also watch High(Haute) Tension..that on some other shit as well
I seen that joint, awww mayne... that shit had me like gotdam, that big
muthafucka is violent as a bitch...

also watch High(Haute) Tension..that on some other shit as well
Your welcome brother,and this week offers The Martian,The Walk,Legend and i may get around to seeing Grandma which alo has received a lot of buzz
HELL YEAH I MEAN do they hold the microphone boom to far away from the actors or something?? then the friggin commercials come on full blast !!!!!!
Yo Joneblaze & Helico-pterFunk,
Thanks for the reviews... over time I've learned to use them to determine whether or not I check the flick out... not all the time but nahImean.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt does a fine job as French aerialist Philippe Petit, who wire-walked across the 140-foot gap between the Twin Towers
in 1974.
Though Director Robert Zemeckis narrative decisions and the way some characters are cartoonishly portrayed and written took me out of the
film a few times Petit's bravery,determination and love of life is inspiring.His walk between The Towers and 3D is breathtaking and sharp for the most part.
The film also has a nice tribute to what was supposed to be forever
Scale of 1-10 a 7½
Yo Joneblaze & Helico-pterFunk,
Thanks for the reviews... over time I've learned to use them to determine whether or not I check the flick out... not all the time but nahImean.
you didnt see this in IMAX did you? mofos were getting sick in the theater i was in..when he was on the wire and the camera started panning down some dude way in the back was like "BUUHUUGGGH.."
and i know it wouldve been anachronistic but they couldve at least included these songs on the soundtrack
anytime bro glad you like the reviews
Yes i did i got dizzy once but yes i heard a few people moaning i had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing
Sicario is the SHIT!!! GREAT MOVIE!!
Definitely looking forward to The Walk, Black Mass, Sicario, and a few others in the weeks ahead. Got some FedEx delivery coming tomorrow. Won a copy of The Walk (the book) and it might have ROE (run of engagement) passes with it. They tried to deliver last Thursday and Friday at lunchtime, but wasn't around to receive it.
Sicario is the SHIT!!! GREAT MOVIE!!
damn HF you got the hook up i have to get back into screenings .They offer some at my local theatres but its always on an odd night
A unique biopic,that reveals Steve Jobs life through 3 key moments in his life.Michael Fassbender turns in an intense and
effortless performance as Jobs.His arrogance,denials,elations and showmanship all on full display.
The supportive cast which includes Kate Winslet,Seth Rogen, Michael Stuhlbarg,and Jeff Daniels turn in good performances
.Plus a sharp script by Aaron Sorkin
Scale of 1-10 an 8½
Had a chance to check out Hot Girls Wanted (documentary). Pretty good & showed the harsher realities of the XXX biz and how it isn't simply fun & quick cash for those getting into it. Focuses mostly on porn newcomers (at that time) Ava Taylor and Stella May ... and a bit on the adult agency & 23yo suitcase pimp's house in Miami (recruits talent via Craigslist, etc).
didnt watch it yet.
i wonder how they STD-test newcomers.
bet those Lambos and street bikes were leased through the porn company and expensed as Meals & Entertainment on the tax returns.
Kind of shocked there wasnt a walk-on cameo by BGOL's own Divine ..unless its a cut scene that will be on the DVD/Blu-ray extras![]()
just finished watching it. it was aiite.
a couple of thoughts:
- the barriers to entry for amateur pornographers (i.e. the producers and male talent) is slim to none. why isn't there more competition?
- i think webcamming is the next step after they leave the porn industry. some might even go into bartending, the stripper circuit, fitness competitions, etc.
- webcamming will start taking more of the slice of the porn pie.
- why hasnt a father come and start blasting "Riley" at the house yet?
- there could easily be a sequel to this with the camming industry, the suicides, etc.
- some of these girls leave the industry and still hustle flesh on instagram. https://instagram.com/therealavataylor/
Kind of shocked there wasnt a walk-on cameo by BGOL's own Divine ..unless its a cut scene that will be on the DVD/Blu-ray extras![]()
If you were a fan of the 80s cartoon,dont go into this expecting a live-action adaptation because it most surely isnt one.. well,there is a connection somewhat to the series,you'll just have to sit through the end credits to see it
Scale of 1-10:None![]()
Extremely predictable action romp with Liam Neeson returning as ex-covert operative Bryan Mills,
this time on the run for a murder he didnt commit.
Neeson is great as usual but
This film asked me to suspend disbelief about 20 times as Mills walks away from every shootout
and car chase without a scratch or barely breaking a sweat
Time to end this series
Scale of 1-10 a 5
Well what can i say Jennifer Lopez looks extremely beautiful,in this paint by the numbers psycho goes
crazy after a one night stand with a MILF flick.I did laugh unintentionally at the psycho going into
full insane rage when JLO doesnt want to hit the sheets with him anymore.
This is the type of film in which the cops are never called,and no one files assault charges.
Worth a look because of the aforementioned psycho's rants and insanity,and to watch JLO
walk around in form fitting outfits
Scale of 1-10 a 3
Thanks, JB. We watched Taken 3 a handful of months back for comedic value. Cracking jokes throughout it. Knowing Hollywood ... they're gonna milk that franchise for years. Too bad they didn't just leave it at 1 or 2 movies.
Still need to see that JLo flick purely for T&A reasons.
HF If JLO had gone all out with some Basic Instinct nudity i would have given this flick an extra point and a half
i still think it wouldve been much more interesting if they made it where JLo was the one stalking the boy..first it'd start after his girl breaks up with him,then he goes to Jlo's house all likeand they go from there