MTA Discovers $1.9 Billion Surplus In Its Budget, Still Planning on Hiking Fares


BGOL Investor
Black radical what u talkin bout breh?

Christie don't have shit to do with NY so how could he get his buddies on the MTA board? He can't, gov Cuomo can

Now as for Port Authority yes because it's a bi state agency and quasi gov agency. You think MTA is bad? port Authority is in another stratosphere wit that shit..

But unlike MTA the PA doesn't raise tolls and path fares every 2 yrs.. The port raise it like every 6-8 yrs.. The PA operates as business and public benefit corp yet can't post any profits like a business lol

PA operating yearly budget is like 9-10 billion a year :lol:

Mofos got money coming in from them airports, shipping ports and those Hudson River crossings. PA is the second largest land holder in the world behind the Vatican church..

PA owns the entire west side of manhattan from the GWB all the way down to Battery Park.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
MTA is ran by the mafia.:smh::smh:


everybody kno every yr mta has a billion dollar surplus yet claims they're broke or need a price hike..everybody kno they got 2 sets of books..da 1 they lie about the 1 dat holds da truth..everybody kno mad of the money goes to a bunch of cacs dat don't do shit and have bullshit positions where they generate 100'000's a yr per job's been 1 of da most corrupt organizations for decades..i'm mad i never learned da bent metrocard trick cause i'd ride dat bitch for free all da time..technically i mostly do anyway:D:D

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
Those MTA assholes are grimy as fuck. I remember back in 2005/2006 when they cooked the books to get the fare up to $1.50 if memory serves me right. However, when it came out they cooked the books no one went to prison and the fare was not repealed. NYC crime is business as usual. This is also the best town to rob a bank on some walk by shit. Just walk in and say give me all the money in your til and that money will be handed over with the quickness. Not a single fuck given.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Those MTA assholes are grimy as fuck.
I remember back in 2005/2006 when they cooked the books to get the fare up to $1.50 if memory serves me right. However, when it came out they cooked the books no one went to prison and the fare was not repealed.
NYC crime is business as usual. This is also the best town to rob a bank on some walk by shit. Just walk in and say give me all the money in your til and that money will be handed over with the quickness. Not a single fuck given.

and they KNOW we will never boycott


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Four Arrested in Ticket Vending Machine Scam

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority Police Department, Nassau County District Attorney Kathleen Rice, Queens District Attorney’s Office and Nassau County Police Department Crimes Against Property (CAP) Squad have announced the arrests of four people in connection with a scam discovered two weeks ago that used hidden cameras and bank card “skimmers” to target MTA Long Island Rail Road customers using ticket vending machines (TVMs) at locations in Nassau and Queens counties.

Cameras and skimmers have also been discovered on Metro-North Railroad TVMs in Chappaqua, Westchester County, and investigators are continuing to search for more scamming devices to determine the full scope of the scam.
Seized evidence includes thousands of debit and credit card numbers of Nassau, Queens and Westchester residents, many of which come from compromised TVMs. Skimmed debit card account numbers, PIN numbers and credit card numbers are being analyzed to see to what extent they were used to steal money from people's accounts and financial institutions. So far, one bank has reported thousands of dollars of losses on over 50 accounts.

Investigators have been in contact with banks to notify them of the scam so that they can notify their customers and verify losses. MTA officials warned customers of the scam on October 18 and have since checked all 278 TVMs in the LIRR system to verify there are no cameras or skimmers in place and will continue checks on an ongoing basis.

An initial precautionary check of all 277 TVMs in the Metro-North system found no cameras or skimmers, but three were later found at the Chappaqua station on a subsequent check. Both railroads are continuing to check all their TVMs at 115 LIRR stations and 95 Metro-North stations in case more scam devices are placed there.

A husband and wife were arrested Monday night when they were observed retrieving two skimmer devices and two hidden cameras from TVMs at the Sea Cliff LIRR station, not knowing that MTA Police had been secretly watching the station for more than 72 hours. Further investigation led to an apartment in Elmhurst, Queens, where MTA Police arrested two men believed to be technicians and managers of the scam and began, with the assistance of NCPD CAP Squad, analyzing computer equipment to further understand the scope of the scam.

