Music Debate: Dame Dash decides Real Men CAN have Bosses


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
My doctor is black. My CPA is black. My financial advisor is black. My barber is black. My insurance agent is black. My lawn man is black. I spend money with black people and actively seek them out.


But according to you, I should encourage my employees to quit working for me and get their own business so I can go broke and then not be able to afford all the black people I mentioned above that I do business with????:confused:

No according to me you could inspire others to work for themselves not necessarily your employees. But its not about that with you obviously, you worried about yourself and sharing isnt your strong suit. You're not Dame Dash, you're just another "ima get me" dude who's business wont last after you leave the earth.

I'm starting to agree with others on here. You are a Dame Dash dickrider and for some reason you are wrapped up in his message of "man-shaming" simply because people have jobs.....:smh:

And you're a fool who the minute white supremacy comes for your business you gon be crying to black community for help. We've seen this movie play out time and time again. :yes:


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: it's very personal. You're dad is an independent contractor now. Sounds like he taught you well. Sounds like he did exactly what Dame was talking about. HE BECAME A BUSINESS OWNER ! Why do yall niggas feel like Dame is talking to you. Hating the discussion by taking it personal is going to derail progress in the community because it's going to make the kids get sidetracked and not focus on the key shit, which is starting something. Why do you feel disrespected ? I feel like the conversation is showing exactly how fucced we are. We cant even agree on aggressive motivation strategies that spread this message of independence,entrepreneurship,and good shit like that when it's hella needed to get our sidetracked-brainwashed asses as a whole, into practicing GROUP ECONOMICS ! The kids should be listening. I give up on you grown ass coons out there. Especially if you are not for us playing the game that everyone else is playing, called Do For Self (Group Economics).

2 months later, they still pissy with Dame. :lol::lol::lol:

Dray makes a lot less than Dame, by his own logic he should STFU til he gets a "real business" like Dame that reaches people nationwide, not just in Houston. And the funny thing is, I'm almost certain when he was struggling getting his business off them 10 years he claims he did, when he told people he drew pictures for a living they probably told him the same shit, "get a job" or "get a real business". Then the cat LIED and said he got no help, now he admits daddy gave him 10K to get his shit off. I dont like frontrunners. :smh:


Occasional Superstar **
You havent spoke on any of the positives, just broadly labeled people dickriders who arent as angry with him as you are. Did that dude turn you down for a record deal or something back in the day? :lol: The whole "he aint sayin nothing new" argument is the same bullshit people used to say about Tariq. I've never seen a single post from silentking about black empowerment or group economics on BGOL.

Check the politics threads. I speak often on the fact that black people who are mad at Obama for not doing more for black people need to get up on the concept of group economics and building a political power base. Beyond that...his delivery was so fucked up I had to wade through that to even see the positives...and THAT's the thing I was critical of him on as it pertains to that interview. The fact that it wasn't new isnt as crucial as the fact that he delivered the message poorly.

Falsehoods. I could give a fuck about rap moguls, and prior to his breakfast club interview I could give a fuck about Damon Dash. But after that I seen he's really bout empowerment and giving his people information, so he's cool with me. I never once said someone gotta be a fan of his, its bout the message he was delivering. But crabs care more about the messenger than the message and use that as an excuse to ignore the message.

Again...I can say fuck Dame Dash and still be about group economics. You have consistently refused to separate the two. Dame doesnt own that message.

Cuz you do. When you go to the store today and shop you wont give a fuck if the CEO is a white supremacist or hates black folks. You dont gotta like him or his agenda to give him your money. If thats not "dickriding" I dont know what is. You've never disputed that, and last time I brought that up towards you in a thread, you ran like a bitch. Then come in here 5 AM talkin bout dicks. stay making assumptions about where I spend my money. That right there off the top reduces your whole argument to foolishness. And who gives a fuck what time I post? If I'm on at 5am thats when I'm posting. FOH with that silly shit.

