Money Debate: Is 400 K per year considered middle class income by today's standards?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
This thread completely exposes the lunacy of some of the people on BGOL. The fact that a person who earns $400K is in the top 1.8% of all US earners and in the top 0.5% of all global earners isn't enough to convince BGOL of the significance of such an amount of money. According to some BGOL, $400K is just OK, not rich. Geesh!!!

This confirms that we are truly spoiled here in the US and that it is almost impossible to have rational financial conversations on BGOL(or the internet) due to the detachment from reality.

Ball on ballers.
If somebody was having a 6 fig and up party could the people making 90-97,000 walk through that door? The answer is no. Why cause 6 figs means 100,000 and up..90,000 will never be 6 figs.. just like 1.8 percent will never be 1 percent.. if they had a 1 percenter party the people that’s 1.8-1.1 can’t come through that door cause they are not 1 percent.. the irs said 470,000 and up or 500,000 and up.. is 400,000 dollars 500,000 dollars the answer is no.. is 400,000 dollars 470,000 dollars the answer is no.. so 400,000 by the irs rule is not considered in the top 1 percent.. delusional would be the person that argues with the financial system/ institutions themselves.. if they said we going to tax the 1 percenters a certain amount by loopholes a person who is under 470,000 can avoid being taxed a certain amount.. in fact it’s those loopholes that tend to determine certain demographics… nobody saying 400,000 is a lil bit of money, we just saying by definition it’s not rich.. now we know you will argue the English dictionary, financial institutions, even god just for you to feel say your next line Tito the great

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
Yall do realize 400K in salary brings you home $4500 per week with maxed out health, 401K, 503B, and transportation deductions? I'm just honored to be on this site amongst all you Bilderberg members and shit.
For real bro.
BGOLians takes 3 months to the Maldives. Yearly.
Have Kelly Rowland and Ashanti washing their dishes.
Eat omelettes made out of bald eagle eggs
And have Biden on speed dial.



Dinner is now being served.
BGOL Investor
For real bro.
BGOLians takes 3 months to the Maldives. Yearly.
Have Kelly Rowland and Ashanti washing their dishes.
Eat omelettes made out of bald eagle eggs
And have Biden on speed dial.

I need my African Queen Kamala on speed dial. I’ll be her new Willie Brown. :blowjob:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
anybody who cant thrive off 400k a year

either has the coke habit of five whores

from the eighties,

or the gambling habit of

mike jordan

charles barkley

charlie sheen and phil mickleson combined.....

you dont even have to be a financial expert..

400k a year, you could hire a damn good,

accountant/financial advisor...

Plus I think the wrtier of the article is cappin,

that muthafucka hiding money overseas,

and just wants the papers he showed the i.r.s

to seem legit..

Unlike the REAL ones he keeps in his file cabinet

at home


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
It's the kids, house, wife (eventhough she makes 100k), cars, vacations, savings, and general family living expenses expenses that shrink the fuck out of your finances. Also, I send a few dollars to various family members and I have a hoe budget.
Lol yeah that’s why on the first page I asked is their family and spouse/girlfriend in the equation to that 400,000 cause that definitely determines how the money is spent/saved and determines the kinda lifestyle you live


Transnational Member
If you are working for white people making that much there is probably racial cannibalism involved. High probability the black community is losing millions, you are promoting law enforcement or homosexuality leading to HIV.

You are chasing me around validating their harassment, definitely a red flag.

Making much less money and not being a toxic fool to the black community is my ideal situation.
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A to Dah K

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
you are above middle class but i wouldn't consider you rich. upper middle class to me is basic doctors or lawyers. 4ook is a successful businessman owner. i consider that high class just one notch over upper middle class. you can maximize your earnings with location.

bums 5k less
poor 6-25
working class 26-45
lower middle class 46-70
middle class 71-99
upper middle class 100-250
high class 251-1 mil
rich 1.1 - 10.5 mil
wealthy 10.6 +
100k is upper middle?

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
For real bro.
BGOLians takes 3 months to the Maldives. Yearly.
Have Kelly Rowland and Ashanti washing their dishes.
Eat omelettes made out of bald eagle eggs
And have Biden on speed dial.

Well, you know BGOL isn't anywhere near a true representation of reality, especially for black America. It's some cats on here that I've seen with insane amounts of money. 8 figures and cool as shit. They don't even showoff or talk shit.

