skull and bones member

calls his own shots...!!

a REAL naive little nancy bruh!!!

Had to look this up to see if it were true. It took me about 10 minutes to find out that it's, unsurprisingly, false.

Henry Luce, who founded Time, Life, Fortune, and Sports Illustrated, was running the magazine at that time. He wasn't Jewish.

Yes that is absolutely correct,

That looks like you conceded to me. You admitted I was "absolutely correct."

I guess "conceded" means something different to you...

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
Bruh YOU mentioned them...

You think all a hundred thousand plus jews were quasi JEWS..

Was Helmuth Wiberg a "michenge' or whatever you "educated" ass

was indoctrinated with? because thats all education is, but you

wouldnt know that,

just like you dont know you over your head right now..and Im just playing nice...!

but lets get back to Helmuth Wiberg, he had SEVENTY SQUADRONS under his command,

His MOTHER WAS A JEW you know that all it takes right???

So he didnt know his mother was A jew???

What about the "hundreds' that were FULL JEWS...

Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called ‘full Jews’ served in the military with Hitler’s knowledge. The Nazis allowed these men to serve but at the same time exterminated their families,” Rigg said.


You have no idea Im leading you down a rabbit hole


I know I mentioned them. What's so confusing about that?

I mentioned them well before you sent me that link discussing a book about, you guessed it, the Mischlinge.

What you were considering to be "Jews" were Mischlinge and you didn't know that.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I know I mentioned them. What's so confusing about that?

I mentioned them well before you sent me that link discussing a book about, you guessed it, the Mischlinge.

What you were considering to be "Jews" were Mischlinge and you didn't know that.

that mischlin or whatever the fuck was some made up shit... the fact is..

If your mother was jewish you WERE JEWISH.... I posted a Jewish soldier, who almost

became a fuckin general.. but when NAZI's found out he was jewish,

they just said hey, you are all right, we gonna make you an honorary cac...

and he accepted that HONOR with pride an got the medals to prove it..

He came directly from a jewish mother, that shits on your whole theory of

them all being this mischenge whateva the fuck you call it...

you are selective in your "research"

You swim in half truths, incomplete facts..... you think

a member of a secret society actually calls the shots...

I dont think you know how the world really works...

Ever heard of masons?? How much influence do you think

they wield?

you READY for wonderland ALICE????


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yes. German society had long been anti-Semitic.

That accused Jews of everything from blood libel, to usury, to degeneracy for centuries.

What's your point?

The point is,

Was there any VALIDITY to those claims??

Blood Libel.... Hey Alice you better back away from that rabbit hole...

Are blood libels a thing, do they involve INNOCENT BABIES and

the spreading of diseases???


A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
What were the Nazi's accusing the Jews of?

They just hated jews for NO reason??
Yes. German society had long been anti-Semitic.

That accused Jews of everything from blood libel, to usury, to degeneracy for centuries.

What's your point?
When the economy & the employment rate went to shit, and other nations started asking Germany to repay those loans, instead of admitting that their policies sucked, they blamed the Jews for it, among other things. Since nothing else was working, the Germans figured they actually might be responsible.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When the economy & the employment rate went to shit, and other nations started asking Germany to repay those loans, instead of admitting that their policies sucked, they blamed the Jews for it, among other things. Since nothing else was working, the Germans figured they actually might be responsible.

was this before, or during hitlers rise to power...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Both. It's how he came to power. He was so out there, like today's right-wing fringe, the people figured why not give him a shot. He also blamed the Jews for Germany losing WW1.

But were there sanctions against Germany that caused the problems, like they doing to Cuba and Venzuela??

Are were all these economic issues Germany faced underHitler organic and NOT caused by outsiders??

Was there a time under hitler the economy was flowing, or was it always grim??

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
that mischlin or whatever the fuck was some made up shit... the fact is..

If your mother was jewish you WERE JEWISH.... I posted a Jewish soldier, who almost

became a fuckin general.. but when NAZI's found out he was jewish,

they just said hey, you are all right, we gonna make you an honorary cac...

and he accepted that HONOR with pride an got the medals to prove it..

