Man Joe need to go ahead and retire.


Rising Star
You always make a noise, hurl insults...

yet have very little of substance to say.

Superior men do not fight battles with inferior manlings.
You have no game, no position, and, yea, verily, lack even the personality to keep it interesting.

To put it in terms a 14 year old might understand...

I am telling you that, in terms of debate and rudimentary discussion, your kung fu isn't good enough.

Get someone educated to help you. Then, perhaps with practice, you may challenge the master.

Just sayin'. (pssst. It's obvious. Everybody else reading this can tell.)
:lol:soooooo it took you days to come up with... nothing. You've got nothing. All that extra hot air.

You got that hen house flow.

That menstrual mentality.

On this Father's Day I'd like to make a special request - an impassioned plea to all you dad's out there: raise your sons, please or this could be the result.^^^^

Would you want that for your kids...? My guess.... notreally

This was never a battle you ignorant stud lookin ass boy
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yet we have people arguing this point with absolutely no basis on which to base their assertions. They say there is no fool like an old fool.

You have proven there is no fool like a young one.

We have people making decisions based on ideals from 40 to nearly 60 years ago, and that's considered in touch with today's realities?

This outdated perspective is putting seats, like those on the Supreme Court, in jeopardy at the worst possible time.

Wreaks of selfishness and the ability to not read the room.


Rising Star
Dont the democrats have any other option?
With trump severely wounded it is absolutely their best bet. Republicans are gonna run a dark horse candidate in the end and wind up winning. the Democrats are going to be too slow and stupid to react. Might have a once in a thousand year opportunity to get a real grassroots candidate to challenge the status quo. Real revolutionary shit. :dunno:


Medium well
BGOL Investor
With trump severely wounded it is absolutely their best bet. Republicans are gonna run a dark horse candidate in the end and wind up winning. the Democrats are going to be too slow and stupid to react. Might have a once in a thousand year opportunity to get a real grassroots candidate to challenge the status quo. Real revolutionary shit. :dunno:
Had one in Obama, just wish he people like jasmine crockett, katie porter, AOC in congress at that time.

Now Democrats only have polished turds like newsome and bootyplug.


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
With trump severely wounded it is absolutely their best bet. Republicans are gonna run a dark horse candidate in the end and wind up winning. the Democrats are going to be too slow and stupid to react. Might have a once in a thousand year opportunity to get a real grassroots candidate to challenge the status quo. Real revolutionary shit. :dunno:
Fair. If this weren’t the play, what names can the democrats throw around that could win? If not in 2024, then 28.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
With trump severely wounded it is absolutely their best bet. Republicans are gonna run a dark horse candidate in the end and wind up winning. the Democrats are going to be too slow and stupid to react. Might have a once in a thousand year opportunity to get a real grassroots candidate to challenge the status quo. Real revolutionary shit. :dunno:

They waited too late. They had two years to plan something.


Rising Star
Platinum Member

I went in blind to a screening of this years ago. I walked out with a whole ass respect for Dominic Cooper. To this day, I haven't seen a performance of two different characters who look alike that tops this one.
Dude killed it with the nuances that you probably wouldn't catch unless you saw it twice.
Uday Hussein was a wild boy. They actually toned it down in the movie from his real life.

Yeah, fuck both of these political wackjobs and their parties, too. Both sides holding on to candidates, not for what's best for the country but rather for who they think will win. Neither the dems nor the repubs give two shits about the country. If they did, both of them would have put these old coots out to pasture before election time.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man folks believe everything they show you


Meanwhile Trump goes on the mic and sounds like he has Wernicke's aphasia.
Oh shit! Lol I had to google that! lol

Wernicke's aphasia, also known as receptive aphasia, fluent aphasia, or posterior aphasia, is a language impairment that makes it difficult for people to understand written and spoken language. People with Wernicke's aphasia may speak fluently, but what they say may not make sense. They may speak in long sentences that include unnecessary words or made-up words, and they may be unaware of their mistakes. For example, someone with Wernicke's aphasia might say, "You know that smoodle pinkered and that I want to get him round and take care of him like you want before".


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Joe Biden is going to get to November 6th, whoop Trump ass, and then step down.
Man....I hope so. He needs to relax.

He will 100% die in office if he wins.

I'm voting early. No way I'm dealing with those Trump weirdos on election day.

I would bet money that fights break out on election day and maybe even shooting(s).

Stay strapped my friends.