“Our officers did incredible work in cracking this case, and this investigation remains very active as we evaluate a wealth of evidence seized so far,” said MTA Police Chief Michael Coan. “Working closely with our law enforcement partners from the Nassau County District Attorney’s Office, the Queens District Attorney’s Office and the Nassau County Police Department, MTA Police detectives stopped this fraud in its tracks and prevented it from victimizing even more innocent people. Anyone who has used a bank card at an LIRR or Metro-North TVM in the past three months should immediately check for any unauthorized activity on their accounts.”

“Ticket vending machines are a source of convenience for thousands of people who take the railroad every single day, but unfortunately those machines have become a source of convenience and opportunity for a crew of brazen thieves targeting commuters,” DA Rice said. “While law enforcement agencies like ours continue to work together to rein in this scam entirely, customers should raise their alertness at machines, try to use cash or credit cards when possible, and notify authorities immediately of any problems.”

Queens District Attorney Richard A. Brown said, “Identity theft is a financial plague afflicting millions of victims and costing billions of dollars in losses to consumers, businesses and financial institutions. In this particular case, the defendants were allegedly amassing the personal identifying information of unwitting commuters. This case should serve as a reminder that people should periodically check their credit reports, as well as their credit and debit card statements, to ensure that their personal information has not been accessed by criminals.”

“While we are grateful to the MTA Police for their quick work on this case, we must advise customers to be extra vigilant when using their credit or debit cards. Always safeguard your personal information like your PIN number and report any suspicious activity,” said Helena E. Williams, LIRR President. “LIRR crews are also on alert, checking to make sure our ticket vending machines are safe to use.”

The pinhole cameras used in the scam were hidden inside black metal strips custom-molded to look like a standard part of the TVM and mounted above the keypad for entering PIN codes and the slot where bank cards are inserted.​

MTA Police and the LIRR’s TVM crews inspected all 278 machines and found nine devices installed at the Sea Cliff, Bayside, Great Neck, Merillon Avenue, and Greenvale stations. MTA Police and Nassau PD Crimes Against Property Squad detectives used specialized cyber-forensics to analyze the cameras and learn how they worked, in conjunction with plastic skimmers placed over the bank card slots to capture information from their magnetic stripes.

MTA Police arrested Valer Zaharia, 38, and his wife Teodora Zaharia, 27, at the Sea Cliff station in Nassau County on Monday evening and arraigned them the next day. District Attorney Rice has charged them with Identity Theft in the Second Degree, an E felony; Criminal Possession of Forgery Devices, a D felony; and Unlawful Possession of a Skimmer Device in the Second Degree, an A misdemeanor. They are being held without bail and were scheduled to be in court today in Part 9L in Mineola. They face a maximum sentence of seven years if convicted.

Working with the Nassau DA's Office, Nassau Police CAP Squad obtained two search warrants and MTA Police obtained an additional search warrant for an apartment in Elmhurst, Queens, where Tuesday night they arrested Mr. Niculae Petre, 45, and Mr. Dorin Husa, 37. District Attorney Brown has charged them with Criminal Possession of a Forged Instrument in the second degree; Criminal Possession of Forgery Devices, and Unlawful Possession of Personal Identification Information in the second degree.

They were arraigned on Oct. 30. Petre is being held on $50,000 bond. Husa is being held on $35,000 bond. They face a maximum sentence of seven years in prison if convicted.

All defendants are Romanian nationals – three with visas and one undocumented – who face deportation if convicted.​

The Elmhurst apartment appeared to be a virtual factory for creating materials to steal bank card information and use it to steal money from people's bank accounts. The search yielded thousands of stolen debit and credit card numbers, a variety of paraphernalia that could be used to tamper with bank cards and commit bank card fraud, including cameras, skimmers, plastic molds, memory cards, flash drives, computers, cash and credit cards. Two of the flash drives containing account numbers were found in a toilet.​

A recovered safe contained hundreds of gift cards and other magnetic cards re-encoded with stolen account numbers as well as other records of stolen account numbers and a card reader/writer. MTA Police, Nassau Police, District Attorney Rice and District Attorney Brown are working with the U.S. Secret Service to further analyze the seized material and determine the scope of the fraudulent activity.

The LIRR and Metro-North have launched a customer education campaign with a video, posters and literature on train seats, urging customers to safeguard personal information like PIN numbers when using ticket vending machines. Anyone who believes their personal information may have been compromised at an LIRR or MTA Metro-North Railroad TVM should contact the MTA Police at 718-361-2201.

