Mods seriously Why hasnt Bullet been banned?

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
@Bullet I will keep it 100 with you. No one cares if you are gay and have sexual encounters with men. As it stands currently, BGOL is a porn board and we expect to have amateur porn producers active on the board.

There have been plenty of dudes who had porn sites on BGOL. But they were always honest with the content. They would ask the fam to check out their site but warned the fam that they had a section for homosexuality. These brothas simply explained that homosexuality content paid well and it was just business. This allowed for people to support them without accidentally clicking on some gay video.

Deceiving brothas who had no idea they would be looking at gay content was a violation. Trust goes a long way and you hurt a lot of people who supported you. That ain’t good business. Then to not give a fuck says alot about your character. You instead tried to gas light brothas as if it was their fault. If you had been upfront like the other porn dudes, people would have known not to enter certain sections
It was clearly labeled accordingly.
If you still clicked on something labeled femboy or whatever it was tagged, you're a faggot named @MACGayver.


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
I just saw the comb


Walter Panov

Rising Star
I'm not even going to front I might be one of the only ones who didn’t think he was on some gay shit.

I knew he was weird and got off on the cuckold shit but I didn't think he was flat out gay.

But I also stopped watching the shit he posted a while ago and only came into threads involving him for the jokes so maybe there were clues in the later videos I never saw.
True, I didn't know he was a full homo with the gangbangs and everything but I suspected he was half and half.

Walter Panov

Rising Star
And your name represents the most reprehensible BGOLian of all time so forgive me if I don't put much credence into anything you type round this bitch. Hit dogs holler. I'm obviously not talking to those who were calling him out but obviously you're feeling some type of way and that speaks to something else in your spirit, now don't it? :hmm:
No it doesn't. I just call stupidity when I see it.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
True, I didn't know he was a full homo with the gangbangs and everything but I always suspected he was half and half.
you can fuck 1000 females but suck 1 dick and guess what that means you’re a fag.. no such thing as a bi sexual man.. bisexual man is just a fag that happens to have sex with females sometimes.. bullet was fagatha all along

Mad Genius

Avid CAC Slapper
BGOL Investor
No it doesn't. I just call stupidity when I see it.
Annnndddd you just admitted you didn't know he was on some homo shit which means you're stupid as fuck. Quit while you're fucking behind, dipshit. You're just digging yourself into a deeper hole, you fucking dummy. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Mad Genius

Avid CAC Slapper
BGOL Investor
you can fuck 1000 females but suck 1 dick and guess what that means you’re a fag.. no such thing as a bi sexual man.. bisexual man is just a fag that happens to have sex with females sometimes.. bullet was fagatha all along
These niggas are telling on themselves. First they were calling Bullet a fag the whole time. Now they didn't realize Bullet was on some homo shit. I mean..which is it? Pick a fucking lie and stick with it. :smh:


I want my daddy's records!
Platinum Member
I'm cracking up over all the niggas saying they saw a few seconds of the video but giving a full spoiler review............:lol:

The entire video is filled with white men calling him the n word and faggot while they cum on him. When their done a couple of brothers work him over. It basically plays into the whole bully narrative he has projected in the videos with his wife. That he is helpless and submissive to Alpha Men.


Walter Panov

Rising Star
Annnndddd you just admitted you didn't know he was on some homo shit which means you're stupid as fuck. Quit while you're fucking behind, dipshit. You're just digging yourself into a deeper hole, you fucking dummy. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Lol no I didn't you hooked-on phonics emotional dumbass. You really mad about this, huh? Don't have another fit on us.

Walter Panov

Rising Star
These niggas are telling on themselves. First they were calling Bullet a fag the whole time. Now they didn't realize Bullet was on some homo shit. I mean..which is it? Pick a fucking lie and stick with it. :smh:
I know you lack the intelligence to understand words in a sentence so it's all confusing to you.

Mad Genius

Avid CAC Slapper
BGOL Investor
I know you lack the intelligence to understand words in a sentence so it's all confusing to you.
Dude...just stop already. You're looking like a real fucking idiot right now. Work on getting your story straight. You've made it clear why you're so triggered so just work on that and leave me out of it. I can't help you with you and Bullet's issues. That's on you, bud. Good luck on your journey to fucking moron. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Early nominee for Thread Of The Year...
I second this one. I remember seeing a few vids of Bullet's wife, and I clicked off of those after a few seconds. Not exactly my cup of tea.

