~~Miami Heat vs San Antonio - 2013 NBA Finals - The Miami Heat wins!


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
Re: ~~Miami Heat vs San Antonio - 2013 NBA Finals - (Spurs 3 - Miami 3) ~~


What excuse niggas got now? Bron won it in a full season

Steven A Smith WRONG AGAIN 2 yrs straight :lol:

Fuck it congrats man...my only reason for rooting against the heat is cuz everyone was handing it to them...but they went out there and backed it up...if I'm gonna shit on anybody wife it's manu ginobli...that bitch married an idiot


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: ~~Miami Heat vs San Antonio - 2013 NBA Finals - (Spurs 3 - Miami 3) ~~


Now Tim Duncan has to go to divorce court so his CAC can dig deeply into his pockets.

This nigga will look back upon summer '13 as the worst of his life.

'Preme...that's enough...:smh:

Let the man be, damn...:lol:


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
Re: ~~Miami Heat vs San Antonio - 2013 NBA Finals - (Spurs 3 - Miami 3) ~~


Now Tim Duncan has to go to divorce court so his CAC can dig deeply into his pockets.

This nigga will look back upon summer '13 as the worst of his life.

That's fucked up :lol:


BGOL Legend
Re: ~~Miami Heat vs San Antonio - 2013 NBA Finals - (Spurs 3 - Miami 3) ~~

We both said he was going to ride or die with Manu. It was clear. No matter how bad he played. Just like Spo ride and died with wade. Wade got his act together though, but even if he didn't Spo wasn't going to bench him no matter how bad he played.

Maybe pop was lucky to have Tim, but I'm not going to discredit him at all because he got 4 rings. Just like we don't discredit Phil Jackson, you know he pulled some questionable stunts with the lakers.

Jackson did it with 2 different sets of players though.

Duncan has been the pillar from the moment he stepped on the court.

i dont want duncan to retire. i want him to announce next season is his last and go on a farewell tour to get his proper respect


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: ~~Miami Heat vs San Antonio - 2013 NBA Finals - (Spurs 3 - Miami 3) ~~

Pop staying for the parade in miami



BGOL Legend
Re: ~~Miami Heat vs San Antonio - 2013 NBA Finals - (Spurs 3 - Miami 3) ~~

i hear you...

far from going after him.

just heard the post game and Timmy took FULL RESPONSIBILITY

I salute him

we were all like this :eek: when we saw Manu but damn

Pop gotta bear some responsibility too and where was the greatest 3 point shooter in Finals history?

just saying for the way Lebron is scrutinized...

we gotta be fair.

Anybody playing will hope that they put up 24 and 12 in game 7 of the nba finals he showed all the way the fuck up and they didn't even give him the ball enough.


manu threw the game away when they should've just passed it to duncan so he could atone.

im not of the criticize lebron crew. he's a great.
he fucks up like everyone else.

tim fucked up that shot too.

i dont know its just a fine line. cause im a fan of lebron but you get called everything in the book if you dont' see him as a deity

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Re: ~~Miami Heat vs San Antonio - 2013 NBA Finals - (Spurs 3 - Miami 3) ~~

Jackson did it with 2 different sets of players though.

Duncan has been the pillar from the moment he stepped on the court.

i dont want duncan to retire. i want him to announce next season is his last and go on a farewell tour to get his proper respect

Exactly. Pop will never have that chance. It was Duncan only. And Parker and Manu? I can't eve fathom how unproductive those two would have been on other teams.

One last year for Tim. I can dig that.


Support BGOL
Where are all the Heat fans?

These niggas don't know how to be sore winners.

Them niggas in the bed.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: ~~Miami Heat vs San Antonio - 2013 NBA Finals - (Spurs 3 - Miami 3) ~~


Now Tim Duncan has to go to divorce court so his CAC can dig deeply into his pockets.

This nigga will look back upon summer '13 as the worst of his life.


I forgot about his divorce. Damn fucked up summer for Timmy.


BGOL Legend
Re: ~~Miami Heat vs San Antonio - 2013 NBA Finals - (Spurs 3 - Miami 3) ~~

Exactly. Pop will never have that chance. It was Duncan only. And Parker and Manu? I can't eve fathom how unproductive those two would have been on other teams.

I last. year for Tim. I can dig that.

he truly deserves it.

im just mad that pop didn't ride him to the win or the loss.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: ~~Miami Heat vs San Antonio - 2013 NBA Finals - (Spurs 3 - Miami 3) ~~



Fuck this faggot jew Stern too!!!

You got it. You deserve to talk shit. I would've talked shit better.

I didn't want to see Lebron win, but...

...Duncan NOT gettin' no. 5 was the bigger evil. I'll worry about Lebron down the line. He gotta win a few more before I REALLY start hatin' him.

I have a hard time believing Duncan is going to contend again. The Spurs are a wrap.

I just want to say that shit ain't personal. :cheers:

I'm just exhailing on the strength of these hating ass Laker fans at the work house. They're not rational. Aside from all the shit talking, BGOL is pretty rational. Oh boy. They're going to hate seeing me come around the corner tomorrow.


8 vs 80
OG Investor
Somewhere both cp3 and Dwight coward crying like bitches while trying to construct their dream team...while hating on the heat.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2


BGOL Investor
Somewhere both cp3 and Dwight coward crying like bitches while trying to construct their dream team...while hating on the heat.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

Fam you watch how many mofos going to start running to the heat for them chips lol


Support BGOL
Re: ~~Miami Heat vs San Antonio - 2013 NBA Finals - (Spurs 3 - Miami 3) ~~

I just want to say that shit ain't personal. :cheers:

I'm just exhailing on the strength of these hating ass Laker fans at the work house. Oh boy. They're going to hate seeing me come around the corner tomorrow.

