Re: Reagan Showed More Respect To Michael Jackson When Burned Than Obama Did In His D
fuck outta here. you would let your child... your son.... sleep in the same bed with a grown ass man?
whateva dunny... do you.
and trust i 'm not on a "self loathing" high horse. on the contrary I could give a fuck if he acknowledged Mike or not. for all we know he's not a fan. me personally Mike died...... and life goes on. i said a simple RIP and kept it moving. his death did not affect me in no way shape or form. what affects me is the disparity between inner city schools and neighborhoods when compared to that of the whites and jews. what bothers me is that we have hungry children here in this country. what affects me is the fact that i cant walk in certain neighborhoods without bein chased by a mob or harassed and abused by the police. there are far more important things goin on in the world than worryin about why the Pres didnt "honor" an entertainer.
lol @ predictable digression, it took you forever to pull that out.
sure and why not? a lot of people did and nothing happened to their kids 'xcept for some money hungry losers, the court saw through it and MJ was acquitted of all 14 what's your point again?
Like I said, James brown (R.I.P)on the other hand was a convicted woman beater and he spent hard time in jail...all his shortcomings didn't deny him a well deserved official residential speech and recognition. Y'all need to fall of your self loathing high horses and look in the freeking mirror.
Obama is my boy but he's a political dick head...and like I said fuck his arrogant and clueless ass on this one.
fuck outta here. you would let your child... your son.... sleep in the same bed with a grown ass man?

and trust i 'm not on a "self loathing" high horse. on the contrary I could give a fuck if he acknowledged Mike or not. for all we know he's not a fan. me personally Mike died...... and life goes on. i said a simple RIP and kept it moving. his death did not affect me in no way shape or form. what affects me is the disparity between inner city schools and neighborhoods when compared to that of the whites and jews. what bothers me is that we have hungry children here in this country. what affects me is the fact that i cant walk in certain neighborhoods without bein chased by a mob or harassed and abused by the police. there are far more important things goin on in the world than worryin about why the Pres didnt "honor" an entertainer.