To guard against potential fraud, anyone who uses TVMs should follow these
important tips from the Better Business Bureau and District Attorney Rice to safeguard personal information:

Beware of suspicious activity or individuals at or around TVMs, and walk away if you notice anyone watching you or if something seems suspicious about the TVM itself.

When entering your PIN, stand close to the machine and use your other hand or an object to block the view of the keypad.

Review your account statements regularly to check for unauthorized withdrawals or purchases.

Never keep a written copy of your PIN in your wallet or purse.

The case is being handled for the Nassau DA’s Office by ADA Matthew Sotirhos and ADA April Montgomery under the supervision of Diane Peress of the Economic Crimes Bureau.

The case is being handled for the by MTA Police Department by Dets. Brian Longaro and Edward Russell under the supervision of Det. Sgt. James Flanagan.

The case was handled for the NCPD CAP Squad by Dets. Jeffrey Marshall and Ronald Rispoli under the supervision of Det. Sgt. Richard Harasym.
The case is being handled in Queens under the supervision of Chief Gregory Pavlides and Deputy Chief Hanophy of the District Attorney’s Economic Crimes Bureau.

The charges are merely accusations and the defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Those MTA assholes are grimy as fuck. I remember back in 2005/2006 when they cooked the books to get the fare up to $1.50 if memory serves me right. However, when it came out they cooked the books no one went to prison and the fare was not repealed. NYC crime is business as usual. This is also the best town to rob a bank on some walk by shit. Just walk in and say give me all the money in your til and that money will be handed over with the quickness. Not a single fuck given.

Comptroller Looking for Fraud in M.T.A. OT

Runaway overtime at the Metropolitan Transportation Authority has long been the subject of hand-wringing, mud-slinging and shoulder-shrugging; a convenient rhetorical crutch for wars between labor and management; reports from good government types; and hands-in-the-air exasperation about the authority’s practices.

Now, overtime could soon be at the center of something else: a criminal inquiry.

The state comptroller, Thomas P. DiNapoli, said on Monday that he would begin an audit of the authority aimed at unearthing fraud or other criminal offenses related to overtime. The findings of the forensic audit could eventually be referred to law enforcement groups.

That last step is a long way off — audits usually last for several months before any conclusions are announced — but the announcement represents a ratcheting-up of the comptroller’s efforts to expose overtime gauging among transit workers and managers, a practice that has been discussed at length by the comptroller and the authority itself.

Mr. DiNapoli released an overview of the authority’s overtime problems this month, noting that 144 agency employees earned more in overtime pay than their base salaries in 2009, among other superlatives.

The fact came as no surprise to the authority (or close readers of Off The Rails): the agency’s reform-minded chairman, Jay H. Walder, issued a report in May detailing many of his agency’s more egregious overtime practices, like doubling the pay of Long Island Rail Road train operators when they drive a diesel train on a day they are assigned to an electric locomotive.​

But Mr. DiNapoli apparently dug up “suspicious transactions and practices,” according to a press release, and “a lack of justified or undocumented work” in more than 75 percent of overtime filings that were studied by his office.

“When you have that kind of level of problematic information, there’s a reasonable suspicion that something fraudulent is going on,” said a spokesman for the comptroller.

Many of the rules about overtime are embedded in the transit workers’ contract, so it can be difficult for the authority to change practices without protracted negotiations with the union. But officials have pledged to crack down where they can. “We welcome the comptroller’s assistance as we continue to fulfill our commitment to reduce overtime,” a spokesman for the authority, Jeremy Soffin, wrote by e-mail.

Mr. DiNapoli’s office has not announced any plans to examine the salaries of managers at the authority, which have been criticized by union officials as outsize. The authority recently created a new top-level management position for Diana Jones Ritter, a former commissioner of the state mental retardation office, which pays $217,000 a year. Ms. Ritter misstated the name of the transportation authority in a formal resignation letter and has been the subject of several state audits herself, including reports that accused her office of engaging in nepotism and inefficient work practices.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
wtf? vodoo accounting? 1.9 billion is "undiscovered" but suddenly shows up? what fuckery is this? They found a money train that was lost in a tunnel somewhere?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Four Arrested in Ticket Vending Machine Scam

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority Police Department, Nassau County District Attorney Kathleen Rice, Queens District Attorney’s Office and Nassau County Police Department Crimes Against Property (CAP) Squad have announced the arrests of four people in connection with a scam discovered two weeks ago that used hidden cameras and bank card “skimmers” to target MTA Long Island Rail Road customers using ticket vending machines (TVMs) at locations in Nassau and Queens counties.

Cameras and skimmers have also been discovered on Metro-North Railroad TVMs in Chappaqua, Westchester County, and investigators are continuing to search for more scamming devices to determine the full scope of the scam.
Seized evidence includes thousands of debit and credit card numbers of Nassau, Queens and Westchester residents, many of which come from compromised TVMs. Skimmed debit card account numbers, PIN numbers and credit card numbers are being analyzed to see to what extent they were used to steal money from people's accounts and financial institutions. So far, one bank has reported thousands of dollars of losses on over 50 accounts.

Investigators have been in contact with banks to notify them of the scam so that they can notify their customers and verify losses. MTA officials warned customers of the scam on October 18 and have since checked all 278 TVMs in the LIRR system to verify there are no cameras or skimmers in place and will continue checks on an ongoing basis.

An initial precautionary check of all 277 TVMs in the Metro-North system found no cameras or skimmers, but three were later found at the Chappaqua station on a subsequent check. Both railroads are continuing to check all their TVMs at 115 LIRR stations and 95 Metro-North stations in case more scam devices are placed there.

A husband and wife were arrested Monday night when they were observed retrieving two skimmer devices and two hidden cameras from TVMs at the Sea Cliff LIRR station, not knowing that MTA Police had been secretly watching the station for more than 72 hours. Further investigation led to an apartment in Elmhurst, Queens, where MTA Police arrested two men believed to be technicians and managers of the scam and began, with the assistance of NCPD CAP Squad, analyzing computer equipment to further understand the scope of the scam.

“Our officers did incredible work in cracking this case, and this investigation remains very active as we evaluate a wealth of evidence seized so far,” said MTA Police Chief Michael Coan. “Working closely with our law enforcement partners from the Nassau County District Attorney’s Office, the Queens District Attorney’s Office and the Nassau County Police Department, MTA Police detectives stopped this fraud in its tracks and prevented it from victimizing even more innocent people. Anyone who has used a bank card at an LIRR or Metro-North TVM in the past three months should immediately check for any unauthorized activity on their accounts.”

“Ticket vending machines are a source of convenience for thousands of people who take the railroad every single day, but unfortunately those machines have become a source of convenience and opportunity for a crew of brazen thieves targeting commuters,” DA Rice said. “While law enforcement agencies like ours continue to work together to rein in this scam entirely, customers should raise their alertness at machines, try to use cash or credit cards when possible, and notify authorities immediately of any problems.”

Queens District Attorney Richard A. Brown said, “Identity theft is a financial plague afflicting millions of victims and costing billions of dollars in losses to consumers, businesses and financial institutions. In this particular case, the defendants were allegedly amassing the personal identifying information of unwitting commuters. This case should serve as a reminder that people should periodically check their credit reports, as well as their credit and debit card statements, to ensure that their personal information has not been accessed by criminals.”

“While we are grateful to the MTA Police for their quick work on this case, we must advise customers to be extra vigilant when using their credit or debit cards. Always safeguard your personal information like your PIN number and report any suspicious activity,” said Helena E. Williams, LIRR President. “LIRR crews are also on alert, checking to make sure our ticket vending machines are safe to use.”

The pinhole cameras used in the scam were hidden inside black metal strips custom-molded to look like a standard part of the TVM and mounted above the keypad for entering PIN codes and the slot where bank cards are inserted.​

MTA Police and the LIRR’s TVM crews inspected all 278 machines and found nine devices installed at the Sea Cliff, Bayside, Great Neck, Merillon Avenue, and Greenvale stations. MTA Police and Nassau PD Crimes Against Property Squad detectives used specialized cyber-forensics to analyze the cameras and learn how they worked, in conjunction with plastic skimmers placed over the bank card slots to capture information from their magnetic stripes.

MTA Police arrested Valer Zaharia, 38, and his wife Teodora Zaharia, 27, at the Sea Cliff station in Nassau County on Monday evening and arraigned them the next day. District Attorney Rice has charged them with Identity Theft in the Second Degree, an E felony; Criminal Possession of Forgery Devices, a D felony; and Unlawful Possession of a Skimmer Device in the Second Degree, an A misdemeanor. They are being held without bail and were scheduled to be in court today in Part 9L in Mineola. They face a maximum sentence of seven years if convicted.

Working with the Nassau DA's Office, Nassau Police CAP Squad obtained two search warrants and MTA Police obtained an additional search warrant for an apartment in Elmhurst, Queens, where Tuesday night they arrested Mr. Niculae Petre, 45, and Mr. Dorin Husa, 37. District Attorney Brown has charged them with Criminal Possession of a Forged Instrument in the second degree; Criminal Possession of Forgery Devices, and Unlawful Possession of Personal Identification Information in the second degree.

They were arraigned on Oct. 30. Petre is being held on $50,000 bond. Husa is being held on $35,000 bond. They face a maximum sentence of seven years in prison if convicted.

All defendants are Romanian nationals – three with visas and one undocumented – who face deportation if convicted.​

The Elmhurst apartment appeared to be a virtual factory for creating materials to steal bank card information and use it to steal money from people's bank accounts. The search yielded thousands of stolen debit and credit card numbers, a variety of paraphernalia that could be used to tamper with bank cards and commit bank card fraud, including cameras, skimmers, plastic molds, memory cards, flash drives, computers, cash and credit cards. Two of the flash drives containing account numbers were found in a toilet.​

A recovered safe contained hundreds of gift cards and other magnetic cards re-encoded with stolen account numbers as well as other records of stolen account numbers and a card reader/writer. MTA Police, Nassau Police, District Attorney Rice and District Attorney Brown are working with the U.S. Secret Service to further analyze the seized material and determine the scope of the fraudulent activity.

The LIRR and Metro-North have launched a customer education campaign with a video, posters and literature on train seats, urging customers to safeguard personal information like PIN numbers when using ticket vending machines. Anyone who believes their personal information may have been compromised at an LIRR or MTA Metro-North Railroad TVM should contact the MTA Police at 718-361-2201.

To guard against potential fraud, anyone who uses TVMs should follow these
important tips from the Better Business Bureau and District Attorney Rice to safeguard personal information:

Beware of suspicious activity or individuals at or around TVMs, and walk away if you notice anyone watching you or if something seems suspicious about the TVM itself.

When entering your PIN, stand close to the machine and use your other hand or an object to block the view of the keypad.

Review your account statements regularly to check for unauthorized withdrawals or purchases.

Never keep a written copy of your PIN in your wallet or purse.

The case is being handled for the Nassau DA’s Office by ADA Matthew Sotirhos and ADA April Montgomery under the supervision of Diane Peress of the Economic Crimes Bureau.

The case is being handled for the by MTA Police Department by Dets. Brian Longaro and Edward Russell under the supervision of Det. Sgt. James Flanagan.

The case was handled for the NCPD CAP Squad by Dets. Jeffrey Marshall and Ronald Rispoli under the supervision of Det. Sgt. Richard Harasym.
The case is being handled in Queens under the supervision of Chief Gregory Pavlides and Deputy Chief Hanophy of the District Attorney’s Economic Crimes Bureau.

The charges are merely accusations and the defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.

:smh::smh::smh:and motherfuckers want to kno why i deal mostly in many scams out there


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
business as usual for those crooks. how many times are they going to get caught cooking the books before something is done? I don't think I'll live that long.



Tri-borough Bridge and Tunnel Authority — famously once a fiefdom of Robert Moses, it had performed, as an independent entity, the collection of tolls and the maintenance of the Triborough Bridge. It today operates all intrastate toll bridges in New York City, and is now a subsidiary of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.

Yeah, I don't know if you looked this deep, but I saw on The History Channel that it was Robert Moses who primarily is the reason why NY State has more Public Benefit Corporations than ANY other state, he is the reason why the UN is in NYC, and it was his placement of tolls on the Triborough Bridge and the subsequent tens of millions that they raised (during the Depression) that allowed him to not only fund & build other projects, but showed others how the same could be done elsewhere.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
every year after a threatened fare hike...

like clockwork

Exactly. It's not ever shocking anymore. Hell that's why the union went on strike a few years ago. MTA told them they didn't have money for raises and once they signed a new contract they "found" a $2 billion surplus. Dudes in that union never forgot that shit and did a serious power move with that strike.

Sent from my Nexus 5


Exactly. It's not ever shocking anymore. Hell that's why the union went on strike a few years ago. MTA told them they didn't have money for raises and once they signed a new contract they "found" a $2 billion surplus. Dudes in that union never forgot that shit and did a serious power move with that strike.

Sent from my Nexus 5

Ish like this keeps playing out ALL OVER the place, I remember a few years ago when one of the airlines claimed that they were losing money, and wanted both the Pilot's & Worker's Unions to take pay cuts & givebacks to save their jobs, meanwhile they found out later that the Board was getting millions in bonuses, including some 8 million for the CEO himself!:smh:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Yeah, I don't know if you looked this deep, but I saw on The History Channel that it was Robert Moses who primarily is the reason why NY State has more Public Benefit Corporations than ANY other state, he is the reason why the UN is in NYC, and it was his placement of tolls on the Triborough Bridge and the subsequent tens of millions that they raised (during the Depression) that allowed him to not only fund & build other projects, but showed others how the same could be done elsewhere.

Ish like this keeps playing out ALL OVER the place, I remember a few years ago when one of the airlines claimed that they were losing money, and wanted both the Pilot's & Worker's Unions to take pay cuts & givebacks to save their jobs, meanwhile they found out later that the Board was getting millions in bonuses, including some 8 million for the CEO himself!:smh:


Black Radical

Rising Star
When Gov. Christie tried to get some of his buddies in high positions and couldn't, he put them on the Port Authority. Another Public Benefit Corporation like the MTA.

BOth are so fucking corrupt, misusing so much money, its ridiculous.

Black radical what u talkin bout breh?

Christie don't have shit to do with NY so how could he get his buddies on the MTA board? He can't, gov Cuomo can

Now as for Port Authority yes because it's a bi state agency and quasi gov agency. You think MTA is bad? port Authority is in another stratosphere wit that shit..

But unlike MTA the PA doesn't raise tolls and path fares every 2 yrs.. The port raise it like every 6-8 yrs.. The PA operates as business and public benefit corp yet can't post any profits like a business lol

PA operating yearly budget is like 9-10 billion a year :lol:

Mofos got money coming in from them airports, shipping ports and those Hudson River crossings. PA is the second largest land holder in the world behind the Vatican church..

PA owns the entire west side of manhattan from the GWB all the way down to Battery Park.

Reading is fundamental.

But you brought other useful information to the table I was unaware of.


Rising Star
Ish like this keeps playing out ALL OVER the place, I remember a few years ago when one of the airlines claimed that they were losing money, and wanted both the Pilot's & Worker's Unions to take pay cuts & givebacks to save their jobs, meanwhile they found out later that the Board was getting millions in bonuses, including some 8 million for the CEO himself!:smh:

people still falling for that union trick......gross financial mismanagement is always the union fault and never senior management.

way of the world :smh: :smh:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
M.T.A. Is Raising Fares and Tolls; One Subway or Bus Ride Will Cost $2.75

The board of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority voted on Thursday to raise the base fare on subways and buses by a quarter, to $2.75, and the cost of a 30-day MetroCard by $4.50, to $116.50.

The new fares, which will take effect on March 22, were part of a package of increases approved for the system’s trains, buses, tunnels and bridges.

Fare increases have become routine and are scheduled to occur every two years as part of the authority’s long-term revenue plans. The previous increase, in 2013, raised the base fare to $2.50, from $2.25.

The subway system has recently seen record use, with more than six million riders on some days, but the authority is facing questions over how to pay for long-term improvements to its infrastructure.

The agency’s proposal for a $32 billion, five-year capital plan has a $15 billion funding shortfall, and the board is seeking contributions from the state and the city.

Officials have cautioned that if the authority relies on borrowing to close the capital gap, it could increase pressure to raise fares and tolls faster than scheduled.

On Tuesday, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo outlined his priorities for the state’s infrastructure, and said the state would invest $750 million toward the authority’s capital plan. But he did not address the larger funding gap.

