It sounds like Romeo is missing the capital that his father used for investments that didn't work out. So financially speaking he maybe limited to doing things like starting ventures. Even if he were to attempt to get a loan, anyone who is aware of the true financial state of the Miller family wouldn't be likely to invest in Romeo without extreme levels of equity.
The other thing is. We are all assuming P has a good reputation in the industry. Being known as Ps son may not be the best look for various reasons. Imagine Dame Dash kids trying to navigate the industry with Dame's reputation. People could avoid Romeo simply because he is/was connected to P and they'd rather not work with P. The opposite could also be true. If they are aware that P is no longer in Romeo's corner, they have no interest in working with Romeo. I doubt it but worse P could ask people not to work with Romeo. Your father's relationships aren't necessarily your relationships.
That's a lot of hypotheticals and maybe and matter facts.
We just looooove pushing negative narratives and dysfunction. I get it, it's sooo entertaining I guess.
Reality is, we're only even talking and giving sympathy to Romeo.... CAUSE OF P!!! of this was fuckin Jae-qwellin from down the block it'd be respect yo Momz.
Look, end of the day I refuse to take part in any narrative slandering a father for putting their kids in win/win situations.
Joe Jackson and everyone else who had the courage, drive and foresight to do what they did! Stop these games. These men are heroes, and pillars in which all men should aspire to be. You don't have to like them. But are you good???