After skimming through nine pages of this thread, and peeping the comments, I'm glad that I did not see any of the video of Bullet in action.
Ain't even MY glass of water.


I'm wondering why we're 10 pages in though. HAPPY THANKSGIVING WEEKEND!!!



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yall think the epstein list is the ONLY thing that is going to come out....


WHat about the


there are bgol members that went full pdiddy

and partied WITH BULLET..


bullet actually had a contest one time, and I remember before that,

he offered dudes to hit him up!!!

You could probably tell by the folks missing from this thread, or those that lowkey

gonna support bullet using his wife as DICK BAIT...nasty work bruh,

nasty work!!
No way. LMAO! Say it isn't so..

Walter Panov

Rising Star
Dude...just stop already. You're looking like a real fucking idiot right now. Work on getting your story straight. You've made it clear why you're so triggered so just work on that and leave me out of it. I can't help you with you and Bullet's issues. That's on you, bud. Good luck on your journey to fucking moron. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Nah. You're the only in this thread who's emotional about this. And too stupid to understand it's you who looks like an idiot. Don't blame me for it. Just read the room, imbecile.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
:confused: nah homie, you‘re on your own with that one
i believed the members that reported that sh!t
i’m trippin’ that you and others had to verify that sh!t after the warnings

Don't worry bro they been exposed themselves, apparently there is now a massive post scrub afoot to delete condemning posts.

All I want to see are the APOLOGIES to my brothers who were telling the truth and being labeled liars.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No way. LMAO! Say it isn't so..

Yeee UP he had a contest with a winner and all... I think he had a few contests but it was amongst

certain members.. and I even recall a member saying he won one of the contests, but never went into detail..

I always thought bullet threads were just bullet trolling and using his wife to fuck OTHER WIVES,

I had no idea he was using her for DICK BAIT!! that's just disgusting work...

but Bullet has a list of members that attend his house...

THE BULLET HOUSE LIST!!! and Im sure he is waiting for one of THOSE members to get sassy...

and Im sure he will expose them, probably got some on video going the extra mile...

again this is all speculation, but Id put a few stacks on it.... whats NOT speculation

is the Bullet contest he held here and the fact that a few members won a few times....

you should be able to tell who they are, they are either avoiding this thread completely or,

they will lowkey try and take up for bullets dickbaiting antics...

Mad Genius

Avid CAC Slapper
BGOL Investor
Nah. You're the only in this thread who's emotional about this. And too stupid to understand it's you who looks like an idiot. Don't blame me for it. Just read the room, imbecile.
I know, man. It's all my fault that you can't keep your story straight. Got it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah...uh...this is called TACIT APPROVAL. This is the bullshit that fueled why he continued to post. So while many members did in fact clown Bullet, many others fed into his bullshit. THOSE are the mfs I'm addressing. There were PLENTY of Bullet supporters and what we're not going to do is justify why it was ok egg him on just to see a "reasonably attractive middle aged Black woman" like that's a reasonable fucking excuse. GTFOHWTBS.

Bullet continued to post because he doesn't embarrass easily and he got off on reading our comments and insults, tacit approval had nothing to do with it, it had everything to do with Bullet being a surrender cuck.

This is why he crafts narratives about him being defenseless as various men come to his house and fuck his wife, it's also why he submitted to group sex with multiple men with no resistance.

Mad Genius

Avid CAC Slapper
BGOL Investor
Bullet continued to post because he doesn't embarrass easily and he got off on reading our comments and insults, tacit approval had nothing to do with it, it had everything to do with Bullet being a surrender cuck.

This is why he crafts narratives about him being defenseless as various men come to his house and fuck his wife, it's also why he submitted to group sex with multiple men with no resistance.
So...all the dudes asking for him to post more shit of his wife had NOTHING to do with it? Really? Dudes in every thread that gave him props for that bullshit had no impact at all? This is a high level of denial, man. And again...if you were really one of the people who castigated and ridiculed Bullet, then you should be in total agreement with pretty much everything I've said. Because for all the folks that clowned Bullet, there were plenty who also liked what he was doing. Let's not act like that wasn't happening.