NASA mars Landings are fake and actually filmed in the Gobi desert.

Database Error

You're right dawg
OG Investor
Stop trolling these good people


Walter Panov

Rising Star
Welp if you put it that way, sign me up, flat earf here I come. But the thing is, I'm a part time ship builder and would need a boyancy equation that doesn't have fake gravity in it to calculate if the ship will float or not..... Or I can do it the flat earf way, where I first build the ship then hope and pray it floats.

:roflmao3: :roflmao::lol2::roflmao3:
You can start here my good brother. Enroll for the Fall Semester and get you some knowledge. Remember that knowledge is power.



the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
You can start here my good brother. Enroll for the Fall Semester and get you some knowledge. Remember that knowledge is power.

What's funny is Dummy Boy said he gets his knowledge from the Universe then turns around to say space if fake! Now ain't that a roundabout way of declaring yourself to be a certified idiot?

Walter Panov

Rising Star
What's funny is Dummy Boy said he gets his knowledge from the Universe then turns around to say space if fake! Now ain't that a roundabout way of declaring yourself to be a certified idiot?
The universe could be everything around us like a Mother Nature. It doesn't have to include a space. His issue is stubbornness. It's all or nothing. He won't accept something minor that discredits the flat earth hypothesis even if he knows it's true.
In his defense, this is the wrong place to convince him that he's wrong. Most people won't take the time to scientifically disprove his theories. I've seen people try on older threads, but their attempts are weak. It's all good entertainment. I like these threads.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
The universe could be everything around us like a Mother Nature. It doesn't have to include a space. His issue is stubbornness. It's all or nothing. He won't accept something minor that discredits the flat earth hypothesis even if he knows it's true.
In his defense, this is the wrong place to convince him that he's wrong. Most people won't take the time to scientifically disprove his theories. I've seen people try on older threads, but their attempts are weak. It's all good entertainment. I like these threads.
If you look back my mission was never to convince an idiot not to be an idiot, instead, my goal is to be a communicator for science, especially for people who are on the fence with weak scientific skills (No diss but not everyone is good at science), the same people grifters and charlatans love to focus as their target audience.
One of my closest members on BGOL Mrfreddygoodbud, who I consider a brother is a big conspiracy theorist, who encourages me, like a man to not hold back, I think that is more entertaining because neither one of us takes it seriously and no matter how heated it gets!
But as for Dummy Boy, not only is he dumb and stubborn but he is way too emotional over his cult-like thinking, and instead of considering he's been duped by his handlers, he thinks everyone else is the dumb ones especially those who know what they are talking about.
The poster boy of type A Dunning Kruger!


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
There is an outer space. But thru power of suggestion someone can tell you what to expect and that is what you will be mentally looking for and see what they programmed you to see regardless of what is really out there. At one time certain whites tried to keep us hid for public knowledge and were telling a lie that we were the missing link between man and ape. They tried to make us appear that way.
What they actually did to us in making blacks forget who they truly are is the same thing they have been doing to blacks that have remained unchanged for millions of years. That is why there is so much secrecy about ufo's. They have been working on the last and final false flag operation.
Nigga shut up


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
57 Proof of the flatness of the Earth

Physical and scientific evidence that the Earth is flat and stable:

