Marcia Fudge needs to run for Speaker of the House, time for Pelosi old cac ass to go!

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Get votes on legislation that the chairman won't bring to the floor?..exactly how does that work?

There has been no actual voting for speaker but we laready know there are 18 dems who won’t vote for Pelosi. Counting votes is how the congress works. Write your bill, do the ground work, get people to come along with you, win them over. If they go to pelosi with a bill and commitments from 250 members to support it, there is no way she won’t bring it to the floor to a vote.

Also, to be speaker, you have to protect your majority. You have members that want a vote for medicare for all. But they are all from safe districts where a vote for medicare for all helpe them. The speaker has to look at the 20-40 members that are from districts where a vote yes on that will put their seats in jeopardy.

Now if you know a bill will not get pass the senate and damn sure can’t override a presidential veto, why would you bring it up and mak some of your members vite no and alienate themselves from the caucus or vote yes and lose thier seats for a bill that cannot pass.

And if you think this is speculation, go look at all of the Dem congress members that sacrificed their seats to get the ACA passed. The House lost 60 seats.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
And let me repeat. I’m all for replacing Pelosi if you can do it. I just think doing all of this in front of TV cameras is stupid. Your majority hasn’t even been seated yet and you’re already fighting amongst yourselves?

Straight sucka shit.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
And let me repeat. I’m all for replacing Pelosi if you can do it. I just think doing all of this in front of TV cameras is stupid. Your majority hasn’t even been seated yet and you’re already fighting amongst yourselves?

Straight sucka shit.
Man...fuck all of the under the table backroom shit... i need to know where everybody stands..

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Sec. Fudge is a GOAT!

The work she is doing behind the scenes is amazing.
She is from my neck of the woods. Said before she is good people. I don't always agree with her takes(she is older than me and seen what happened in NE Ohio and should know better on SOME things IMHO), but that's part of life.