
Rising Star
BGOL Investor
“I didn't leave WWE to necessarily pursue anything specific. I just knew that I'm not a ring announcer, and I knew that if I continued going any longer, that was it. It was done. I could kiss any other thing that I wanted to do goodbye. I just need to be myself. That's literally it.

My wrestling career has barely even begun. I think it would be an absolute waste of everything that I've done so far to not continue the story. I gotta finish my story. Now, I want to just see creatively what else I can do. Hopefully, when I come back (to wrestling), I'll bring even more value than I did before."

I feel bad. Because on one hand, I understand being young and feeling like there's more you want to do and more places that you want to go. But on the other hand, she had a solid gig and all of the perks that went with it. Yeah, some people ragged on her, but that's any person in the spotlight. I don't really see her getting a new opportunity that would be any more advantageous or successful than her previous one.