Man Joe need to go ahead and retire.


Transnational Member
Hunter Biden/Laptop with evidence of a criminal conspiracy has been neutralized with his criminal conviction, now this other element is left...

One of the things his criminal lawyer advised President Biden to do is to not act like a foreign agent of China, Russia, or any other country. President Biden after supporting pro-China trade policy for decades like the TPP, has become Trump-lite. He has imposed tariffs on Chinese steel, given tax credits for domestic production, supported the Chips Act. He has become vocally pro-Union while in office, something that would be against the interest of China.

Even if you prove he was enriched with this scheme, you would have to show some type of lobbying effort that would be beneficial for a foreign entity which you would be hard pressed to find. The threat of criminal prosecution has made life better for the American worker finally.

This is a man acting as a criminal defendant, more than a protectionist trade hawk.


The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) (22 U.S.C. § 611 et seq.) is a United States law that imposes public disclosure obligations on persons representing foreign interests.[1][2] It requires "foreign agents"—defined as individuals or entities engaged in domestic lobbying or advocacy for foreign governments, organizations, or persons ("foreign principals")—to register with the Department of Justice (DOJ) and disclose their relationship, activities, and related financial compensation.[2]

He will sacrifice his family member or his political party to save himself from prison. I did an exclusive write up showing how his political decision are being guided by his criminal attorney more than what he actually believes in. At least Trump sacrificed his attorney and not a family member, nor used his family in any of illegal acts exposing them to criminal prosecution.

He isn't going nowhere...


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
one of my boys seen him at his job months ago and he said it’s obvious this nig got some kinda dementia.. he was like that nig mind left his body awhile back.. he basically a living weekend at Bernie nig right now.. he was like if he win Kamala definitely gonna take his place eventually cause he don’t see him living in the next 4 yrs

big enos burrnet

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
one of my boys seen him at his job months ago and he said it’s obvious this nig got some kinda dementia.. he was like that nig mind left his body awhile back.. he basically a living weekend at Bernie nig right now.. he was like if he win Kamala definitely gonna take his place eventually cause he don’t see him living in the next 4 yrs
that last election and his first 2 yrs beat'em down...


Transnational Member

I feel sorry for Hunter Biden, his father career ambition has destroyed your life. You could have dropped your laptop off and nobody would have noticed you. Now they are sending contents off to the Washington Post to get paid. It looks like he is an amateur understanding how computers work.

He can't just work at some low level job where he belongs as a nobody. I used to be like him, naive, but at least he should have access to far greater resources. It reminds of what Hillary Clinton attempted to do with her e-mail server, experienced with history-but inexperienced with new technology. At 50 years old and being in this rodeo for awhile, he should have stepped his game up to my level. Somebody like me with access to far greater information, I probably face far greater surveillance attempts than him sadly.

They only want your laptop to gain a political advantage more than to gain some high level information about something. Because of the various schemes I deal with from foreign entities and domestically, I no longer use a computer for anything, nor talk freely. I assume my hotel rooms are bugged and secretly recording my activity.
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Vidi Veni Vici
BGOL Investor
Nicca looks like the walking dead :beer:

He look like he sleepin with his eyes open,

the music jammin too....

Weekend at Bernie's
1st, I thought dude was stuck after hitting that "Eww Wee" and then the next second, I thought he was dead, and then 2 seconds later, I thought he started crying and then it was like he didn't know where he was.
Yeah, he needs to sit his azz down somewhere.
If I didn't reprogram the Directv Cards back in the day, I would run for President.. But someone will bring up old shyt and try to get me fired!
I wouldn't have a bunch of Big Booty Broads looking like Bria Myles walking around the White House in thongs servin Mofos Incredible Hulks, because my Old Lady lays her head there, BUT, I would have them at the OEOB! I would have bartenders in the private tunnel that connects the two.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:hithead:And gotta vote for that dip shit in November. Because the DNC got rid of his competition.

dont let the dems fool you.. its gonna be fun as fuck watchin trump shake up the republikkklans,

Im tryin to tell yall.... UNLESS YOU LIKE CANCUN CRUZ that politician with the most punchable face...

then you will love the way trump will SON his ass again and put him in his place.. In fact..

cruz and the rest of those beta male but think they alpha republicans are prayin to their

demon god, that Trump doesnt win..

fuck their prayers to their demon gods bruh... !!

there is ONE thing, but I dont want to mention it because the wacky weirdo,

dems would use it and ride it to victory...



Rising Star

Trouble is, a substantial number of people in the U.S. are stupid enough to believe the psy-ops put out by Russia, their allies and agents, with the help of AI.

My question is, why do people let bullshit like this go unchallenged so often? Are that many of you really that fucking stupid? Do you not understand the concepts of digital manipulation, context and plain old cherry picking?


Glad I got a passport already.

Hi the fucking Ho, it's off to lurk I go.


Rising Star
OG Investor

DNC shoulda vetoed his ass when he said his VP needed to be a woman of the time, no one with that description had shown great electability and he turned around and picked an also ran

Now he looks like he has reached that in and out stage of old age with a VP that is not well liked (excessively so IMO)...thats a bad look


Rising Star
DNC shoulda vetoed his ass when he said his VP needed to be a woman of the time, no one with that description had shown great electability and he turned around and picked an also ran

Now he looks like he has reached that in and out stage of old age...thats a bad look

He cancelled a hell of a lot of student debt. A whole lot.
He made insulin affordable (a SHITLOAD of the black population is on insulin).
Lowest unemployment rate since the 50s.
Lowest BLACK unemployment rate EVER in the USA.
I could go on, but you either don't know if I am lying or not or you are just a shill for the nazis.

In any case...

WTF is your problem, other than the urge to spread propaganda?


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
Someone told me up here this type of shit was normal though

Yeah, this is fine for great grandpa at the family reunion

He's the fuckin president :smh:

He should be president of the bingo club at the retirement village


Transnational Member

The special prosecutor appointed by the Trump administration is going to use this laptop as evidence against you. You are going to have to use your DOJ against your son to discredit this evidence by charging him with crimes.

They are also looking into you for influence peddling after taking only $18 million through various shell companies you control before Trump disrupted this scheme. To avoid facing FARA or bribery charges; however, they don't have you acting in the interest in China or Russia, only that you took payment - Joe. You are going to need to pursue various pro-workers position that are hostile to the interest of China. You will need to impose tariffs to fully refute this claim and support legislation that encourages domestic production.

President Biden: None of these things I fully support after years in Congress!
Defense Attorney: I know you are against these policies but this is what it will take so that somebody like me can fully defend you from a special prosecutor.

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