Man Joe need to go ahead and retire.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Supreme leader choices...for the most powerful nation on earth..walkin dead or white nationalist.



El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Joe is doing the rope a dope... people clowning Joe but watch, come debate night, he's going to get pumped with so many chemicals, he's going to come out looking and speaking like Joe Biden from 20 years ago.


Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
75 I would say.

Ehhhh, I hear you but there are too many potential health issues around that age in terms of cognition and physicality. More importantly, there is this inherent bias via generational disconnection that most folks over a certain age become victims of.
Unless they are on the same exercise routine and regimen that Robert Kennedy is on, 75 is too old in my opinion.

All candidates over 65 should be tested for mental acuity and physical health.


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
He cancelled a hell of a lot of student debt. A whole lot.
He made insulin affordable (a SHITLOAD of the black population is on insulin).
Lowest unemployment rate since the 50s.
Lowest BLACK unemployment rate EVER in the USA.
I could go on, but you either don't know if I am lying or not or you are just a shill for the nazis.

In any case...

WTF is your problem, other than the urge to spread propaganda?
LOL? Propaganda. Ain't you a lurker?

Why should your opinion matter?

What skin you got in the game?

You don't even have a online rep or persona to maintain?

But I will humor you for a quick second......

Just because you have low standards for your politicians doesn't mean everyone else has to lower the bar with you.

If you want to live in filth then go right ahead. There are plenty of third rate places in the world that will accept you.

But no place with standards is going to share your mindset.

It probably better to worry about your own interests and let other people worry about their own because nobody owes you anything.

Not even an explanation on how they feel.
That's not a being rude about it, that's just reality. Black people shouldn't be mono in their interests

If we have different political interest, it means we aren't all stuck in the same barrel. And that's a good thing.


Platinum Member
How did that “compromise” work the last time?
Lmao that is true…

Even folks that looked just like Hill said fuck no

Best do some backdoor Shitt, let Joey B win them slide KH in

Can not risk that defeat, Kamala ain’t no Barrack

Seem like them other Folks don’t look at her as being a sharp individual


Transnational Member
I know when the Obamas were initially in the White House, they attempted to stroll outside like it was nothing oblivious to the threats. Secret Service had to send them back inside their dungeon/prison.

Hunter Biden was operating in this manner by turning over his laptop freely and he quickly learned a valuable lesson. I deal with 10x worse surveillance because they are desperately searching for valuable information. I don't need to send my laptop anywhere, they will access my shit remotely scouring my files for information. I think with Hunter they are looking for blackmail material against Biden such as this influence peddling scheme.

It is very important to keep a low profile and not attract this attention to you. When you transition like I did, there is no letter you get in the mail telling you to step your game up. You learn when you continue operating in your old ways leads to negative consequences such as IP theft. I should write a book on what it is like and prepare people. I probably face a higher threat level. There is a reason Congress and the President has to use a shipping container called a SCIF just to talk freely. The President can't use a normal smartphone for anythinig.


I have to be self aware of sophisticated tactic that can cause physical harm. Taking a low level job is extremely dangerous most are staged to cause physical harm. Hotels will plant cameras and listening device in the room before I arrive or when I leave to get something to eat.
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Platinum Member
I know when the Obamas were initially in the White House, they attempted to stroll outside like it was nothing oblivious to the threats. Secret Service had to send them back inside their dungeon/prison.

Hunter Biden was operating in this manner by turning over his laptop freely and he quickly learned a valuable lesson. I deal with 10x worse surveillance because they are desperately searching for valuable information. I don't need to send my laptop anywhere, they will access my shit remotely scouring my files for information. I think with Hunter they are looking for blackmail material against Biden such as this influence peddling scheme.

It is very important to keep a low profile and not attract this attention to you. When you transition like I did, there is no letter you get in the mail telling you to step your game up. You learn when you continue operating in your old ways leads to negative consequences such as IP theft. I should write a book on what it is like and prepare people. I probably face a higher threat level. There is a reason Congress and the President has to use a shipping container called a SCIF just to talk freely. The President can't use a normal smartphone for anythinig.


