Movie News: Marvel Black Widow drops in Theaters & Disney + (Fonzi Approved) UPDATE: Scarlett Johansson & Disney PEACE Settlement!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I actually have no issues with this.

In fact real talk?

I would release Eternals on the app.

It will keep expectations in check, you can ALWAYS RE RELEASE it later and you gonna give people a chance to "live" with it rewind watch it together.

This is a WHOLE NEW damn universe to the marvel cinematic audience I think you wanna get people HOOKED.

No way that's happening...

They lost too much money this past year to let a Marvel movie get the Mulan treatment...

Plus if Disney can sell a 3 tier Marvel team with a talking racoon and tree...
They will have no problem selling Angelina Jolie as an Alien Warrior...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Damn this COVID shit is fucking everything up.
Disney feels that Black Widow is due to make 700m - 1Billion.

@slam What you think on the figures?

However those days are over. Smh. Movies gonna be like 300m worldwide now.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
truth is when they reopen the movie theaters once the pandemic is calmed down...people will be out in droves due to cabin fever and they can release this as the big movie
Man, theaters are like the most non-essential places during a plague. These studios in denial of how this going down in the U,S. When Biden wins, there won't be a push to rush folks back like Trump been doing.

I remember in March commenting it was a joke for them to delay movies until flu season during a pandemic. How much cocaine these execs doing? :lol:

I just love watching this old model burn slow.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man, theaters are like the most non-essential places during a plague. These studios in denial of how this going down in the U,S. When Biden wins, there won't be a push to rush folks back like Trump been doing.

I remember in March commenting it was a joke for them to delay movies until flu season during a pandemic. How much cocaine these execs doing? :lol:

I just love watching this old model burn slow.
You re right. DC is really fooling themselves thinking that Wonder Woman is going to be released on Christmas Day this year.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
No way that's happening...

They lost too much money this past year to let a Marvel movie get the Mulan treatment...

Plus if Disney can sell a 3 tier Marvel team with a talking racoon and tree...

They will have no problem selling Angelina Jolie as an Alien Warrior...

Post of the day candidate


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
Man, theaters are like the most non-essential places during a plague. These studios in denial of how this going down in the U,S. When Biden wins, there won't be a push to rush folks back like Trump been doing.

I remember in March commenting it was a joke for them to delay movies until flu season during a pandemic. How much cocaine these execs doing? :lol:

I just love watching this old model burn slow.

There is no new model, Disney didn't say they were putting any of those movies on Disney+

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
There is no new model, Disney didn't say they were putting any of those movies on Disney+
There is a new model. Hybrid. VOD here. Theater everywhere else(places that handle COVID like they have fucking sense). They can take it or get fucked. Even those low Mulan numbers of $36 million(equal to 72 million box office) opening weekend better than Tenet and 0.

You might not give a shit about COVID, but enough of us do. Also, I know you ain't trusting the dinos who push movies into flu season during a plague. :smh:Face it, Covid got these folks with their pants around their ankles.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Damn this COVID shit is fucking everything up.
Disney feels that Black Widow is due to make 700m - 1Billion.

@slam What you think on the figures?

However those days are over. Smh. Movies gonna be like 300m worldwide now.
characters with film related to avenger films usually a boost in sales post latest avenger film. black widow would of did those numbers pre covid. now? idk. tenet is not the spectrum to test it on since ny and la theaters ,which bring in the biggest sales ticket sales in the country, are closed.

Akata King

D3port Th3m @ll!!
BGOL Investor
There is a new model. Hybrid. VOD here. Theater everywhere else(places that handle COVID like they have fucking sense). They can take it or get fucked. Even those low Mulan numbers of $36 million(equal to 72 million box office) opening weekend better than Tenet and 0.

You might not give a shit about COVID, but enough of us do. Also, I know you ain't trusting the dinos who push movies into flu season during a plague. :smh:Face it, Covid got these folks with their pants around their ankles.

People are also overlooking that drive-in movies are making a comeback.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
There is a new model. Hybrid. VOD here. Theater everywhere else(places that handle COVID like they have fucking sense). They can take it or get fucked. Even those low Mulan numbers of $36 million(equal to 72 million box office) opening weekend better than Tenet and 0.

You might not give a shit about COVID, but enough of us do. Also, I know you ain't trusting the dinos who push movies into flu season during a plague. :smh:Face it, Covid got these folks with their pants around their ankles.

No, again movies make far less on VOD

You dudes keep talking about you love shit and how it's changing, but aren't paying for shit. Do you realize how backwards that is? If it's so appealing, why aren't you supporting it?

No, you want a free if they aren't aware of that.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
No, again movies make far less on VOD

You dudes keep talking about you love shit and how it's changing, but aren't paying for shit. Do you realize how backwards that is? If it's so appealing, why aren't you supporting it?

No, you want a free if they aren't aware of that.
It ain't even about me wanting a free copy. I can wait for the bullshit to hit home.

You keep saying we ain't paying for shit. What does that have to do with observing the market? But it does speak to people who can do without theaters. If the theater experience was such a must-have experience, folks wouldn't be watching at home.

