Lord Jamar: I don't support Black Lives Matter, It's not our movement


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I do know what he's talking about. But what he said wasn't factual and was backwards.

Do YOU know what he's talking about?

In a nutshell, he's going through what we're all going through.
A bunch of people who vote Democrat as well as the Democratic politicians are trying to shame and bully people to vote for them.


Rising Star
In a nutshell, he's going through what we're all going through.
A bunch of people who vote Democrat as well as the Democratic politicians are trying to shame and bully people to vote for them.
I hear you on that. And there's a lot to talk about there.

But what does that have to do with denying that Trump attempted a coup?

Or pretending that Kamala ain't black?

Or pretending that the lockdowns didn't start under Trump?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I hear you on that. And there's a lot to talk about there.

But what does that have to do with denying that Trump attempted a coup?

Or pretending that Kamala ain't black?

Or pretending that the lockdowns didn't start under Trump?

Trump attempting a coup is not a fact. His supporters attempted a coup.

Kamala is not black, at best she's half black by race and East Indian by culture.

Unless I missed something somewhere.


Rising Star
Trump attempting a coup is not a fact. His supporters attempted a coup.

Kamala is not black, at best she's half black by race and East Indian by culture.

Unless I missed something somewhere.
Trump actually attempted a coup. He hired fake state electors and asked them to commit fraud and declare him the winner in their state, he attempted to pressure the Georgia governor into "finding him" 11k votes more after the election, he pressured his VP into refusing to certify the election. To this day he's ordered his believers to refuse acknowledging the election's result. There's alot more but I'll stop there. He did everything he could to usurp the will of the people and remain in power by hook or crook.

There's a lot more to it then his believers storming the capitol on January 6th, but then again the only reason they did that is because he had been lying to them for months.

Mixed race people are both races. You want to say half-black, half Indian, that's fine. Another person can say she is both black and Indian. That's fine too. Jamar said she isn't black, she is indian. That is a lie. A stupid one at that.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Trump actually attempted a coup. He hired fake state electors and asked them to commit fraud and declare him the winner in their state, he attempted to pressure the Georgia governor into "finding him" 11k votes more after the election, he pressured his VP into refusing to certify the election. To this day he's ordered his believers to refuse acknowledging the election's result. There's alot more but I'll stop there. He did everything he could to usurp the will of the people and remain in power by hook or crook.

There's a lot more to it then his believers storming the capitol on January 6th, but then again the only reason they did that is because he had been lying to them for months.

Mixed race people are both races. You want to say half-black, half Indian, that's fine. Another person can say she is both black and Indian. That's fine too. Jamar said she isn't black, she is indian. That is a lie. A stupid one at that.

Im not entirely sure people know what a coup is...

coup d'é·tat
a sudden, violent, and unlawful seizure of power from a government; a coup.

He didn't do that. His followers stormed the capital like babies on their own accord. Not only that, storming the white house wouldn't have accomplished anything.

His underlings were being pressured because he thought the election was rigged against him. He was trying to prove that nonsense.
It has been very sensationalized

The subject of being mixed race is sticky.
Most mixed people identify as the parent or culture they were raised under.

Some of them will tell you that they are neither.

Kamala did not identify as my race, nor my culture until she needed something from us.


Rising Star

Im not entirely sure people know what a coup is...

coup d'é·tat
a sudden, violent, and unlawful seizure of power from a government; a coup.

He didn't do that. His followers stormed the capital like babies on their own accord. Not only that, storming the white house wouldn't have accomplished anything.

His underlings were being pressured because he thought the election was rigged against him. He was trying to prove that nonsense.
It has been very sensationalized

The subject of being mixed race is sticky.
Most mixed people identify as the parent or culture they were raised under.

Some of them will tell you that they are neither.

Kamala did not identify as my race, nor my culture until she needed something from us.

Brother I'm sorry but you've been duped.

1. What you just described is literally was Trump tried to do. Seize power, as in tried to be declared as the winner of the election, in an unlawful manner, like by pressuring state governors to find him fake votes/invalidate the votes of his opponent.

2. Trump didn't try to prove anything. It was the opposite. He knew he lost the election. His own people told him the night of. He knew there was no extra 11k votes for him in Georgia. He knew the mail in ballots were legitimate votes made by US citizens. Every court case his lawyers tried to bring were thrown out, with prejudice, because they had no merit.

3. His own lawyers, Fox News and NewsMax all paid a heavy price for peddling his bullshit. They knew it was bullshit. Trump knew it too.

4. It wasn't sensationalized enough! When is the last time there wasn't a peaceful transfer of power after an election in the US?

In regards to mixed race, you don't speak for the majority of mixed peeps. Don't even try. Tons of mixed kids raised by they white moms still say they black. So what? Point being, I'm not mixed, it ain't for me to tell them what side they "really" are. Who is Jamar to decide that for someone else? The fuck are we doing?

Personally I've always known Kamala as being black. That was long before she made it in the national stage. When she was in school in her sorority what did she need from us then?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Brother I'm sorry but you've been duped.