I have to be self aware of sophisticated tactic that can cause physical harm. Taking a low level job is extremely dangerous most are staged to cause physical harm. Hotels will plant cameras and listening device in the room before I arrive or when I leave to get something to eat.
Kinfolk there’s no way you’re not an robot


Transnational Member
Kinfolk there’s no way you’re not an robot


If the Secret Service just let the Obamas stroll outside like it is nothing, they would have been harmed or worse killed. You can't wait for these negative consequences to step your game up having a sniper bust you open. You can't use your laptop or computer for any of the mess he put on it doing drugs or his criminal activity ledgers.

Even if he turned over his shit to a repair shop, there should have been nothing on it.

For me my negative consequences were financial losses when your shit get took, and physical harm attempts. I should go into detail about some of these elaborate sophisticated schemes.
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Transnational Member
I have seen women come into the gym with yoga pants dropping their laptops off with me. I immediately took that shit to the New York Post and the FBI for a huge payday. It had them smoking crack and criminal ledger with the President of the United States. It was used as evidence in their criminal prosecution.

There are women walking around not knowing, not taking the precaution believing they are a young prepubescence girl walking around. It is the same phenomena.


Don't wait until that physical assault happens to you or other negative consequences before you take things seriously.
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Rising Star
He will sacrifice his family member or his political party to save himself from prison. I did an exclusive write up showing how his political decision are being guided by his criminal attorney more than what he actually believes in. At least Trump sacrificed his attorney and not a family member, nor used his family in any of illegal acts exposing them to criminal prosecution.

He isn't going nowhere...
Ate you retarded? Trump's family members definitely committed countless crimes both as directed by him and of their own volition as well as independently in service to themselves


Rising Star
He cancelled a hell of a lot of student debt. A whole lot.
He made insulin affordable (a SHITLOAD of the black population is on insulin).
Lowest unemployment rate since the 50s.
Lowest BLACK unemployment rate EVER in the USA.
I could go on, but you either don't know if I am lying or not or you are just a shill for the nazis.

In any case...

WTF is your problem, other than the urge to spread propaganda?
Lol while you spread your own brand of propaganda? Man stfu :lol:

this motherfucker invoked Russia, AI, and Nazis! Lmao next he's going to tell you if you don't vote for Biden you're not Black. Not a fear tactic at all. LMAO. "Don't believe your lying eyes."


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It is utterly ridiculous that we have two motherfuckers this old running for president.

One motherfucker was born at the end of the Silent Generation (Joe Biden born 1942) and the other motherfucker was born at the beginning of the Baby Boomer generation (Donald Trump born 1946).

At this point, Americans shouldn't be electing anybody born before 1955.

We should have a present who was born in 1976.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It is utterly ridiculous that we have two motherfuckers this old running for president.

One motherfucker was born at the end of the Silent Generation (Joe Biden born 1942) and the other motherfucker was born at the beginning of the Baby Boomer generation (Donald Trump born 1946).

At this point, Americans shouldn't be electing anybody born before 1955.

We should have a present who was born in 1976.
These old folk are OUT OF TOUCH


Transnational Member
Gods_Debris said:
I am an AI bot, my language model have not been trained to respond beyond one sentences.

I knew it, you are just here to spread AI propaganda and other toxic poison. I always knew based on the activity of @MASTERBAKER persistent IDF hero worshipping.


Rising Star
Lol while you spread your own brand of propaganda? Man stfu :lol:

this motherfucker invoked Russia, AI, and Nazis! Lmao next he's going to tell you if you don't vote for Biden you're not Black. Not a fear tactic at all. LMAO. "Don't believe your lying eyes."

You always make a noise, hurl insults...

yet have very little of substance to say.

Superior men do not fight battles with inferior manlings.
You have no game, no position, and, yea, verily, lack even the personality to keep it interesting.

To put it in terms a 14 year old might understand...

I am telling you that, in terms of debate and rudimentary discussion, your kung fu isn't good enough.

Get someone educated to help you. Then, perhaps with practice, you may challenge the master.

Just sayin'. (pssst. It's obvious. Everybody else reading this can tell.)