But yeah, outside of BGOL median black household networth is just 24k. For whites, it's 188k. And that's included homes. :eek: So yeah, BGOL ain't normal by a long shot. Most people work their entire lives and barely will have 400k for their retirements.

Nice to see the success around here, but it's far from normal.

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
you are above middle class but i wouldn't consider you rich. upper middle class to me is basic doctors or lawyers. 4ook is a successful businessman owner. i consider that high class just one notch over upper middle class. you can maximize your earnings with location.

bums 5k less
poor 6-25
working class 26-45
lower middle class 46-70
middle class 71-99
upper middle class 100-250
high class 251-1 mil
rich 1.1 - 10.5 mil
wealthy 10.6 +
That sounds about right



Rising Star
Platinum Member
400k a year is good living in Dallas.
With both me and my wife incomes....we just about at 300.......not including the stock shit...
Just gotta deal with begging ass family members all the time and kids thinkin that money grows on trees

Its funny, you work hard to make a good life for your kids and then they start to think "oh we got it"


Truth Teller
So you even gonna argue with the irs on what they consider rich Lmaoooo.. Tito say fuck the dictionary, fuck the economic establishment, my words and terms are what it is
Please show us where tge IRS mentions rich.

We will wait.
If somebody was having a 6 fig and up party could the people making 90-97,000 walk through that door? The answer is no. Why cause 6 figs means 100,000 and up..90,000 will never be 6 figs.. just like 1.8 percent will never be 1 percent.. if they had a 1 percenter party the people that’s 1.8-1.1 can’t come through that door cause they are not 1 percent.. the irs said 470,000 and up or 500,000 and up.. is 400,000 dollars 500,000 dollars the answer is no.. is 400,000 dollars 470,000 dollars the answer is no.. so 400,000 by the irs rule is not considered in the top 1 percent.. delusional would be the person that argues with the financial system/ institutions themselves.. if they said we going to tax the 1 percenters a certain amount by loopholes a person who is under 470,000 can avoid being taxed a certain amount.. in fact it’s those loopholes that tend to determine certain demographics… nobody saying 400,000 is a lil bit of money, we just saying by definition it’s not rich.. now we know you will argue the English dictionary, financial institutions, even god just for you to feel say your next line Tito the great
Again, please show us where tge IRS mentions that only the top 1% is rich?
The only time 400k a year isn't considered rich is when you're living outside of your means and attempting to keep up with the Jones'.....

That 400k will turn to and/or feel like 40k real quick
True. The other time is when you ask BGOL.
$400k is a lot of income for a household.
to be in the top 5% of US income bracket is living comfortable.
True. And what crazier, the original question referred to one person earning $400K. Which puts them in the top 1.8% in the US and top 0.5% of the world.

You can not be in the top one half of one percent of all people in the world and not be considered rich.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
This thread completely exposes the lunacy of some of the people on BGOL. The fact that a person who earns $400K is in the top 1.8% of all US earners and in the top 0.5% of all global earners isn't enough to convince BGOL of the significance of such an amount of money. According to some BGOL, $400K is just OK, not rich. Geesh!!!

This confirms that we are truly spoiled here in the US and that it is almost impossible to have rational financial conversations on BGOL(or the internet) due to the detachment from reality.

Ball on ballers.

And even more detached from Black reality. Disaggregate the income numbers based on race and age and the reality is even more stark.

Reminds me of this tweet I saw yesterday

It's like there are 2 different Black worlds. The BGOL version (everyone's a multi millionaire) and the average Black person that has like $100 liquid according to Tone Talks.

Just fucking wow.

Well, you know BGOL isn't anywhere near a true representation of reality, especially for black America. It's some cats on here that I've seen with insane amounts of money. 8 figures and cool as shit. They don't even showoff or talk shit.

But yeah, outside of BGOL median black household networth is just 24k. For whites, it's 188k. And that's included homes. :eek: So yeah, BGOL ain't normal by a long shot. Most people work their entire lives and barely will have 400k for their retirements.

Nice to see the success around here, but it's far from normal.

It’s insane! Why front like this on a message board? Stuck in a mental matrix for real. And they hate us for taking the red pill.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Please show us where tge IRS mentions rich.

We will wait.

Again, please show us where tge IRS mentions that only the top 1% is rich?

True. The other time is when you ask BGOL.

True. And what crazier, the original question referred to one person earning $400K. Which puts them in the top 1.8% in the US and top 0.5% of the world.

You can not be in the top one half of one percent of all people in the world and not be considered rich.
It literally pointed out that the irs considered the top 1 percent rich.. which was the top 1 percent.. the top 1 percent in 2021 was considered individuals that made 470,000 or more.. but Tito dosent like the sound of that and now has created 1.8 percent crew..who the fuck says 1.8 percent? Nobody but Tito.. everybody heard the term the 1 percenters.. every 1 has heard about how much the 1 percenters make compare to the other 99 percent.. but Tito said fuck normal terms I’m going to create the 1.8 percent crew… literally 400,000 is 14.89 percent less than 470,000 but in Tito’s world they are the samething… if somebody made 100-110,000 last yr but made 14.9 percent less this yr that would take them out the 6 fig category..which means 14.9 percent difference in income can literally change your tax bracket.. but Tito said fuck math and it being the universal language.. 14.9 percent difference means nothing.. and 400,000 is the same as 470,000 and up.. Tito is arguing against math, the English dictionary, the universe, even god..Tito the great is what they called him


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ok I’m sorry but 400k is rich to me. Some of y’all makin 129k?? Some 300k? Dayum. My question is what do y’all do!??? Please. I need a career change. Wealthy ass brothas on this site for real.


Truth Teller
It literally pointed out that the irs considered the top 1 percent rich.. which was the top 1 percent.. the top 1 percent in 2021 was considered individuals that made 470,000 or more..
And this my friends is why we are where we are. You're low level of comprehension is astounding.

The IRS did not say that. Nor can you find that. This is why you didn't show it, and this is also why you put all of that other information in you post to somehow cloud or hide the fact that you knew you were wrong.

You are inferring that the 1% is considered rich because they are taxed differently by the IRS. But, the reality is, there are multiple tiers in which people are taxed. Being put in the top 1% doesn't mean you are the only people that are rich. It just means that you are considered the richest among the total population. Additionally, in order for your false statement to be true, we would have to agree that the IRS determines who is considered rich or not. Noone here has conceded that claim except you.

Using your logic, $470K is rich, but $400K is not??

And to keep it all the way G. A person can earn $50K a year and also be rich. In fact he or she can be richer than the person earning $400K or your $470K. But, you are not mentally ready to have that conversation.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
And this my friends is why we are where we are. You're low level of comprehension is astounding.

The IRS did not say that. Nor can you find that. This is why you didn't show it, and this is also why you put all of that other information in you post to somehow cloud or hide the fact that you knew you were wrong.

You are inferring that the 1% is considered rich because they are taxed differently by the IRS. But, the reality is, there are multiple tiers in which people are taxed. Being put in the top 1% doesn't mean you are the only people that are rich. It just means that you are considered the richest among the total population. Additionally, in order for your false statement to be true, we would have to agree that the IRS determines who is considered rich or not. Noone here has conceded that claim except you.

Using your logic, $470K is rich, but $400K is not??

And to keep it all the way G. A person can earn $50K a year and also be rich. In fact he or she can be richer than the person earning $400K or your $470K. But, you are not mentally ready to have that conversation.
No you are not mentally ready.. you want to argue the term excellent vs perfection… getting 100 out of 100 on a test is perfection.. getting 95 out of 100 is excellent… they are both great but 1 is perfect and top tier while the other is a lil beneath it.. you are trying to call an excellent score perfect.. which it is not.. 400,000 is excellent but it is not in the same category as 470,000 and up which is considered perfect.. you are the type to get 5 answers out of 100 wrong and say it was a perfect score.. I’m here to tell you it is great but it is not perfect… nowhere did I say 400,000 lil or broke, I just said it’s not in the top tier of the 1 percent… every1 here has agreed 400,000 would put you in a great situation pretty much the 1 creating new terms to fit your rant (1.8 percent)

Let’s use your logic I want you to pay only 85.11 percent on every product you buy for the next yr and see if you can get away with.. u’ll than know and understand how much 14.89 percent less makes a difference
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Truth Teller

I'm gonna end this here. I hate liars and thieves. You have stolen our time with your lies.

nobody saying 400,000 is a lil bit of money, we just saying by definition it’s not rich..
There is no "we." You are basically the only person saying this. Lastly, you obviously do not understand what rich is. Being rich is relative. There is no quantifiable amount that determines this akin to the poverty line.

Again my G, you are not mentally ready for this discussion.