Dame gives detailed info, you've been very very vague. You've offered no solutions, no alternatives to what he's saying. If what he's saying is hypocritical and bullshit, tell us the real, just throwing insults or saying he's wrong with nothing to back it up aint cutting it.

And yet still cant separate Dame from the concept of group economics or black empowerment. I'm not offering alternatives cuz I'm not opposed to those concepts. At no point have I suggested that I was. What I have said is Dame Dash is a clown and always will be to when I clown him, I'm clowning him....not the whole concept of black economic empowerment. You steady riding for dude like you never heard these concepts before they came out of his mouth.


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
And yet still cant separate Dame from the concept of group economics or black empowerment. I'm not offering alternatives cuz I'm not opposed to those concepts. At no point have I suggested that I was. What I have said is Dame Dash is a clown and always will be to when I clown him, I'm clowning him....not the whole concept of black economic empowerment. You steady riding for dude like you never heard these concepts before they came out of his mouth.

Can you link me to another current entertainer that got on a platform broadcast to millions that spoke on this concept? Or better yet, just link us to another Breakfast Club interview prior to Dame where an artist or CEO told people to create their own business and pursue financial freedom. I mean this is nothing new and people talk about this stuff all the time right?


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
But you'll spend a couple of hours typing about Dame :lol:

Cuz Dame talks about "building" while fags, slaves, and crabs only know how to tear another black man down like that shit is hard. 26 minutes of hearing some dusty dude talk shit about black men, Im good. :lol:


Occasional Superstar **
Can you link me to another current entertainer that got on a platform broadcast to millions that spoke on this concept? Or better yet, just link us to another Breakfast Club interview prior to Dame where an artist or CEO told people to create their own business and pursue financial freedom. I mean this is nothing new and people talk about this stuff all the time right?

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Very crazy. White man is far from the only reason we're in the state we're in collectively.

His main messages were be honorable, put your woman and children first, stop being selfish, and be smart economically. Niggas don't want to hear none of that shit.

Man you giving Dame far too much credit. That dude said never spend other people money and go broke spending your own money. Then had the nerve to say he don't save money that's weak. There are far better brothas out here to get left business advice from. Id go to Drayonis far quicker than I would Dame.


Son of Community
Man you giving Dame far too much credit. That dude said never spend other people money and go broke spending your own money. Then had the nerve to say he don't save money that's weak. There are far better brothas out here to get left business advice from. Id go to Drayonis far quicker than I would Dame.
Lol...I have given up on these Dame dick riders.....they obviously think Dame is the second coming of Christ and can do nor speak no wrong.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Lol...I have given up on these Dame dick riders.....they obviously think Dame is the second coming of Christ and can do nor speak no wrong.

And for what? Why are they dick riding this dude? Was Loisados that good? This nigga is a clown. He was promoting his black owned film and couldn't even spell the shit. I'm more fearful that people came away from that interview thinking he was dropping knowledge. If you uplifted and encouraged by some of what he was saying than fair enough. But I hope for yall sake yall don't follow his business formula.


Rising Star
I practice what I preach. Whenever i have the choice to support a black business I do. I listed them. If you had a clue what group eco was, youd realize how stupid you sound. Besides your own, what black businesses do you support? List them. Just cuz u own a biz doesnt mean you are practicing group eco, and as soon as white supremacy comes for your ass or biz you rugged individualists suddenly need help from the community.

Question... Do you know me personally? Do you know my business profile and practices?

Sad reality is, people like you are actually worse than the CACs we want to separate from. You make generalizations and accusations about shit you know nothing about, and your psuedo sense of superiority against your own people actually shows a tremendous degree of ignorance, and causes more division than anything a CAC could do.

Just because you claim, on an anonymous board to do all of the things you claim doesn't mean you do, just as it doesn't mean no body else does...

Some of us don't have to type paragraphs extolling the virtue of our business practices to appease or convince anybody of who we are and what we do. The word you type prove nothing actually...

