To all my fam that is 30+.....ya'll need to give it up to the King of Pop, Michael Jackson......he was music for us growing up, and everybody rock him.....from peeny loafers , to jheri curl and even those of us who were special..... the thriller jacket!!!! The Man influenced a whole generation from fashion, music and dance...and will continue to live on in all of hearts.....for those true Michael fans, Break out you White gloves and salute the man for 24 hrs.
To all my fam that is 30+.....ya'll need to give it up to the King of Pop, Michael Jackson......he was music for us growing up, and everybody rock him.....from peeny loafers , to jheri curl and even those of us who were special..... the thriller jacket!!!! The Man influenced a whole generation from fashion, music and dance...and will continue to live on in all of hearts.....for those true Michael fans, Break out you White gloves and salute the man for 24 hrs.
yeah baby, I cant focus for shit right now
i keep flashing back to my preteen days
It's certain things people remember in there life time. I remember when the space shuttle challenger exploded, I remember the Rodney King azz whippin, but one of my fondest memories is when "Billy Jean" or better yet when "Thriller" came out and it was a family event. For all of you young Cats, believe it or not, the "video" era started wit my dude. Every one wit Jerri Curls, wearing penny loafers, white socks, started wit dis dude here. Plus, he had one of the most magical voices of all times......... R.I.P MIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Listen to some of dat old mike when they was the Jackson 5..... U will appreciate this dude, he sounded better than 99% of the dudes now and he was 12......
"Whennnnnnnnnnn I, had uuuuuuu, I treated u baddddddddd........."
It was either NBC World News or ET.
Stress and recent, bad eating habits....
like i said before...take care of yourselves Brothas and Sistas
as for all the disrespectful typing in multiple threads.
keep in mind he wasnt found guilty of anything.
all of you people saying he molested those kids are basically just assuming based off his character and he say she say....leave the shit alone
40 years wordi'd comment on the comparison but its not even the time for all of that
RIP a legend
just as i typed this, Kieth Olbermann just mentioned how his career is was twice as long as Elvis and John Lennon