1. What you just described is literally was Trump tried to do. Seize power, as in tried to be declared as the winner of the election, in an unlawful manner, like by pressuring state governors to find him fake votes/invalidate the votes of his opponent.

2. Trump didn't try to prove anything. It was the opposite. He knew he lost the election. His own people told him the night of. He knew there was no extra 11k votes for him in Georgia. He knew the mail in ballots were legitimate votes made by US citizens. Every court case his lawyers tried to bring were thrown out, with prejudice, because they had no merit.

3. His own lawyers, Fox News and NewsMax all paid a heavy price for peddling his bullshit. They knew it was bullshit. Trump knew it too.

4. It wasn't sensationalized enough! When is the last time there wasn't a peaceful transfer of power after an election in the US?

In regards to mixed race, you don't speak for the majority of mixed peeps. Don't even try. Tons of mixed kids raised by they white moms still say they black. So what? Point being, I'm not mixed, it ain't for me to tell them what side they "really" are. Who is Jamar to decide that for someone else? The fuck are we doing?

Personally I've always known Kamala as being black. That was long before she made it in the national stage. When she was in school in her sorority what did she need from us then?

I can agree with you on on your Trump points.

As far as Kamala, are you stating that going to an HBCU and joining a sorority makes you black?

Rachel Dolezal identifies as Black and went to an HBCU.

I think we may be getting confused with black (FBA) by culture vs. Black ancestry in general.
We're focused on Foundational American Black culture, because that is what she is feigning. That woman is not of my lineage.
Her father is a black foreigner. And she wasn't even raised with him.

Non migrant blacks would not have these gripes if she just stopped.

Kamala is Zan from the FXX show Atlanta



Rising Star
I can agree with you on on your Trump points.

As far as Kamala, are you stating that going to an HBCU and joining a sorority makes you black?

Rachel Dolezal identifies as Black and went to an HBCU.

I think we may be getting confused with black (FBA) by culture vs. Black ancestry in general.
We're focused on Foundational American Black culture, because that is what she is feigning. That woman is not of my lineage.
Her father is a black foreigner. And she wasn't even raised with him.

Non migrant blacks would not have these gripes if she just stopped.

Kamala is Zan from the FXX show Atlanta

Dolezal's parents are white.

Kamala's father is black.

You want to say she isn't ados/fba/freedmen/not the same lineage/life experience... Cool then say that.

Don't say she isn't black. It makes a mockery of the whole thing. It makes everybody look dumb. The gatekeeping is childish online bullshit.

However I do understand where you coming from when you say that her blackness doesn't mean every black person in America is obligated to vote for her.


BGOL Investor


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
I can agree with you on on your Trump points.

As far as Kamala, are you stating that going to an HBCU and joining a sorority makes you black?

Rachel Dolezal identifies as Black and went to an HBCU.

I think we may be getting confused with black (FBA) by culture vs. Black ancestry in general.
We're focused on Foundational American Black culture, because that is what she is feigning. That woman is not of my lineage.
Her father is a black foreigner. And she wasn't even raised with him.

Non migrant blacks would not have these gripes if she just stopped.

Kamala is Zan from the FXX show Atlanta

If the claims that she isn’t a FBA is the goal, shouldn’t folks say shes not a “Black American?”

By simply adding the word “American” after Black, it eliminates the confusion completely.

When you use the word “Black” alone, it confuses the entire planet cause nobody outside a very small minority population of FBA’s/ADOS see it this way. The rest of the world, including many non Black Americans are not delineating or falling in line with the status quo.

Delineate with clarity and carry on.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If the claims that she isn’t a FBA is the goal, shouldn’t folks say shes not a “Black American?”

By simply adding the word “American” after Black, it eliminates the confusion completely.

When you use the word “Black” alone, it confuses the entire planet cause nobody outside a very small minority population of FBA’s/ADOS see it this way. The rest of the world, including many non Black Americans are not delineating or falling in line with the status quo.

Delineate with clarity and carry on.

Great dialog!!!

So I often have to clarify to people this exact thing!!

Because here in the States you can be Black by skin, or by culture!
However any immigrant who comes here from the diaspora is technically 'African American'.

To differentiate non immigrant blacks from migrant blacks we just say FBA


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
Great dialog!!!

So I often have to clarify to people this exact thing!!

Because here in the States you can be Black by skin, or by culture!
However any immigrant who comes here from the diaspora is technically 'African American'.

To differentiate non immigrant blacks from migrant blacks we just say FBA
But is this even resonating? Trump himself is asking “is Kamala black? I thought she was and now she isn’t.”

Granted, he ain’t the smartest fella out there but the confusion amongst his supporters is even outweighing the understanding on a large scale.

Apparently the leaders of this movement aren’t using “Black Americans”, at all, rather they’re using just Black.

If FBA want to use “Black” for cultural purposes, they’re gonna have to let go of the term as a color.

