Actually he's wrong about a couple of things. One being that the public didn't know about military atrocities until Vietnam, the other being that a Black man or any other man would go to jail for not following an illegal order. No one, unless you're Jack Nicholson is going to go to court to testify that they gave someone an illegal order.
The military looks at disobeying direct orders in wartime is cause to get you fucked up and rarely is there someone there to go to.
Its fucked up. I've been in fucked up situations and have been told about fucked up situations. It sucks, but you either do it and face your conscience or don't do it and face the consequences
There are no other options
Wasn't ready for her
Not familiar with this at all
Honestly you're so fixated on that, it raises questions.
Montrose was on screen for about 4 minutes
There was nothing sexual happening
The rest was the best afro futurism we've ever seen
But your focus was on the fact that he gay and his son found out he was gay?
To answer your question about the most obscure part of the show that has bothered you so much
Tic finding out made him face the fact his father beat him and abused him because he hated himself not to make tic stronger . He made his son suffer for years to teach him how to be a man instead of just loving his own self and not taking his issues out on his kid. It fucked tic up completely.
THAT REALIZATION will drive tic on a journey to completely find out about his mother's side and question his father about everything which will reveal the george angle
My father did the same with us. He beat the shit out if us.
He would forget things, like put us on punishment for 3 days, then forget the length of the punishment. When we reminded him he would either whoop us or extend the punishment until he FELT like letting us off, and for something minor
He once took away (hid) our transformers for an open-ended punishment (which ended up being over a year) because we didn't clean up the play room before dinner
Reminding him that he forgot was a personal affront that he saw as an attack and he responded violently on my mother, brother and I, so I get that
I was just trying to understand the point of the gay shit. If it has a point we've yet to see, fine. But I cant see the reason for the gayness thus far
In The Old Guard with Charlize Theron, they added gay shit for no reason, and it didn't move the story forward. It's beyond the fact I don't like seeing two men kiss. If it has a purpose I'm okay with it, but who am i?
Admittedly I don't like seeing man-on-man sex scenes or effeminate men. And the drag show was unnecessarily gratuitous as if to push an agenda.
I admit, the afrofuturism aspect was super dope. The Dahomey Amazons and Bessie Stringfield were things I had no idea of them or the meaning until
@NightMare Paint said something