The niggas who ain't winning are going to always hate the niggas who are.

But, I'd be a bit surprised if Lakers fans TRULY hate Miami.

To me, real sports hate comes from feeling threatened.

I'm not threatened by Miami YET. They win next year, and I will turn into Amajorfucup. Win again, and I'll become xfactor. Win again, and I'm going straight cranrab.


Rising Star
Re: ~~Miami Heat vs San Antonio - 2013 NBA Finals - (Spurs 3 - Miami 3) ~~

the person I am most happy for is Ray Allen

And I am waiting for the Celtics offseason moves before I really drop munitions on the fake tough talkers.

Loyalty huh.............


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: ~~Miami Heat vs San Antonio - 2013 NBA Finals - (Spurs 3 - Miami 3) ~~

Just watch.

I tell you this Manu won't be back unless he takes a paycut.

RC is one of the best GM's in the league this is true but Peter Holt isn't looking to compete. He is looking to get this team payroll down.

Every move Buford has made since 2011 is to cut the salary of this team down.

What's ironic this is the end of an era for the Spurs and Miami is just adding more hardware and accomplishments to theirs

YEa but he will cut payroll down by default. Duncan and Ginobilli don't have long left. Duncan IF he comes back maybe a year or two? Ginobili? Maybe a year? Those two salaries will cut payroll dramatically.

But let me say it wouldn't shock me if this wasn't the end. You very well may be right. I'm just saying it wouldn't shock me if it isn't. But i'm basing this on every returning and them signing some vets for the mid-level and guys like Leonard, Neal, Splitter and Green being a year older and more prepared.


BGOL Legend
Re: ~~Miami Heat vs San Antonio - 2013 NBA Finals - (Spurs 3 - Miami 3) ~~

YEa but he will cut payroll down by default. Duncan and Ginobilli don't have long left. Duncan IF he comes back maybe a year or two? Ginobili? Maybe a year? Those two salaries will cut payroll dramatically.

But let me say it wouldn't shock me if this wasn't the end. You very well may be right. I'm just saying it wouldn't shock me if it isn't. But i'm basing this on every returning and them signing some vets for the mid-level and guys like Leonard, Neal, Splitter and Green being a year older and more prepared.

straight up.

lock leonard in.

everywhere else you can upgrade.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Re: ~~Miami Heat vs San Antonio - 2013 NBA Finals - (Spurs 3 - Miami 3) ~~

the person I am most happy for is Ray Allen

And I am waiting for the Celtics offseason moves before I really drop munitions on the fake tough talkers.

Loyalty huh.............


I wanna hear what Garnett and Paul gonna say if Doc leaves and they cant go with him :hmm:


BGOL Investor
Re: ~~Miami Heat vs San Antonio - 2013 NBA Finals - (Spurs 3 - Miami 3) ~~

When was the last time you accurately predicted something :smh:

During football season.
I said the 49ers werent worth a shit..and now look where theyre at. Fishing.

I really like what he said in that interview. He doesnt seem like a arrogant, bitch, shit teammate like "MJ copy cat" Kobe. Props to him and him only. Even though Allen and the Spurs saved his season....he literally carried those bums all year.

btw...the Heat should consider trading Bosh. They need to make roster improvements in order to compete with the Bulls next year.

Ok im done


Rising Star
Re: ~~Miami Heat vs San Antonio - 2013 NBA Finals - (Spurs 3 - Miami 3) ~~

that's all good.

ain't nothing nobody can say who watched this game to tell me manu ain't throw this shit away.

and green

green just folded under the pressure. i aint mad at him but it is what it is

wait you mean the Green or Kawhi Leonard who were gonna be series mvp's

Thats why I keep telling folks 7 games is one of the truest meritocracies in sports

Green broke the 3pt record and went 2 for 19 down the stretch over the last 2 games


Support BGOL
Re: ~~Miami Heat vs San Antonio - 2013 NBA Finals - (Spurs 3 - Miami 3) ~~

During football season.

I really like what he said in that interview. He doesnt seem like a arrogant, bitch, shit teammate like "MJ copy cat" Kobe. Props to him and him only. He literally carried those bums all year.

btw...the Heat should consider trading Bosh. They need to make roster improvements in order to compete with the Bulls next year.

Ok im done

Nigga, fuck humility. Humility is for suckas. That nigga got 5 rings, and more money than any reasonable man can spend in one lifetime. Arrogance ain't stop that shit.

...and what's wrong with being an MJ copy-cat? Look where it got him...

...up in your system about to give you a stroke.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: ~~Miami Heat vs San Antonio - 2013 NBA Finals - (Spurs 3 - Miami 3) ~~

straight up.

lock leonard in.

everywhere else you can upgrade.

Yea you gotta be careful what you give Leonard. I don't think you can build a team around him right now but shit who knows what his ceiling is as a offensive player. There's a lot of potential there.


BGOL Investor
Re: ~~Miami Heat vs San Antonio - 2013 NBA Finals - (Spurs 3 - Miami 3) ~~

the person I am most happy for is Ray Allen

And I am waiting for the Celtics offseason moves before I really drop munitions on the fake tough talkers.

Loyalty huh.............

Yup :lol: