Movie News: Marvel Black Widow drops in Theaters & Disney + (Fonzi Approved) UPDATE: Scarlett Johansson & Disney PEACE Settlement!


Rising Star
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Elizabeth Olsen shows support for Scarlett Johansson in Disney lawsuit: 'Good for you'

The WandaVision actress spoke out about her Avengers co-star's legal battles.
By Andrea Towers
August 23, 2021 at 12:39 PM EDT




WandaVision star Elizabeth Olsen is throwing her support behind Avengers teammate Scarlett Johansson and her ongoing Black Widow lawsuit.
"I think she's so tough and literally when I read that I was like, 'Good for you Scarlett,'" the actress said during a joint Vanity Fair interview with Jason Sudeikis where the subject of theatrical release in the time of COVID was brought up — along with Johansson's recent legal battle with Disney.
While Olsen did admit that one of the things that she was worried about in the new age of theatrical experiences versus streaming was the survival of movie theaters, she also maintained she wasn't worried about Johansson — or, seemingly, her own future projects.
"When it comes to actors and their earnings, I mean, that's just, that's just all contracts," Olsen explained. "So it's either in the contract or it's not."

"It is appropriately bad-ass and on brand," added Sudeikis, who also weighed in on the balance between streaming and theatrical releases, adding, "I just hope that with that still comes creative autonomy, and we don't lose sight of that."
Elizabeth Olsen and Scarlett Johansson

Last month, Johansson filed a suit against the Walt Disney Company, claiming that the studio breached her contract when it released Black Widow in theaters and on Disney+ at the same time and alleging that doing so caused her to lose millions of dollars. Over the weekend, Disney officially attempted to move the lawsuit into arbitration, targeting Periwinkle Entertainment — the company which negotiated Johansson's contract.
"Periwinkle's two causes of action are entirely dependent on its untenable claim that Marvel breached the Periwinkle-Marvel contract by releasing Black Widow simultaneously in theaters and on Premier Access on Disney+. The contract does not mandate theatrical distribution –– let alone require that any such distribution be exclusive," read the motion for arbitration.
"After initially responding to this litigation with a misogynistic attack against Scarlett Johansson, Disney is now, predictably, trying to hide its misconduct in a confidential arbitration," Johansson's lawyer, John Berlinski, fired back in a statement provided to EW on Saturday. "Why is Disney so afraid of litigating this case in public? Because it knows that Marvel's promises to give Black Widow a typical theatrical release 'like its other films' had everything to do with guaranteeing that Disney wouldn't cannibalize box office receipts in order to boost Disney+ subscriptions. Yet that is exactly what happened — and we look forward to presenting the overwhelming evidence that proves it."

Since premiering last month, the film has earned $173.9 million domestically and $369.8 million worldwide, making it the highest grossing film at the domestic box office since the start of the pandemic.
Representatives for Disney didn't immediately respond to EW's request for comment.


Rising Star
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Scarlett Johansson and Disney resolve their Black Widow legal spat

"I look forward to continuing our collaboration in years to come," the actress said.
By Devan Coggan
September 30, 2021 at 08:20 PM EDT


Scarlett Johansson and Disney's legal battle has come to an end.

Representatives for the actress and the studio both announced Thursday that the two have resolved their legal dispute over this year's release of Black Widow.

"I am happy to have resolved our differences with Disney," Johansson said in a statement. "I'm incredibly proud of the work we've done together over the years and have greatly enjoyed my creative relationship with the team. I look forward to continuing our collaboration in years to come."
"I'm very pleased that we have been able to come to a mutual agreement with Scarlett Johansson regarding Black Widow," Disney Studios chair Alan Bergman also said in a statement. "We appreciate her contributions to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and look forward to working together on a number of upcoming projects, including Disney's Tower of Terror."

In July, the longtime Marvel actress made headlines when she filed a lawsuit alleging that the Walt Disney Co. breached her contract by releasing Black Widow in theaters and on Disney+ at the same time. In Johansson's suit, which was filed in Los Angeles Superior Court, the actress argued that her compensation was based largely on box office receipts, and she claimed that she had a contractual promise that Black Widow would be a "theatrical release." Instead, the suit alleged, Disney chose to use Black Widow to promote its streaming service Disney+, at the expense of Johansson's compensation.

At the time, Disney vehemently denied Johansson's allegations, countering that her complaint had "no merit whatsoever." In a rare blistering statement, the company also said that Johansson's complaint showed "callous disregard for the horrific and prolonged global effects of the COVID-19 pandemic" and that the actress had already received a payout of $20 million.

Johansson's lawsuit was a rare example of a major movie star publicly feuding with a studio, and it quickly turned into a war of words, with both parties slamming each other in the press. The dispute also came at a time when the future of the theatrical movie business has never been more in question: For decades, many A-list stars' salaries have been tied to box office performance, but as more and more studios shift toward streaming-first content, those traditional contracts have come into question. (The pandemic also exacerbated many of the same issues, with movie theaters remaining closed for months worldwide and studios choosing to shift many theatrical releases to streaming.)

The exact terms of Johansson and Disney's deal were not disclosed, but the two parties appear to have settled on good terms, with both saying that they "look forward" to working together in the future. Bergman also confirmed that a planned Tower of Terror movie is still in the works, with Johansson still confirmed to star.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor

Scarlett Johansson and Disney resolve their Black Widow legal spat

"I look forward to continuing our collaboration in years to come," the actress said.
By Devan Coggan
September 30, 2021 at 08:20 PM EDT


Scarlett Johansson and Disney's legal battle has come to an end.

Representatives for the actress and the studio both announced Thursday that the two have resolved their legal dispute over this year's release of Black Widow.

"I am happy to have resolved our differences with Disney," Johansson said in a statement. "I'm incredibly proud of the work we've done together over the years and have greatly enjoyed my creative relationship with the team. I look forward to continuing our collaboration in years to come."
"I'm very pleased that we have been able to come to a mutual agreement with Scarlett Johansson regarding Black Widow," Disney Studios chair Alan Bergman also said in a statement. "We appreciate her contributions to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and look forward to working together on a number of upcoming projects, including Disney's Tower of Terror."

In July, the longtime Marvel actress made headlines when she filed a lawsuit alleging that the Walt Disney Co. breached her contract by releasing Black Widow in theaters and on Disney+ at the same time. In Johansson's suit, which was filed in Los Angeles Superior Court, the actress argued that her compensation was based largely on box office receipts, and she claimed that she had a contractual promise that Black Widow would be a "theatrical release." Instead, the suit alleged, Disney chose to use Black Widow to promote its streaming service Disney+, at the expense of Johansson's compensation.

At the time, Disney vehemently denied Johansson's allegations, countering that her complaint had "no merit whatsoever." In a rare blistering statement, the company also said that Johansson's complaint showed "callous disregard for the horrific and prolonged global effects of the COVID-19 pandemic" and that the actress had already received a payout of $20 million.

Johansson's lawsuit was a rare example of a major movie star publicly feuding with a studio, and it quickly turned into a war of words, with both parties slamming each other in the press. The dispute also came at a time when the future of the theatrical movie business has never been more in question: For decades, many A-list stars' salaries have been tied to box office performance, but as more and more studios shift toward streaming-first content, those traditional contracts have come into question. (The pandemic also exacerbated many of the same issues, with movie theaters remaining closed for months worldwide and studios choosing to shift many theatrical releases to streaming.)

The exact terms of Johansson and Disney's deal were not disclosed, but the two parties appear to have settled on good terms, with both saying that they "look forward" to working together in the future. Bergman also confirmed that a planned Tower of Terror movie is still in the works, with Johansson still confirmed to star.
They mustve drove up to ScarJo's house and stood there all day like :money::money::money::money:


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor

The studios are having a conservative reaction, and they’re trying to downplay their need for stars. They’re trying to force IP to be their star, and in accordance with that they’re also then trying to underpay and diminish the need for stars on their projects. That was really not an appropriate way for them to handle that situation. It was disturbing to us as artists. Scarlett is a good friend of ours, and we were disheartened by how it was handled. We’re glad it’s resolved.

We’re certainly concerned with the trend in the market that’s moving away from artists. There’s been a lot of value in tech companies getting involved in making content, but there’s also some downsides to that. And those downsides include tech companies like Netflix and Apple and Amazon having much deeper pockets than studios do, and they can pay more and that’s starting to scare the studios.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
The studios are having a conservative reaction, and they’re trying to downplay their need for stars. They’re trying to force IP to be their star, and in accordance with that they’re also then trying to underpay and diminish the need for stars on their projects. That was really not an appropriate way for them to handle that situation. It was disturbing to us as artists. Scarlett is a good friend of ours, and we were disheartened by how it was handled. We’re glad it’s resolved.

We’re certainly concerned with the trend in the market that’s moving away from artists. There’s been a lot of value in tech companies getting involved in making content, but there’s also some downsides to that. And those downsides include tech companies like Netflix and Apple and Amazon having much deeper pockets than studios do, and they can pay more and that’s starting to scare the studios.


that's that sh*t Feige don't like



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Make up is the devil. Wouldn't make her out of she sat in front of me.
I think some of those "spot stickers" are part of her make up during shooting.....

But yeah the lights, cameras and make up had her looking differently