Under the increases approved on Thursday, the bonus for pay-per-ride MetroCards will rise to 11 percent, from 5 percent, for anyone who puts at least $5.50 on a card. The cost of a weekly pass will increase to $31, from $30.

The authority’s board had considered two proposals for pay-per-ride MetroCards and decided against an option that kept the base fare at $2.50 while eliminating the bonus. Transportation advocates had argued that the bonus served an important function as a discount for low-income riders who cannot afford weekly or monthly passes.

The authority’s chairman, Thomas F. Prendergast, has called the fare increases modest, and said they were needed to balance the budget against the rising costs of providing services.

“I’ve recommended the fare and toll change options that are most favorable to our customers who use the services the most, our core constituency,” Mr. Prendergast said at the board meeting on Thursday.

One board member, Carl V. Wortendyke, who represents Rockland County, voted against the fare increase. Another board member, Allen P. Cappelli, of Staten Island, voted against the toll increase.

Because of an improved financial outlook, the adopted 4 percent increase for fares and tolls was lower than the 7.5 percent increase in the original plans. Altogether, the changes are expected to generate $210 million for the authority this year.

After the board meeting, Mr. Prendergast said the $750 million proposed by Mr. Cuomo, a Democrat, for the capital budget was the start of a dialogue.

“I’m very confident that at the end of the day, we will get what we need to be able to run the system and maintain it,” Mr. Prendergast said.

Gene Russianoff, the staff lawyer for the Straphangers Campaign, a rider advocacy group, said the fare increase was a “fair ask for riders to contribute to the system.” The group was more concerned with increased funding for the capital plan, he said.

“Our eyes are on the prize,” he said. “We’re really focused on the $15 billion to fix the system.”

Another challenge facing the authority is the need to replace the MetroCard with a system that would allow riders to tap a credit card or smartphone on an electronic reader. This week, officials said they hoped to unveil the system in 2020 and phase out MetroCards by the end of 2022.

Fares for the Long Island Rail Road and the Metro-North Railroad will also go up by about 4 percent, depending on the time of day and distance traveled. E-ZPass tolls will increase by 21 cents, to $5.54, at major crossings like the Robert F. Kennedy Bridge, among other toll increases.

Several board members acknowledged that higher fares would be difficult for many riders, but that the revenue was needed.

One member, Polly Trottenberg, New York City’s transportation commissioner, said the increases were as fair as possible.

“I think you all came up with a plan which, frankly, does the least damage to the largest number of folks,” she said.


Rising Star
will NEVER happen.

should happen.

Could happen.

But never will...I think if EVERYONE would not use the train or buses for like ONE HOUR on a particular work day?

Like Monday at like NOON no one takes any form of public transport including the LIRR and NJT???

that would equally a TON of $$$$.

That would be JUST as effective I think and realistic.

And would also not disrupt any medical/emergency services.

Or I had an idea for a bunch of people with unlimited metrocards...

for that day swipe other people and if your at work let co-workers borrow your metrocard while your in the office.

Problem is some judge actually said that its illegal to do this
so I don't know, you could pick stations with no token booths (which is not hard at all nowadays!)

what bullshit interpretation of the law did he use to justify this logic


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
what bullshit interpretation of the law did he use to justify this logic

I posted it awhile back.

it was a result of people selling swipes or something.

I still don't understand how they can call it illegal or enforce it.

I do it all the time.

Hell I sometimes swipe my assistant or some of the staff on the train as I walk to either run errands after work or have to take another train a few blocks over.


Cantankerous Bastid
New Yuck City.

Garbage-ass place, full of garbage-ass people.

Matter-Fack, fuck that whole region.

That goes for Fuck-youdelphia too.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
New Yuck City.

Garbage-ass place, full of garbage-ass people.

Matter-Fack, fuck that whole region.

That goes for Fuck-youdelphia too.
And yet the world would never be the same without its existence.. let’s start with hip hop and see how much that changed the world.. that’s just 1 thing that nyc contributed to can thank us later


Cantankerous Bastid
And yet the world would never be the same without its existence.. let’s start with hip hop and see how much that changed the world.. that’s just 1 thing that nyc contributed to can thank us later

What hip hop has become is garbage, just like that city.

Da Backshot Champ

Rising Star
I aint worried about them raising the fair as much as I am about the congestion pricing since round trip from Harlem to below 61st Street is looking like $22 each time.