Like I said previously, you one of the folks who don't think Covid is a big deal. So while your ass going to the movies like it's sweet, you also expect others to do so or they pussy. It ain't going to happen like that.

So Mulan made 60-90 domestically streaming? That's 100 percent to studios, correct. Tenet made 36 million and studios keep half. So who won? :confused: It comes down to 18 million vs 60 on the low or 90 on the high.

If streaming ain't shit, face it man, studios are fucked. But studios at least getting dinner, roses, and a kiss on the cheek with the revenue streaming brings. Theaters are getting ghetto gagged in this bitch. Straight world-record bukkake style happening to theaters.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Honestly one person got mulan and told all of us if you want it they would share their password, and most of us still didn't watch it so i don't know.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
It ain't even about me wanting a free copy. I can wait for the bullshit to hit home.

You keep saying we ain't paying for shit. What does that have to do with observing the market? But it does speak to people who can do without theaters. If the theater experience was such a must-have experience, folks wouldn't be watching at home.

Like I said previously, you one of the folks who don't think Covid is a big deal. So while your ass going to the movies like it's sweet, you also expect others to do so or they pussy. It ain't going to happen like that.

So Mulan made 60-90 domestically streaming? That's 100 percent to studios, correct. Tenet made 36 million and studios keep half. So who won? :confused: It comes down to 18 million vs 60 on the low or 90 on the high.

If streaming ain't shit, face it man, studios are fucked. But studios at least getting dinner, roses, and a kiss on the cheek with the revenue streaming brings. Theaters are getting ghetto gagged in this bitch. Straight world-record bukkake style happening to theaters.


because it's a business, not fuckin charity. You expect them to do what's convenient and best for you. That shit is ass backwards, and you would not apply that logic to any other industry.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor

because it's a business, not fuckin charity. You expect them to do what's convenient and best for you. That shit is ass backwards, and you would not apply that logic to any other industry.
I'd prefer VOD, but there is too much shit for me to watch as is. I don't expect them to do shit I want. Just trying to figure out how COVID affects a market that pre-COVID folks thought would eventually be hit by streaming.

What's crazy is you've yet to prove my observations wrong. Mulan did better than Tenet. You're pounding your chest as if tenet outperformed Mulan domestically.

Let's just analyze what we know. Flu season during COVID ain't happening stateside, so theaters fucked until April. That gives theaters a month to get to full capacity for Black Widow. What are the odds?


Rising Star
OG Investor
I'd prefer VOD, but there is too much shit for me to watch as is. I don't expect them to do shit I want. Just trying to figure out how COVID affects a market that pre-COVID folks thought would eventually be hit by streaming.

What's crazy is you've yet to prove my observations wrong. Mulan did better than Tenet. You're pounding your chest as if tenet outperformed Mulan domestically.

Let's just analyze what we know. Flu season during COVID ain't happening stateside, so theaters fucked until April. That gives theaters a month to get to full capacity for Black Widow. What are the odds?

VOD is da wave. Especially with a good TV. I have a soundbar but feel like I need sum'n else theaux.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Ever since Warner Bros. dropped the bombshell that all their 2021 releases will be available via HBO Max, all eyes were on Disney if they would follow suit. Black Widow was among the many films that got delayed. Many were hoping it would take a Premier Access route just like Mulan did. Sadly, it seems it didn’t pan out with the additional paywall, so they postponed the film further into 2021. We were only a few weeks away from its initial release, and now we still have five months ahead of us. Tomorrow’s Investor’s Day had us think we will get a confirmation on how they’ll move forward with the film, and it looks like the New York Times might’ve gotten their hands on some curious details.

They confirm that Disney might be splitting their projects into different categories. Big-budget films, such as Black Widow, will remain as theater exclusive releases while minor projects are heading online. Their primary focus remains to strengthen Disney+, which might be their most lucrative venture in these trying times. Of course, a streaming service is a long-term investment, so analysts don’t expect it to become profitable until 2024. Just this year, they had a loss of $2.8 billion in their direct-to-consumer division, which will only peak in 2022 until the rollout costs decline. It isn’t an easy venture, so growing the subscriber numbers at a rapid rate can help that cause.

So, why not add Black Widow to streaming? Well, if, and that is a big if, the pandemic slows down by that point, they can make more money through a theatrical release. Plus, they can use it to support their streaming service as eight Marvel shows are planned to expand the Marvel Cinematic Universe. WandaVision releases in January, so its success could also change the direction potentially. NYT also points out that Premier Access isn’t lost but might return in some form or another. It makes sense, as they did invest money for the branding and programming to utilize this service. We will get an official word tomorrow, but it looks like we’ll still have to wait until we get to revisit Natasha’s story in May.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
for ALL ya'll who swore it would NEVER happen...



BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
There are 3 Black Widow Discussion Threads...

Need one merge... @playahaitian @stizz3000

Good looking out..

@Lexx Diamond @TEN @Camille

Need a thread merge

Technically @playahaitian thread was first ... but his title needs to be fixed ..

My thread was second

Stizz was last

I'm cool with a thread merge with my title on top and Playa content taking the lead ... that should eliminate confusion ...
