Mister Cee Just Came Out The Closet On The Radio Crying Like A BITCH

Mad Genius

Avid CAC Slapper
BGOL Investor
Re: oh shit mr. cee just admitted it


That is socially taught and continuing to fuck up society, my opinion. Just the way I was raised, that shit ain't kosher...

:lol: ain't nobody mad, bro. you dont see my coming with the large bold fonts and shit. i just cant stand flat out ignorance. dont get me wrong, i understand where you're coming from. most of us were raised they same way you were. but when you grow up its up to you to educate yourself. our parents dont always know everything. just because someone is gay doesn't mean you have to be hateful to them. what did they do to you? i used to be the same way until i realized that i was hating people that never did anything to me...so why should i be hateful towards them?

and i fucking hate all the gay shit on tv these days. it seems like every show i used to love or like has gay shit on it now. but i have a choice not to watch those shows. it sucks but it is what it is. but i wont allow myself to hate gay people because they make me uncomfortable sometimes. i'm just talking common sense, bro.


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Re: oh shit mr. cee just admitted it

:lol: ain't nobody mad, bro. you dont see my coming with the large bold fonts and shit. i just cant stand flat out ignorance. dont get me wrong, i understand where you're coming from. most of us were raised they same way you were. but when you grow up its up to you to educate yourself. our parents dont always know everything. just because someone is gay doesn't mean you have to be hateful to them. what did they do to you? i used to be the same way until i realized that i was hating people that never did anything to me...so why should i be hateful towards them?

and i fucking hate all the gay shit on tv these days. it seems like every show i used to love or like has gay shit on it now. but i have a choice not to watch those shows. it sucks but it is what it is. but i wont allow myself to hate gay people because they make me uncomfortable sometimes. i'm just talking common sense, bro.

I'm not being hateful, far from it. But all I am saying is it's a learned behavior I believe.

I have no problem with someone choosing to be gay. What disgusts me is the flamboyant, flaming mofo's who have the lisp and what not to be over the top extreme. In that same token you have the women who want to be tougher than any dude I know.

Now be it at that, fine, you want to be gay, I could care less.
I am only saying I do not believe there is a gene in a human being that would let them feel compelled to stick their dick in another man's behind unless he was taught that by society. How would he know that it belongs there and not in a pussy?

I believe it is learned.
Personally, I have two sons. If either turned out to be gay, no I would not blame myself. But would feel it is brought on by society and this media machine today.

I come from an era where yes we did have gays back when I was a teen I saw. But as prevalent as it is today? Hell no. As in your face all on TV like it's the norm? No.

In certain areas of industry today, you won't make it unless you bump elbows with gays at parties or functions. I've been to some and know quite a few who produce movies or are behind the scenes. I'm not coming from some ignant statement saying what I say. Truthfully feel some shit is just learned.

I grew up with my boys as a teen, yeah we used to say money over bitches, back then would probably die for one another, does that mean I felt sexual towards any of them? Hells no. We just looked out for one another. That's as far as it went.

As for women being touchy feely in tribes or whatever, fine, I believe that. But does that mean they are going the next step and would eat her fur burger?

I am in no way trying to flip, just seriously speaking from a conversational point of view.

Dudes aint born and automatically want to put on heels, put a weave in their hair and take a man in their bottom without seeing someone else do that shit in society.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: oh shit mr. cee just admitted it

mr cee - confirmed trannying day

mr bentley - nothing more needs to be said

bigs best friend/right hand man was gay and big (RIP) spit a few of the gayest bars in hiphop history

mase - confirmed trannying day atl

puff said he and usher used to wake up and wrestle over frosted flakes

then usher went on to marry one of the manliest looking joints i ever seen a nigga w/ money wife.

not for nothin but again thats alot of weird shit in 1 group of friends...

Alriiiiight ! just stop,you win.. NY forfeits the crown. Even our DJ's are co-signing this shit! :smh: aww man.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: oh shit mr. cee just admitted it

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/Un7lr0sVz7c" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Cock Head Jones

Rising Star
Re: oh shit mr. cee just admitted it

I'm not being hateful, far from it. But all I am saying is it's a learned behavior I believe.

I have no problem with someone choosing to be gay. What disgusts me is the flamboyant, flaming mofo's who have the lisp and what not to be over the top extreme. In that same token you have the women who want to be tougher than any dude I know.

Now be it at that, fine, you want to be gay, I could care less.
I am only saying I do not believe there is a gene in a human being that would let them feel compelled to stick their dick in another man's behind unless he was taught that by society. How would he know that it belongs there and not in a pussy?

I believe it is learned.
Personally, I have two sons. If either turned out to be gay, no I would not blame myself. But would feel it is brought on by society and this media machine today.

I come from an era where yes we did have gays back when I was a teen I saw. But as prevalent as it is today? Hell no. As in your face all on TV like it's the norm? No.

In certain areas of industry today, you won't make it unless you bump elbows with gays at parties or functions. I've been to some and know quite a few who produce movies or are behind the scenes. I'm not coming from some ignant statement saying what I say. Truthfully feel some shit is just learned.

I grew up with my boys as a teen, yeah we used to say money over bitches, back then would probably die for one another, does that mean I felt sexual towards any of them? Hells no. We just looked out for one another. That's as far as it went.

As for women being touchy feely in tribes or whatever, fine, I believe that. But does that mean they are going the next step and would eat her fur burger?

I am in no way trying to flip, just seriously speaking from a conversational point of view.

