
Rising Star
BGOL Investor
“I didn't leave WWE to necessarily pursue anything specific. I just knew that I'm not a ring announcer, and I knew that if I continued going any longer, that was it. It was done. I could kiss any other thing that I wanted to do goodbye. I just need to be myself. That's literally it.

My wrestling career has barely even begun. I think it would be an absolute waste of everything that I've done so far to not continue the story. I gotta finish my story. Now, I want to just see creatively what else I can do. Hopefully, when I come back (to wrestling), I'll bring even more value than I did before."

I feel bad. Because on one hand, I understand being young and feeling like there's more you want to do and more places that you want to go. But on the other hand, she had a solid gig and all of the perks that went with it. Yeah, some people ragged on her, but that's any person in the spotlight. I don't really see her getting a new opportunity that would be any more advantageous or successful than her previous one.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I feel bad. Because on one hand, I understand being young and feeling like there's more you want to do and more places that you want to go. But on the other hand, she had a solid gig and all of the perks that went with it. Yeah, some people ragged on her, but that's any person in the spotlight. I don't really see her getting a new opportunity that would be any more advantageous or successful than her previous one.
Before she became a ring announcer, could you see her becoming a ring announcer?
I don't eat oatmeal. Just pointing out that she's a big ol dummy. Her named just happened to be Samantha
It wasn't like she took a shyt on HHH's desk on her way out! Lilian Garcia left for the same reasons and she seems to be doing just fine for herself all things considered. CM Punk left, got his ass whipped in the UFC, went on a dog walking tour of the WWE. Caused/exposed a rift in a whole ass other company that they haven't been able to recover from and is back in WWE on a run that The Hulkster would salivate over creative control. And you're right, she wasn't talent. Punk is, a lot more leeway for a person that is gonna make you money. But like I said she seems to have left on good terms. She could have left with a bunch of contacts that is helping her do whatever it is that she's trying to do. I learned a long time ago, entertainers need to entertain. If they don't have that creative outlet then they go crazy. And THAT could be a bullshyt excuse and just wanted to travel with her man. Him traveling in AEW and her traveling in WWE they don't get to see each other that often if at all, plus the expense of getting to each other. How is that a bad thing?!?! She obviously can't say that cause heaven forbid they bring up another promotion. The way folks keep treating black women on here you'd think you all would be bigger fans of AEW!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Pretty cool to see Perry Saturn and Maven chop it up. I was a big fan of Saturn and was sad to see him have addiction issues.

You know I first thought this Maven channel was weird (based off of a thumbnail) after watching that, homie is a pretty solid dude! Thanks for posting this.

Used to LOVE Saturn in the Eliminators and apart of Raven's Flock. I always thought that finishing move he did with Kronos looked GREAT!

Actually I should not have watched this! It looks like shyt compared to the fond memories I had of it.

He looks like a grandpa now...with a fcuking face tattoo??? Glad he's able to be there for his grandson.