He came directly from a jewish mother, that shits on your whole theory of

them all being this mischenge whateva the fuck you call it...

you are selective in your "research"

You swim in half truths, incomplete facts..... you think

a member of a secret society actually calls the shots...

I dont think you know how the world really works...

Ever heard of masons?? How much influence do you think

they wield?

you READY for wonderland ALICE????
The Mischlinge wasn't made up. That's what the Nuremberg Laws called them.

Furthermore, it wasn't based on parents but grandparents. You're the one who brought up the issue. The link you provided even mentioned it.


A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
But were there sanctions against Germany that caused the problems, like they doing to Cuba and Venzuela??

Are were all these economic issues Germany faced underHitler organic and NOT caused by outsiders??

Was there a time under hitler the economy was flowing, or was it always grim??
It was mainly the sanctions. Also, the Great Depression didn't help. It was outside influences, but they were conditions Germany and its allies brought on themselves.

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
But were there sanctions against Germany that caused the problems, like they doing to Cuba and Venzuela??

Are were all these economic issues Germany faced underHitler organic and NOT caused by outsiders??

Was there a time under hitler the economy was flowing, or was it always grim??
It was a worldwide depression that caused the problem. Britain and France didn't even put a "blockade" on Germany until 1939, six years after Hitler came to power.

There's no defending Hitler.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I’ve Heard That Judaism Is Passed Down Through the Mother. Is It True? Does It Matter?

By Rabbi Navah L. Levine for JewishBoston
The answer depends on what Jewish community you choose for yourselves, and later, on how and where your children’s Jewish journeys take them.

“My wife isn’t Jewish but we are raising our children Jewishly. I’ve heard that Judaism is passed down through the mother traditionally. Where did that come from? Is it true? Does it matter?”
Mazel tov on the blessings of marriage and children.

Not that long ago, there would have been a simple answer to your question: Children are Jewish if born to a Jewish mother. Otherwise, a ritual of conversion is required.

According to traditional Jewish law, a person’s Jewish status is passed down through the mother. It is perhaps worth noting that in the biblical period, evidence points toward the custom of patrilineal descent, where children received their Israelite and tribal affiliation through their fathers. Patrilineal descent continues to be the practice of the community of Karaite Jews, whose Jewish legal framework differs significantly from rabbinic law and practice.

The tradition of matrilineal descent dates back at least to late antiquity. Why rabbinic Judaism embraced matrilineal descent is not entirely known. The often-repeated (though not necessarily true) reason given is that the identity of the mother is always certain, but not that of the father. Alternatively, it may have been influenced by the Roman legal system for determining personal status or from earlier rabbinic discussions regarding animals. For more on the subject, you might want to look at the book “The Beginnings of Jewishness” by Shaye J.D. Cohen.

Since the early 1980s, the more liberal Jewish movements, such as Reconstructionist and Reform, have embraced broader definitions of “who is a Jew” to include children with one Jewish parent, of any gender, if raised as Jews. The Conservative and Orthodox movements continue to hold by matrilineal descent, which would require that children born to non-Jewish mothers undergo conversion in order to be considered Jewish.

Now to the heart of your question—does it matter? It might.

The answer depends on what Jewish community you choose for yourselves, and later, on how and where your children’s Jewish journeys take them. In some Jewish communities, children born of non-Jewish mothers would be accepted as Jewish if they were raised as Jews. In other Jewish communities, these children would need to undergo a formal conversion ritual (sometimes called an “affirmation ritual”) in order for their Jewishness to be recognized.

For what it is worth, know that you and your children will not be alone in grappling with this issue. The Jewish community as a whole needs to address the ramifications of having different and at times incompatible standards for what constitutes Jewishness. The matter of Jewishness-by-descent presents one of many challenges to our collective Jewish identity in the 21st century. May we be up to the task of remaining an Am Echad, a single, united people, even when we disagree.



A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
It was a worldwide depression that caused the problem. Britain and France didn't even put a "blockade" on Germany until 1939, six years after Hitler came to power.