I unlike you, don't take every opportunity to look down my nose at my people or throw insults at them in the context of this discussion, or tear them down to build myself up. I actually celebrate you and your families business, and anyone else here who are doing things to better themselves regardless of if it's their own businesses or not...

You need to check yourself Dude, because no matter how much you raise the black glove and claim black power, your approach stinks of a lot of the same methods CACs and other races have used against of for years... Damn shame you have such self hate for your own people...

So tell me, what are you trying to prove actually :confused:
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Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
Lol...I have given up on these Dame dick riders.....they obviously think Dame is the second coming of Christ and can do nor speak no wrong.

And you think the white man is GOD. Thats why you go from thread to thread defending him. Coon.

dtownsfinest said:
Man you giving Dame far too much credit. That dude said never spend other people money and go broke spending your own money. Then had the nerve to say he don't save money that's weak. There are far better brothas out here to get left business advice from. Id go to Drayonis far quicker than I would Dame.

All he would tell you is get a minimum wage job working for him, and he cant help you cuz then nobody would work for him. :lol:

silentking said:

P spoke in this interview about building generational wealth for his fam and his team, but in no way did he encourage the listeners to do the same or go into detail about HOW to do it. It was more a way of him answering why he isnt listed on Forbes lists anymore more so than a call to the community to build something for themselves. I respect P and he's a great entrepreneur but you reaching.

BGOL Investor
My dad was contractor on the weekends and years before he did it full time. He always did extra work outside of his 40-60 hours of work. Nothing new. But telling people they aren't men because they aren't bosses? Fuck outta here.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: it's very personal. You're dad is an independent contractor now. Sounds like he taught you well. Sounds like he did exactly what Dame was talking about. HE BECAME A BUSINESS OWNER ! Why do yall niggas feel like Dame is talking to you. Hating the discussion by taking it personal is going to derail progress in the community because it's going to make the kids get sidetracked and not focus on the key shit, which is starting something. Why do you feel disrespected ? I feel like the conversation is showing exactly how fucced we are. We cant even agree on aggressive motivation strategies that spread this message of independence,entrepreneurship,and good shit like that when it's hella needed to get our sidetracked-brainwashed asses as a whole, into practicing GROUP ECONOMICS ! The kids should be listening. I give up on you grown ass coons out there. Especially if you are not for us playing the game that everyone else is playing, called Do For Self (Group Economics).

BGOL Investor

No according to me you could inspire others to work for themselves not necessarily your employees. But its not about that with you obviously, you worried about yourself and sharing isnt your strong suit. You're not Dame Dash, you're just another "ima get me" dude who's business wont last after you leave the earth.

And you're a fool who the minute white supremacy comes for your business you gon be crying to black community for help. We've seen this movie play out time and time again. :yes:

Dude you're corny. Really you are. You dickriding some dude because you think he's some genius. What exactly did he say? You should start your own business...WOOOOOOOWWWWW.... that's it? That's all? Not how to get financing. Nothing about affordable advertising. Nothing about HR management. Nothing about money management and creating stable management structures. Nothing about tax prep. Nothing about contracting, do's and don'ts. Legal representation.

Just you should be the boss. And you dubbed him a genius? You're one of those "wannabe in business cats" who do 10,000 things thinking they are winning.

Simply yelling at people "you should be the BOSS! And you ain't a man unless you are" is not building anything.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
To give you typing muthafuckas a chance for your fingers to rest

:lol: So a WHITE CHIC brainwashed Dame and stole from Choke no Joke.....Crazy....

All these vidoegraphers out here......MMG and Rick Ross stay putting out Spiff TV......all these new videographers out here and the OG of this shit nobody never heard of......that's crazy.

BGOL Investor
All he would tell you is get a minimum wage job working for him, and he cant help you cuz then nobody would work for him. :lol:

Motherfucka I've given business advice to tons of cats on this board before. In a lot of business related threads. In fact when people PM me and ask me specific advice I give it to them. Been doing that for years on this board.

