
Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I swore he was about to get an AEW tattoo like MJF lolz.

Speaking of MJF, dude must feel sick that he lost that bet he made on himself. I'v never seen a wrestler fall off as fast and badly as him.
I dunno if he feels sick considering he got a bag from the money mark and can basically wrestle whenever he wants and much less than he would have in WWE. He was also able to get his GF a job.
I think MJF is just about making as much as he can right now while doing the least amount of work.
But yeah, his value has definitely plummeted since he re-upped with AEW and as I mentioned previously, when he does eventually sign with WWE he's going to make less than he would have.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You know I first thought this Maven channel was weird (based off of a thumbnail) after watching that, homie is a pretty solid dude! Thanks for posting this.

Used to LOVE Saturn in the Eliminators and apart of Raven's Flock. I always thought that finishing move he did with Kronos looked GREAT!

Actually I should not have watched this! It looks like shyt compared to the fond memories I had of it.

He looks like a grandpa now...with a fcuking face tattoo??? Glad he's able to be there for his grandson.

I was a huge fan of the Eliminators when they came to the USWA and face PG-13. Sad Kronus didn't get his shot


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I wonder where Goldberg v Hogan ranked from Atlanta on Nitro?
Hogan vs Goldberg helped Nitro get 5.2 rating against RAW 4.7.

Raw & Nitro combined still aren’t even in the same atmosphere with Hogan and Andre on NBC the night Goldberg beat Hogan.