It won’t work both ways.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Im not entirely sure people know what a coup is...

coup d'é·tat
a sudden, violent, and unlawful seizure of power from a government; a coup.

He didn't do that. His followers stormed the capital like babies on their own accord. Not only that, storming the white house wouldn't have accomplished anything.

His underlings were being pressured because he thought the election was rigged against him. He was trying to prove that nonsense.
It has been very sensationalized

Seriously, stop hiding around the semantics that he didn't tell people to do anything. This isn't a movie where the villain is going to tell everyone exactly what he's doing. It may not have gone exactly as he planned it to, but he set everything in place for his VP to disregard the vote and the crowd outside to intimidate everyone to go along with the decision. What sealed that he knew exactly what he was doing was how he sat back for hours hoping the crowd would find Pence and make him pay for not going along with the plan.

Coups and for that matter wars rarely start from a concrete, smoking gun statement. People going, "Well actually" is the reason we are at this point right now and why if he does win again he'll be flat-out bold with seeking revenge, he'll see himself as untouchable as sooner or later he always gets what he wants.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Seriously, stop hiding around the semantics that he didn't tell people to do anything. This isn't a movie where the villain is going to tell everyone exactly what he's doing. It may not have gone exactly as he planned it to, but he set everything in place for his VP to disregard the vote and the crowd outside to intimidate everyone to go along with the decision. What sealed that he knew exactly what he was doing was how he sat back for hours hoping the crowd would find Pence and make him pay for not going along with the plan.

Coups and for that matter wars rarely start from a concrete, smoking gun statement. People going, "Well actually" is the reason we are at this point right now and why if he does win again he'll be flat-out bold with seeking revenge, he'll see himself as untouchable as sooner or later he always gets what he wants.

This is the United States. If you believe that a few hillbillies running into the white house would have equaled a coup, or even moreso that if there was a coup :hmm:

That things would be any different for me, then we live in 2 separate spaces.

If the democrats don't want Trump to "tAKe oVeR" then give the Foundational voting block what they deserve.

That should make sense


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It has been working both ways since forever. Lots of words have double or triple meanings.
Immigrants come here and say alll the time "I no black".. People get confused thinking they mean skin color.. Clearly we can see that they are black by skin. So what do they mean? They mean by culture. Ask one in person if you doubt this.
We here would refer to it as Hip-hop or urban culture. The immigrants don't know that because white media just calls it 'Black' culture.

But is this even resonating? Trump himself is asking “is Kamala black? I thought she was and now she isn’t.”

Granted, he ain’t the smartest fella out there but the confusion amongst his supporters is even outweighing the understanding on a large scale.

Apparently the leaders of this movement aren’t using “Black Americans”, at all, rather they’re using just Black.

If FBA want to use “Black” for cultural purposes, they’re gonna have to let go of the term as a color.

It won’t work both ways.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It has been working both ways since forever. Lots of words have double or triple meanings.
Immigrants come here and say alll the time "I no black".. People get confused thinking they mean skin color.. Clearly we can see that they are black by skin. So what do they mean? They mean by culture. Ask one in person if you doubt this.
We here would refer to it as Hip-hop or urban culture. The immigrants don't know that because white media just calls it 'Black' culture.

Spanish low-key know real kniggas

Is Moors..

The word for us is

MOReno... Not negro..

We Moors.

That's are true historical culture ..

From Hannibal to Yashua to Khalid Mohammed..

We be Moors maybe!!!

They had to hide that from us because

We could trace our history going through Moorish history

Can't trace shit with black...that ain't a country

Language or cultural

It's legal mind fuckery

And a great color for clothes and crayons


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
It has been working both ways since forever. Lots of words have double or triple meanings.
Immigrants come here and say alll the time "I no black".. People get confused thinking they mean skin color.. Clearly we can see that they are black by skin. So what do they mean? They mean by culture. Ask one in person if you doubt this.
We here would refer to it as Hip-hop or urban culture. The immigrants don't know that because white media just calls it 'Black' culture.
I agree with the fact that most who deny blackness are referring to culture over race, especially Dominicans.

But again, if you’re attempting to add delineation to this and make it culture that is legally accepting for reparations purposes, it needs to have more solidity in that dynamic. The word now has a triple meaning which is imperative to drawing a line in the sand. Anything less seems incomplete.

Without that, the whites aren’t gonna cough up any checks until that business plan makes solid sense.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I see nothing mentioning payment in the article. Also, he was put in jail under Trump. Doesn’t seem like he’s that connected. Maybe I’m missing something. Let me know.

He been on the decline and headed to this point. It ain't hard to connect the dots. It's been documented. Even in his own Vlad thread.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
He been on the decline and headed to this point. It ain't hard to connect the dots. It's been documented. Even in his own Vlad thread.
I hear what you’re saying, but I have yet to see anyone say it, including him. Until I see proof, it’s just accusations, and it’s been used too often to dismiss an argument by dismissing the person. We, as black men in particular, should know better, as we’ve suffered from that for centuries.