he earned benefit of the doubt - at least from me
hmmm... I will go as far as to say I agree with Dray overall
We seen this before
But I have ALSO seen black folk and an odd coincidence a gay black man specifically too, be in a position of authority and FORGET the rules of engagement OR just think the rules no longer apply to them
this is a place of business
these people are NOT your friends
you will be under a greater level of scrutiny and pressure and expectation
It is NEVER appropriate to show shirtless pics to subordinate or make gay or sex jokes etc
I don't care if the OTHER guy did it.
WE can't do that.
We can't talk in that tone or touch or speak with that vocabulary.
And in fact 2025?
NO ONE can or should if they smart cause white black gay straight you at risk.
And as a gay black man with a BAD reputation off your LAST gig? Still acting out?
So no I do not give him the benefit of the doubt
But hope sincerely he is innocent.