I usually cover most events in and around the city pertaining to politics and law. I was on the Hill that day and I remember telling the wife that, “this feels under protected.“ The lack of security, knowing full well what goes on in this city day and day out, was striking to me and we left maybe minutes before that whole insurrection took hold.A whole damn riot happened on Capitol Hill where ALL the senators where at.
Folk need to realize that the SYSTEM is bigger than the collective individuals.
To your point and the greater contextual point, you’re absolutely right. It can happen to the highest of the elites, and they won’t move so long as the money keeps flowing.
We like to think that, “oh, if it happens to one of their kids or them, then they’ll make a move” and I understand the sentiment completely, but history has shown us that even when it happens to them, the needle doesn’t move.