Dudes aint born and automatically want to put on heels, put a weave in their hair and take a man in their bottom without seeing someone else do that shit in society.

personally i think most homos had some trauma in their past that flipped that trigger. i also think alot of kids emulate what they see. i remember before we started seeing an abundance of gay lil boys, it was cute for girls to like girls. so yea i think alot of tht shit is just people acting out... but...

if kids can be born with every type of malfunction u can think of from physical issues, to mental illness, to thousands of diseases...what makes u think homosexuality cant be one of them?


BGOL Investor
Re: oh shit mr. cee just admitted it

Dude is gay and needs to admit it. I mean if being attracted to men in dresses ain't gay then what is?

All that being said, props to him for coming out. Shit who cares, go make music man....none of my business.

The hip hop world is cold as fuck....:smh::smh::smh:

Mad Genius

Avid CAC Slapper
BGOL Investor
Re: oh shit mr. cee just admitted it

Dude is gay and needs to admit it. I mean if being attracted to men in dresses ain't gay then what is?

All that being said, props to him for coming out. Shit who cares, go make music man....none of my business.

The hip hop world is cold as fuck....:smh::smh::smh:

and this dude is still one of the dopest dj's in ny. and niggas want him to go away. :smh:


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Re: oh shit mr. cee just admitted it

personally i think most homos had some trauma in their past that flipped that trigger. i also think alot of kids emulate what they see. i remember before we started seeing an abundance of gay lil boys, it was cute for girls to like girls. so yea i think alot of tht shit is just people acting out... but...

if kids can be born with every type of malfunction u can think of from physical issues, to mental illness, to thousands of diseases...what makes u think homosexuality cant be one of them?

I do think being homo-isms could be one of them. But that doesn't make it as rampant as it is today. Unless it is similar to how rampant ADHD and other behavioral diseases are all of sudden today. That's related to the processed foods and chemicals we consume today.

My wife says I am biased, cause while I don't mind two women together, (especially in bed with me), lol.
But two men together... I can't get that.

The way that dudes feel inclined to act out being flamboyant gay is what truly bothers me.

To get bank on topic, I still think Mista Cee is one of the dopest DJ's I have heard play, probably because I have heard him play hundreds of times on the radio. I am not talking his midday shows. I used to listen to him all the time years back late night til like 1 or 2 am before Kay Slay used to come on. Dude was and is one of the best in the game, period. I will always say that. His sexual preferences? is a whole 'nother story...


BGOL Investor
Re: oh shit mr. cee just admitted it

and this dude is still one of the dopest dj's in ny. and niggas want him to go away. :smh:

Dudes a legend. Shit I grew up on his music, so I'm only looking at that. He needs to go ahead, get his therapy and call himself what he is...gay.


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Re: oh shit mr. cee just admitted it

Dudes a legend. Shit I grew up on his music, so I'm only looking at that. He needs to go ahead, get his therapy and call himself what he is...gay.

That's how I see it, never met him, only hear him on the radio and it can stay that way...

Best DJ in Hot97 and probably the best in NY period.


Rising Star
Re: oh shit mr. cee just admitted it

mr cee - confirmed trannying day

mr bentley - nothing more needs to be said

bigs best friend/right hand man was gay and big (RIP) spit a few of the gayest bars in hiphop history

mase - confirmed trannying day atl

puff said he and usher used to wake up and wrestle over frosted flakes

then usher went on to marry one of the manliest looking joints i ever seen a nigga w/ money wife.

not for nothin but again thats alot of weird shit in 1 group of friends...

So Kendrick Lamar won ?:dunno:

By default? :dunno:

*two cents*


:lol: @ niggaz talkin about nyc takin n L as if fags aint all over the universe. in any case who gives a fuck if hes a Mo? half of the niggaz on this very site got fags in their sigs. :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Re: oh shit mr. cee just admitted it

Yea that was very intelligent. Fukin moron.

maybe... but you definitely lack facility in critical thought and analysis, or
you're just happy to keep swallowing propaganda and pseudoscience about homosexual animals...

btw- leave invertebrates alone... and pay attention to how many factors are manipulated or reported out of context to induce or later determine homosexual behavior in vertebrates


Rising Star
OG Investor
Re: oh shit mr. cee just admitted it

maybe... but you definitely lack facility in critical thought and analysis, or
you're just happy to keep swallowing propaganda and pseudoscience about homosexual animals...

btw- leave invertebrates alone... and pay attention to how many factors are manipulated or reported out of context to induce or later determine homosexual behavior in vertebrates

:lol: So you got called out for your ignorance which was quite obvious and decided to string some words together to make yourself seem intelligent. You already failed by using examples of male penguins working together to move a ball as support for.......Now to think of it, what was your point? Stop arguing just for the sake of arguing youngin. There is no concrete evidence to what causes homosexuality therefore what you or I think we know is just that so stop arguing like you are getting paid to do it. Gay animals have been documented and have been observed by humans.


Man of the People
yep! street laws! the streets is silly but the streets will whip yo ass!

I hear you, but if someone lives their life worrying about what the streets thinks about them is a fucking fool.

Fuck the streets. The streets don't put food in your fridge, pay your mortgage, or hold you down when shit is tight.

The sooner ninjas stop worrying about what other random ninjas think of them, the sooner they'll be living a happier existence.


Fat broads need NOT apply
This fag is stupid, he would make a ton of loot DJ'n at fag clubs from coast to coast...

nigga you gay, ride that shit (no Mr.Cee) out and make loot...



Rising Star
This crying in public shit is just as bad as buying trannies.