There's no defending Hitler.
Also, Germany was not allowed to have a functioning military, so Hitler lied and said they were building aircrafts, and in reality, they were building up their military.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The Mischlinge wasn't made up. That's what the Nuremberg Laws called them.

Furthermore, it wasn't based on parents but grandparents. You're the one who brought up the issue. The link you provided even mentioned it.

Jews do NOT based being Jewish on Grandparents so that shit was MADE UP..

dont know what the fuck you talkin about...

They Righfully go by the Mother..!!!

NOT GRANDPARENTS who could be from any denomination...

the word is some made up shit..

like mulatto, octoroon and all that stupid one drop of "black" blood makes you black..

all that shit is some MADE UP shit..

just like the whole black and white construct its all mind fuckery,

but you wouldnt know that because you are indoctrinated, oh pardon,


get over it...
Last edited:

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
Jews do NOT based being Jewish on Grandparents so that shit was MADE UP..

dont know what the fuck you talkin about...

They Righfully go by the Mother..!!!

NOT GRANDPARENTS who could be from any denomination...

the word is some made up shit..

like mulatto, octoroon and all that stupid one drop of "black" blood makes you black..

all that shit is some MADE UP shit..

just like the whole black and white construct its all mind fuckery,

but you wouldnt know that because you are indoctrinated, oh pardon,


get over it...
I never said they did, dummy. The Nuremberg Laws decided they were Jewish based on their grandparents. How difficult is reading for you, seriously?

And bringing up one Jew who was a nazi is like Dinesh D'Souza bringing up that antebellum coon William Ellison, a Black man who owned slaves and donated to the Confederacy.

Backshot Bully

Rising Star

They're not the real Jews!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:


It is easy to manipulate the feeble minded into your bidding. Since Paul Pelosi would have never spoken to this guy, many will claim mental illness after being manipulated because they had no relationship to the victim. I have had them try and crash cars or do other autistic shit to me that makes no sense.

This is literally Moses in the bible taking his people to GODS promised land.


Transnational Member
There are all kinds of contemporary examples of people stealing valor from somebody else, than pawning your shit off like they started it out. They derived Bitcoin from some of my work. They created this anonymous person that was part of their racial group, that released some theory on Bitcoin.


I did not come up with Bitcoin at all but my work inspired the creation. There could be a racist component to the way they set this up, attributing the inspiration to somebody Asian/White anonymous, rather than admitting the true race. If the Jewish community wanted to show they are not down with this cuck beta behavior, they would have rebuked Mark Zuckerberg.


I just couldn't do it, due to my masculine energy, pawn somebody shit off as my own, than attack the character of the person to justify my theft. I don't know what happen back in the day or who did what with their religion.


Rising Star
then stop complaining
cause this is reality
if you think that the system will miraculously change
cause people are pointing out the obvious
u dreaming bro
Say what? Fuck off you musty armed tramp, I never said shit about being complacent you just pulled that narrative out your loose ass booty hole just like that dumbass "solution." That ad hominem hotep cornball shit has no actionable path to success and totally ignores practical reality. But you know that.... you presented no means for "building your own." Like you goin raise the ocean floor and create a new land to build your dookie sniffing utopia , you bitch you.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Found it from 23:40 to 24:10. Literally 30 seconds of a 3.5 hour documentary. I probably skipped over it. Or I saw it and it didn't register. That film is hard to watch.

If you're interested you might want to peruse the "alleged" interview with Harold Wallace Rosenthal.

Note: Harold Wallace Rosenthal was murdered on August 11, 1976. The same year he gave the "alleged" interview.

When I say "alleged," I use that term because the Anti-Defamation League has called it a "fabricated document."


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Whether you believe this is strictly Kyrie's doing or an attempt to place another black man in his place, I think we can all agree this is overkill.

Particularly after you said you had positive meeting with Irving and his family and the commissioner came out and said he's 100 pct positive Kyrie isn't antisemitic.

If you don't want the man to play for the team anymore, just waive him. Enough with the dog and pony show