You're just salty because people won't rejoice in sucking Dames cock like you are.


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
Motherfucka I've given business advice to tons of cats on this board before. In a lot of business related threads. In fact when people PM me and ask me specific advice I give it to them. Been doing that for years on this board.

You're just salty because people won't rejoice in sucking Dames cock like you are.

Man you keep flip flopping. First no one helped you or gave you anything (which I knew was bullshit), then you admit your folks gave you your seed money. First it was why should encourage others to own a biz? Now its I give advice and help all the time. You're all over the place. Im simply using your logic, Dame is a better and more successful businessman than you. He's had a far greater impact in his field than you yours, so til you get your chips up and create a nationally recognized brand or someone under your umbrella becomes international listening to you over him would be foolish.

Dame sons Charlamagne and Envy and you took it as him dissin your daddy. Toughen up dude. And let us know when you create a platform to give people info, PMs on a porn board dont count. :hmm:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man you keep flip flopping. First no one helped you or gave you anything (which I knew was bullshit), then you admit your folks gave you your seed money. First it was why should encourage others to own a biz? Now its I give advice and help all the time. You're all over the place. Im simply using your logic, Dame is a better and more successful businessman than you. He's had a far greater impact in his field than you yours, so til you get your chips up and create a nationally recognized brand or someone under your umbrella becomes international listening to you over him would be foolish.

Dame sons Charlamagne and Envy and you took it as him dissin your daddy. Toughen up dude. And let us know when you create a platform to give people info, PMs on a porn board dont count. :hmm:

You still are not answering the question. What did Dame say that was so special?

DJ Envy and Charlemagne asked him several times about how to go about starting a business. He never would answer the question as to how. Then he finally said he would have a seminar and charge $500 a head. So is Dame really trying to help or is he trying to make money off us?

It is a reason people don't mess with Dame. While his peers such as Diddy, 50, and Jayz have had no problems getting financing or backing for any of their projects or business ideas.

This is the advice he gave out his mouth

1. Don't save because that is for suckas. I tell all my peeps why are you sitting on that money, spend it.

2. Real men don't have bosses. I don't understand what it is to have a job because I never had one. You not a real man if you calling another man boss.

3. Never explained start up cost or how to create a business

4. Never explained how he can be a boss when he owes people millions.

BGOL Investor
You end the paragraph with Dame's nuts hanging out your mouth. :lol:

Man you keep flip flopping. First no one helped you or gave you anything (which I knew was bullshit), then you admit your folks gave you your seed money. First it was why should encourage others to own a biz? Now its I give advice and help all the time. You're all over the place. Im simply using your logic, Dame is a better and more successful businessman than you. He's had a far greater impact in his field than you yours, so til you get your chips up and create a nationally recognized brand or someone under your umbrella becomes international listening to you over him would be foolish.

Dame sons Charlamagne and Envy and you took it as him dissin your daddy. Toughen up dude. And let us know when you create a platform to give people info, PMs on a porn board dont count. :hmm:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You end the paragraph with Dame's nuts hanging out your mouth. :lol:

King continues to ignore your question about about what did Dame say that was ground breaking.

Like how to start a business with legitimate directions

How to procure funds to start a business

What failures to keep an eye out for and how to overcome them.

Dude was seriously ear hustling dudes.

BGOL Investor
The funny part is the only the only people that cosigned this dude Dame on Facebook were known idiots and morons. People that had no business experience whatsoever. All my friends that owned businesses thought the dude sounded like a moron.

King continues to ignore your question about about what did Dame say that was ground breaking.

Like how to star a business with legitimate directions

How to procure funds to start a business

What failures to keep an eye out for and how to overcome them.

Dude was seriously ear hustling dudes.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
The fact Dame has been unable to monetize his buzz look at this thread alone is a testament to his lack of modern business acumen.


Rising Star
The fact Dame has been unable to monetize his buzz look at this thread alone is a testament to his lack of modern business acumen.

