Michael Eric Dyson outed in Congress for hitting on Nancy Mace.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I can't find the video but after that exchange with mace, he posted a video talking about how much he loved black women and how he wrote a book about it...going to wait to see if this is true because their are going to be accusations that are made left and right now..but not a good look for Dr. Dyson if true


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
He been a fucking loser ever since that gay is the new Black bullshit. Hope he gets cooked.

While,throwing black men under the bus. This piece of shit don't say shit about Hispanic women and white women voting for the Republican Party but shit on the Democrats #2 voting base all the time....Black men votes for the Democrats twice as much as those two groups but has a lot about us.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You know, it's crazy what our dicks will get us into. There is no world where he thought he was going to call this racist CAC a racist on TV and then she was gone let him fuck! That's some shit you do when yo dick get to talking to you. Like sending a broad a dick pic with you face in the mirror. Fuck is you doing man!?!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So; an accomplished, high profile, "pro -Black" Black man is chasing "Becky" behind the scenes.
- Not at all surprising. :yawn:
In fact, I'd say it's par for the course. Personally, I believe they all do.

And to be completely honest; I've never liked nor cared for Michael Eric Dyson.
Dude manages to come across as man who's always out to prove just how intelligent he wants the world to think he is.
I also never liked how he utilizes his $10 a word vocabulary and fast talking rhyming skills to try to impress audiences on how knowledgeable or how "earnest" he is about Black issues.
Lastly, I hate how he's the 1st Black person Bill Maher runs to whenever he fucks up on speaking about The Black Community. :hmm:




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So this dude is trying to say texting her saying she looks good is not hitting on her? LMAO.
He made the mistake of saying that shit to her. Most women I talk to I be like hey gorgeous, sounds like he does the same thing. His ass should have never did that with her because he should know that she ain't shit. He know damn well that she would exploit that shit. :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That text doesn't look like he was trying to hit on her. He just complimented her and tried to be gracious.

He didn't say anything to suggest he wanted any further interaction with her. That's that racist white woman shit that got Emmett Till killed.

She spinned the narrative and got a lot of you believing her bullshit.


Rising Star
OG Investor
That text doesn't look like he was trying to hit on her. He just complimented her and tried to be gracious.

He didn't say anything to suggest he wanted any further interaction with her. That's that racist white woman shit that got Emmett Till killed.

She spinned the narrative and got a lot of you believing her bullshit.
You may be right...one would think he would be too smart to get in that position in the first place