I'm not being hateful, far from it. But all I am saying is it's a learned behavior I believe.
I have no problem with someone choosing to be gay. What disgusts me is the flamboyant, flaming mofo's who have the lisp and what not to be over the top extreme. In that same token you have the women who want to be tougher than any dude I know.
Now be it at that, fine, you want to be gay, I could care less.
I am only saying I do not believe there is a gene in a human being that would let them feel compelled to stick their dick in another man's behind unless he was taught that by society. How would he know that it belongs there and not in a pussy?
I believe it is learned.
Personally, I have two sons. If either turned out to be gay, no I would not blame myself. But would feel it is brought on by society and this media machine today.
I come from an era where yes we did have gays back when I was a teen I saw. But as prevalent as it is today? Hell no. As in your face all on TV like it's the norm? No.
In certain areas of industry today, you won't make it unless you bump elbows with gays at parties or functions. I've been to some and know quite a few who produce movies or are behind the scenes. I'm not coming from some ignant statement saying what I say. Truthfully feel some shit is just learned.
I grew up with my boys as a teen, yeah we used to say money over bitches, back then would probably die for one another, does that mean I felt sexual towards any of them? Hells no. We just looked out for one another. That's as far as it went.
As for women being touchy feely in tribes or whatever, fine, I believe that. But does that mean they are going the next step and would eat her fur burger?
I am in no way trying to flip, just seriously speaking from a conversational point of view.
Dudes aint born and automatically want to put on heels, put a weave in their hair and take a man in their bottom without seeing someone else do that shit in society.