Looks Like Louisiana is going to stay a Slave State


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I’ve been doing this long enough that I can come back and say I told you so… We keep trying to get elected officials to care about what we care about, instead of electing people who care about the things we care about. You have to show up for that to happen. Louisiana was already a tough on crime state. We don’t need Black legislators helping create more ways for people to be harmed in jail. Especially when you can’t keep the grass cut on state property you have to drive past to get to the capitol. I was silent the two times she had me cut from the economic development district through legislation. I won’t be silent while you neglect the community in such simple ways Can you pass a bill next session to keep this here grass cut on the Earl K. Long property, since you focused on getting things cut… Sincerely, A Resident of Senate District 15…. PS. When you don’t vote, you ensure things stay the same. Voting for nice people ain’t never changed a Black community…

I remember this dude

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I’ve been doing this long enough that I can come back and say I told you so… We keep trying to get elected officials to care about what we care about, instead of electing people who care about the things we care about. You have to show up for that to happen. Louisiana was already a tough on crime state. We don’t need Black legislators helping create more ways for people to be harmed in jail. Especially when you can’t keep the grass cut on state property you have to drive past to get to the capitol. I was silent the two times she had me cut from the economic development district through legislation. I won’t be silent while you neglect the community in such simple ways Can you pass a bill next session to keep this here grass cut on the Earl K. Long property, since you focused on getting things cut… Sincerely, A Resident of Senate District 15…. PS. When you don’t vote, you ensure things stay the same. Voting for nice people ain’t never changed a Black community…

When the other party is nonexistent this is what happens. The democrat party knew who this Landry was before he won the governor's race did they have a viable alternative? Did they fund the candidate who was running for the position. Personally for me the best thing to happen was getting on I-55 and getting the fuck out of Louisiana. I went back in 2020 and luckily got the fuck out again in 2023.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There ain't shit in New Orleans East. Those negroes probably glad that didn't happen now.

One of their reasons for attempting to break away was to stop what was happening and is continuing to happen to New Orleans East. Those are long-time residents who moved there when it actually meant something, to see it become a dumping ground for essentially the city's working poor is quite sad.


Rising Star
Platinum Member

I’ve been doing this long enough that I can come back and say I told you so… We keep trying to get elected officials to care about what we care about, instead of electing people who care about the things we care about. You have to show up for that to happen. Louisiana was already a tough on crime state. We don’t need Black legislators helping create more ways for people to be harmed in jail. Especially when you can’t keep the grass cut on state property you have to drive past to get to the capitol. I was silent the two times she had me cut from the economic development district through legislation. I won’t be silent while you neglect the community in such simple ways Can you pass a bill next session to keep this here grass cut on the Earl K. Long property, since you focused on getting things cut… Sincerely, A Resident of Senate District 15…. PS. When you don’t vote, you ensure things stay the same. Voting for nice people ain’t never changed a Black community…

He tried to tell people to vote for the Democratic candidate in the last election and folks had more important things to do.

Folks will be in a modern form of State sanctioned slavery soon enough. I just don't understand the political apathy , shit is sad to watch in real time :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The sickness in this country is beyond the limits any us can imagine. To even think of laws like this, you have to be a rotten human