Honestly guys 12 pages of calling each other gay? This board is in its death throes with old ass members like mcguyver. What new members lining up to join that. That said I had some good times here but BGOL ain't life, at lease not for me. I maybe stop by once a week and there's not much going on any different from 15 years ago, stuck in time. If it'll allow you guys to go back to pretending to be baller's.
The Mods have my permission to delete and ban me off the board. I don't think it'll make much difference, you will find something else to hate. I don't wake up thinking about BGOL or go to sleep thinking about it. I got no hate for the board, so ya'll enjoy. I wonder though Blunt or Bullet, don't you?
Mcguyver we know your interest in this thread is a little too much over compensation. We all know why too. Eat shit and die coward.......

Lexx, you temperamental sensitive piece of shit, do you worst.......I'm out
HNIC...Thanks for your hospitality. I appreciate the time I spent on this board.
The rest of the hate mongers ain't important enough to mention, ya'll know who you are. I hope your Mom throws you out her basement.
The rest of ya'll, it's been real, peace.