I agree
The Russo Brothers never did a comic book movie before Winter Solider. They were comic book fans just like Coogler is.
Also Coogler sat in on Civil War with the producers and directors and had actual input on the Black Panther's character development, so he not going in blind.
During a recent interview with
io9, Marvel Studios President
Kevin Feige admitted that Ryan Coogler had the opportunity to contribute to theCivil War creative process. He said:
Ryan came in and watched the movie. We did a little bit of additional photography here and there and Ryan did a pass at a couple of those scenes. So there’s a line or two that Panther says in the movie that Ryan contributed to. [Civil War screenwriters] Chris [Markus] and Steve [McFeely] absorbed it into their draft, put their spin on it and words to it, but Ryan has started to be involved in earlier cuts of this movie.
It’s worth noting that Ryan Coogler’s contribution – however minor – to
Civil Warwill go a long way towards establishing T’Challa with mainstream audiences. While Marvel has already done a phenomenal job of making the MCU films feel fairly cohesive,
Ryan Coogler’s freshman effort on the first solo Black Panther film will feel even more familiar to fans because the director will have already had a hand in an earlier on-screen incarnation of the character. That may seem like a minor detail, but it’s one that will allow Black Panther to hit the ground running in his 2018 adventure.