Marvel in talks about bringing back the original Avengers for another movie. Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans Are Back in the MCU!


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Also pretty sure the departed was a remake lol

But seriously, I don't understand why russo and marvel fans keep talking about this bullshit, he's never mentioned them personally so why are they so hurt, his opinions aren't controversial if you take them at face value yet these guys can't let it go. Marvel has its place in movies and there's nothing wrong with that, and then there's movies for those who want something more from their movies than just entertainment and that's fine, Marty is just upset that there's no space for them with all these mass produced, assembly line type franchises in theatres.

I don't think Marty should be worried though because ultimately people will get tired of the same and the pendulum will swing the other way, and so on and so forth lol
its an inferior remake with Marty showing a good measure of disrespect to the original movie and its film makers during the press run - somehow he thought because he replaced the characters with irish gangsters and tried to shoe horn in Whitey Bulger that no should ever mention Infernal Affairs to him

that pendulum never swung Marty's way - he was never a blockbuster event film guy -
He was the impactful culture film guy - he never lost that


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So he can make evil dead 5 using vampires?.. look at Dr strange 2 it's literally evil dead 4 with marvel characters. Nigs paid him millions so he could continue his evil dead saga and they didn't even know it. How you know it was evil dead 4 they had ash as one of the characters and he literally started kicking his own ass like he did in part 2 and 3.. nig had a zombie Dr strange like he has had zombie ash and zombie bad guys. He had a mystical book. Bunch of comedy segments. Evil dead 4
They should have let him go all out
Remember he also made what many considered the goat comic book movie, Spiderman 2
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They chose quantity over quality, most of those shows on Disney plus I haven't even watched. Then it seems like they always pushing some agenda and you all know what I'm talking about. Get back to making quality content.

Stop these faggits!

Jackie Reinhart is a lady
Lot of females in what is traditionally men's shit
Nah it just that most of phase 4 marvel films are Disney princess stories in a marvel skin. But yeah there is something going on because lol at the Disney Plus shows. The main character takes a back seat for the female version(Loki, Hawkeye) they kill it mandarin only for his daughter to take his place along phase 4 there was only three 4 movies with a male lead superhero. It's not an agenda it's blatantly right in our faces. But if you say they are pandering which obviously they are or use buzz words like agenda. Marvel diehards and shills will holler like hit dogs a d label you an Incel because you share the views of some YouTube content creators. This shit is obvious though no matter what your political alignment is . I lean left and I can't get with what they are doing as Disney/marvel.
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Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Bro they are pandering like a mf. Trying to be too inclusive with everything. LGBTQRS, ethnicities, cultures, etc. I mean i get it but it's like they don't put shit out until they have checked every box. By then the whole script is fucked.
Exactly. White male heroes only!

Stop these faggits!

Jackie Reinhart is a lady
Bro they are pandering like a mf. Trying to be too inclusive with everything. LGBTQRS, ethnicities, cultures, etc. I mean i get it but it's like they don't put shit out until they have checked every box. By then the whole script is fucked.
They're not making films anymore instead they are making formulaic , predictable factory produced content. They're more concerned about checking off boxes and fulfilling quotas than actually telling good stories and making great films.

Stop these faggits!

Jackie Reinhart is a lady
No Thor L&T and Dr. strange? Both are easily worse than The Marvels. I personally think Thor L&T is one of the worse MCU and superhero movies ever made.
Dr strange is better that the marvels both the firstand the sequel. Don't even mention Thor love and thunder . That movie should be scrubbed from existence.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Niggas are still mad about that 30 seconds in the 3 hours of Endgame when the female characters got together.

The issue with the scene was it wasn't organic and in trying to spotlight the women it kind of has the additional issue of saying separate but equal instead of inclusive. You are doing it for the sake of instead of it being meaningful. It isn't just a Marvel or sex issue and it's usually poorly executed.

I believe some people really do have an issue with women seen in a certain heroic or powerful manner, but that doesn't mean tv shows and movies aren't over doing it with the diversity and inclusion act. If you really are that, you find a better way to execute. It wasn’t exactly a traditional superhero series but I don't recall too much backlash around Wandavision because it focused more on the story.

As a man with a daughter, it's important for her to see women heroes she can inspire to emulate, but the overall story still needs to be good. Otherwise, men who really don't want to see women heroes will use the bad movie/show as a reason to not watch or greenlight other projects.