How do you know if he's monetized his "buzz" or not ? I think he has his new branding game on point. I see how he strikes on another level. Calling out CEO's is waaaaay better than calling out rappers. Its new and fresh and interesting. Lmao funk flex has officially made enemies with Dame and Jay, he's made it to every poppin platform pushing them movies and name dropping. Selling shit.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
KingTaharqa has got to be Dame or some shit :lol:

Maybe family or something? My man is posted up in every single thread mentioning this dude haha

BGOL Investor
KingTaharqa has got to be Dame or some shit :lol:

Maybe family or something? My man is posted up in every single thread mentioning this dude haha

Yea man, dude is riding to hard for him. Nobody rides that hard unless they got skin in the game....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
To give you typing muthafuckas a chance for your fingers to rest

Posting that doesn't help cause he's talking about the same shit he was talking about two or more fucking years ago.He has Dames number in his phone and at the end of the video he said"I AIN'T MAD,I DIDN'T DISRESPECT DAME AND ILL STILL WORK WITH HIM CAUSE...".He did all of that for what just to cop out and say the opposite?clown shit.

I hate Dame Dash t-shirts forsale 25$ a pop


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
"Dame is broke"

"Dame bout to go to jail"

"Dame don't know business"

"The emperor has no clothes"

"Dame life gone to shit since that interview"

"Dame's situation has changed"

"No one wants to work with Dame"

"Fuck the Damon Dash mindset, support & work for white corporations"

Dame could have a super hit reality tv show and crew..following him around.. yelling at various people then making up later... lol..he is custom made for reality t.v, with his over the top dramatic ass..but his always got to be the boss attitude, turns people off and nobody will work with him..His reality show could easily do love and hip hop numbers...but he is too hard and big headed to cash out on a reality show....nobody is going to put up with a king with no kingdom...





Damon Dash, Boogie Dash & Angela Simmons Film Upcoming Reality Show In L.A.

Damon Dash, his eldest son Boogie Dash and Angela Simmons are currently filming for an upcoming reality show starring Dame’s son and his cookie venture. While Damon Dash claims he has been unable to see three of his kids due to baby mama drama, he is getting in some quality time with his eldest son Damon Dash II aka Boogie Dash.

The Dash men were spotted in L.A. on the set of their new reality series at Live Astro FlagShip store on Melrose Avenue yesterday. It appears Boogie has nabbed his own reality show that will follow him as he heads his cookie business, ChipzCookies. And it's supposedly coming to WETv soon.

Boogie opened his first ChipzCookies pop up shop in L.A. and Angela Simmons and Kristina DeBarge came out to support.

Dame, who celebrated a birthday last week, is no stranger to the reality tv realm. You’ll recall, he starred in his own BET reality series “Ultimate Hustler,” where he helped train 16 hopefuls to become a "hustlers." Dame’s show was created by producer Datari Turner and Dame is teaming up with Datari again on his newest project.

Damon Dash said:
"Last night chopped it up wit the executives from the we network and my man Datari.., he actually came up with the Ultimate hustler TV show and now he's doing this show wit @boogiedash which of course I'm on...I was asking the execs if I could buy the network but they don't own it so they couldn't give me a price but they gave me some good info on how to run @_pgtv ....stay tuned the show is kinda fly #hustleforyourlastnamenotyourfirst"
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BGOL Investor
A few words can make a mofo reflect on his failures; and either put him in a state of bitter depression OR make him change for the better.

But as u can see...months later.... niggas feelings is still hurt by what Dame said. Pure bitterness. Especially from those proud employees who feel as if their children look at them as weak/slaves/losers.

Props to Dame!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A few words can make a mofo reflect on his failures; and either put him in a state of bitter depression OR make him change for the better.

But as u can see...months later.... niggas feelings is still hurt by what Dame said. Pure bitterness. Especially from those proud employees who feel as if their children look at them as weak/slaves/losers.

Props to Dame!!!

You still riding hard for Dame. Wow.