Re: Reagan Showed More Respect To Michael Jackson When Burned Than Obama Did In His D
Niggas is HEATED!

Man you're being generous.
I think these niggas won't be pleased unless Obama does the whole Thriller routine on the White House lawn, with his cabinet dressed as zombies and shit![]()
i aint ask all that. yes or know would suffice. but since i need to spell it out.... if you knew someone..... and all of a sudden son is on the news bein accused of child molestation x2..... would you leave your child at his house?
They won't be happy til Obama do his next press conference in a Billie Jean suit.
They won't be happy til Obama do his next press conference in a Billie Jean suit.
Silly ass thread....
But, as always, i gotta chime in on anything that has to do with shitting on Mr .Crooked Obama.
Of course Obama wouldnt want to address the death of a man like Michael Jackson...because he was a troubled man....right?
But during his presidential run, this African American man had no problem, repetitively, comparing himself and giving praise to a President that openly hated Black people and wanted to send all of them back to Africa ....AFTER they built America.
..go figure
....oh how i love our first, very arguably, first Black President.
So let me get this straight, last week niggas was complaining because he was having a barbecue on the front lawn of the White House and now they complaining because he didn't R.I.P. to Mike, man o man![]()
that was before all the pedo shit
Silly ass thread....
But, as always, i gotta chime in on anything that has to do with shitting on Mr .Crooked Obama.
Of course Obama wouldnt want to address the death of a man like Michael Jackson...because he was a troubled man....right?
But during his presidential run, this African American man had no problem, repetitively, comparing himself and giving praise to a President that openly hated Black people and wanted to send all of them back to Africa ....AFTER they built America.
..go figure
....oh how i love our first, very arguably, first Black President.
If I actually knew Mike & knew his character?
I would trust his word over a snotty nose white kid & their punk ass parents who are only looking for a payday.
So to answer your question, yes I would leave my kid at Mike's if I was a legitimate friend of his and of his family.
But, as always, i gotta chime in on anything that has to do with criticizing President Obama.
i'm sure there is al ot of people who felt the same way you do only to find out that their closest friend or even a family member molested their child. good luck homie.
are you serious?
michael jackson wasn't getting little boys drunk and sleeping with them that anybody knew of in the 80s. michael jackson WAS pop in the 80s.
wtf do you want obama to do? it's 2009 and michael jackson is a 50 year old riding in a WHEELCHAIR half the time (point of reference - he clearly was in ill health for many years - through mostly his own fault - his emphysema was probably caused by sleeping in oxygen/hyperbaric chambers) - paid off at least one kid that we know of and accused another time. he's been unrepentant about having unrelated little boys in his own bed with him. what is this selective memory shit?
i bet you niggas would write jeffrey dahmer's obituary as, "in addition, he was an excellent cook!".
no. i'm gonna fall back and assume this a joke or a sick cry for attention. it has to be.
you niggas will find fault in obama breathing.
i agree. obama doesn't want to look sympathetic to him b/c it would alienate him from his beloved white people who prefer to believe that the molested kids. on issues of race obama will always hesitate to show black people love b/c he thinks he has to calculate the risk, while a white pres. wouldn't have that liability.
Nigga please.
Where's the proof?
Oh, thats have none.
By the way...
"Jordan Chandler admits he lied about Michael Jackson"
proof about what? i aint say he molested them ... but it's a known fact that they slept in his bed during the "sleep overs" ....i dunno about you but i'm the only grown ass man that my son can share a bed with.
he was never convicted of anything and James Brown was a convicted felon, a woman beater and he spent time in jail..still, his death iliicited official presidential recognition.
Your thoughts and reasoning is very flawed because and like I said, we're know for celebrating our public figures regardless or their flaws and past shenanigans.
And talking about flaws, wasn't Obama himself a drug addict? he's in the white house right now because we Ignored his flaws and shortcomings. His corky and arrogant ass sure forgot about all that..
Blame the parents my man.
It's all on them anyway.
Slutting their sons out for a payday.
Elvis Presley starting fucking Priscilla when he was 24 and she was 14. Pedo.
Here is Elvis with the President of the United States.
Here is President Bush, the First Lady and the Japanese Prime Minister at Elvis' House in Tennessee.
Elvis was used as the face of the US Army.
President Obama can slap some folks mama and yall will be looking at her crossed.
now its blame the parents... GTFO and stop flip flopping. a few posts back you on some "if i knew mike my son can spend the night despite the alegations" now it's blame the parents......that nigga may not have molested them (we will neva know) but the fact remains he slept in the same bed with them and bubbles.
Elvis Presley starting fucking Priscilla when he was 24 and she was 14. Pedo.
Here is Elvis with the President of the United States.
Here is President Bush, the First Lady and the Japanese Prime Minister at Elvis' House in Tennessee.
Elvis was used as the face of the US Army.
Who has the final say on where your child stays, eats, and sleeps...?
You or your child?
Exactly nigga....
The parents are the ones who gave the ok for the kids to stay at Neverland nigga!!
you think a 10 or 12 year old makes decisions for themselves?
Smarten the fuck up.
dunny... i'm a leave this be. cause either
A) you have no fuckin sense
B) you are too emotionally wrapped up into this
of course the parents gave the ok. that's not the point. YOU said that YOU would let your child spend the night at neverland if you knew mike....despite the allegations. I called you on it and now you tryin ta twist this shit into a pretzel.![]()
Yea If I personally knew mike...But I didn't say shit about my child sleeping in the same bed as him.
That's a most definite no no...Any parent who allowed that was dumb as fuck
well guess what.... that's what happened at Neverland.
Well guess whose fault it was
Both Mike's and the parents....
He should have had more common sense not to let any young boy sleep in his bed...especially after being accused twice.
I think he truly was naive about the whole situation in a lot of ways.
would you leave your child at neverland?
How do we know that Mr Obama has not expressed his condolences to the Jackson family? Has Fox News said so?Why have a black president when he can't be a President for Black People?
I rather have a white president that can talk to and do for black folks than a black president that can't even show love for a dead black man.
There is no advancement for black people if this President is all about being elected for a 2nd term.
Lastly, I haven't seen President Obama say a damn thing to Joe and Katherine Jackson. His spokesman is not the same as him. Obama knows what MJ represents to the world. He ain't got the decency to open his own mouth and address the family of MJ. Fuck MJ. He's dead, but the Jackson Family is an American Family. Just like that whoremongering, drunken ass kennedy clan.
To not address the death of MJ personally is cowardly and bitchmade for a black president.
George Washington owned black people and every president honors his memory.