1- Water level
2- There is no curvature (law of perspective)
3- Lack of gravity
4- The failure of the hypothesis that the Earth causes the eclipse.
5- Radio waves do not transmit in a curved path.
6- The impossibility of air (atmosphere) coming into contact with a vacuum.
7- The planes do not bend.
8- Airplanes are not affected by the movement of the ground between the north (0 km/h) and the equator (1666 km/h)
9- Proof that space agencies lied (fabricated videos and photos)
10- Railways.
11- The appearance of the stars does not change during the year.
12- Polaris’s location does not change despite the three movements.
13- The inability of the missile to launch in a vacuum.
14- Experiments have proven that there is water above us
15- Trigonometry proves the impossibility of the sun being 150 million kilometers away from the Earth
16- The horizon rises with you when you rise to your level of sight
17- There are many differences between the poles, while they are supposed to be similar in spherical shape
18- Not feeling the movement of the earth
19-There are no flights over Antarctica
20- Seeing the same stars after six months (presumably in the daylight direction)
21- The claim that the Earth is flattened in the equator due to rotation, but the seas are in place and the rotation has not affected them.
22- The retrograde movement of the planets destroys the solar system and the rotation of the planets around the sun.
23- Determining the size of the sun, the size of the planets, the moon, and distances, and setting large numbers without evidence or scientific proof to prove it
24- The width of the moon’s shadow at the time of the last solar eclipse in America was 100 kilometres, which means this is the width of the moon or smaller, because scientifically it is impossible for the shadow to be smaller than the body (abbreviate it yourself).
25-The direction of river flow violates the law of gravity
26- Flights and their routes are proven logical on the surface
27- The closer we are to the sun, the lower the temperature
28- The atmosphere is supposed to expand or contract due to its adhesion in a vacuum
29- The scientific community cannot establish a specific definition of “the sky” at all. This can only be achieved through the Qur’an.
30- The clouds do not curve to match the curvature of the earth (you will always find them straight at the bottom)
31- The difference in summer and winter between the north and south of the Earth contradicts the theory of the Earth’s tilted axis.
32- It has not been proven that the sun is made of fire and plasma, and the flames have not been photographed in a real way
33- The water cycle theory does not match hot, steamy areas
34- The weight of clouds loaded with water, snow, hail and ice, violates the law of gravity, (witness the last incident),
35-There are many doubts surrounding the reality of the existence of satellites and the space station
36- No logical explanation was given about the {Go Fast} missile colliding with water at an altitude of 116 km.
37- The impossibility of light traveling millions of kilometers without fading (you have a searchlight, does its light travel for several kilometers, even a laser does not do it for hundreds of kilometers)
38 - Refuting and contradicting the Big Bang theory and evolution, which definitely proves that the Western scientific community is full of lies.
39 - Gravity and what it is have not been proven and defined experimentally.
40- The media war, the gagging of mouths, and the policy followed against flat-footed people by international websites such as Google and YouTube suggest that there is something that terrifies them, while they spread absurdities every day such as asteroids and black holes.
41- The Michelson-Morley experiment of 1880 was suppressed, because it proved the stability of the Earth.
42- The Biddle Airy experiment, which proved the stability of the Earth, was suppressed and ignored by the scientific community.
43- Calculating the times of eclipses and eclipses has nothing to do with sphericality, just a calculation based on the Saros cycle, which was used at a time when everyone believed in the flatness of the Earth.
44 - There is no scientific research, peer reviewed publication, that experimentally proves the curvature and curvature of the Earth.
45 - Experiments are to prove hypotheses and theories that contradict reality! How can a flat-footed person conduct an experiment to prove, for example, that the Earth is stationary and does not rotate, or prove the opposite of what his eye sees! The footballer is the one who has to conduct experiments, not the other way around, to prove his hypothesis. So far, all of his experiments have failed and have been refuted by experience and proof.
46- The weights do not change as we move north or south of the equator, with gravity constant and centrifugation weak.
48- Neglecting density and pressure in the law of gravity and calculating acceleration
49 - The horizon is always straight and not curved, and it is always at eye level. The Chicago buildings that appear 80 km away are the greatest evidence of the absence of any curvature.
50 - Lines of longitude and latitude are identical on a flat surface, while they are not valid on a sphere! Because the ball is supposed to have circles of length and latitude! The ball has no straightness, all its sides are circles.
51-The sky is always above us and not around us!
52- Up and down have no meaning in the spherical Earth.
53- In order to calculate the speed of any body, you must be constant. How was the speed of the planets and stars calculated? The Earth is not constant, but nothing is constant in the solar system?! Has the speed of the Earth around the sun been calculated from anything fixed?!
54- Radio broadcasting first appeared in 1915 from Europe to America, before the invention of satellites. Broadcasting remains as it is and does not depend on satellites
55- The interruption of GPS, mobile networks, and Thuraya services in desert areas, mountains, seas, and tunnels indicates the use of radio waves.
56- Einstein acknowledged the impossibility of monitoring the Earth’s movement with any visual experiment
57- The current agreement of civilizations on sphericity does not indicate anything. Previously, civilizations also agreed that it was flat until the devils came and deprived them of their view of truth.
the educational system has failed us
That shit failed cashie. I'm smart as hell.
This is not how the solar system travels, go to school and learn.
It actually is


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
It actually is
"I’ve been getting lots of tweets and email from folks linking to a slick-looking video, a computer animation showing the motion of the planets around the Sun as the Sun orbits around the Milky Way Galaxy. It’s a very pretty video with compelling music and well-done graphics.

However, there’s a problem with it: It’s wrong. And not just superficially; it’s deeply wrong, based on a very wrong premise. While there are some useful visualizations in it, I caution people to take it with a galaxy-sized grain of salt.

Why? The basis of the claim is that the planets aren’t orbiting the Sun heliocentrically, but are instead a vortex going around the galaxy.

Normally I wouldn’t bother debunking stuff like this; wacky claims are made all the time and usually disappear on their own. But in this case I’m getting a lot of people telling me about it, so clearly it’s popular—probably because it seems superficially right, and it has very nice graphics. I’m also seeing it spread around by people who do understand science, but missed the parts of it that are way off. With stuff like this, it always pays to dig a little deeper.

So let’s break out the shovels."



Rising Star
Platinum Member
So we aren't allowed to question your bullshit or ask for citations, instead we are supposed to gobble up your dogmatic propaganda crap?
Wow sounds just like a cult. Good luck trying to get intelligent free thinkers like myself to join.

These flat-earther conspiracy theorist leaders look one agitation or two from going full blown MAGA. Coincidence? I think not.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
These flat-earther conspiracy theorist leaders look one agitation or two from going full blown MAGA. Coincidence? I think not.
If you want to hear a much more plausible explanation for flat earth, in my opinion, it's nothing but a PSYOP distraction to derail the truther movement that flourished after 9-11. Not that it was 100% true, but a lot of the original content back then started "accidentally" uncovering some truths that the powers that be didn't want out.
So basically they decided to poison the well and distract the conspiracy theorist by creating such a ridiculous theory bait making all conspiracy theorists look stupid while taking away any credibility they accidentally stumbled on.
Notice since flat earth you rarely hear about 9-11 or Harp. Coincidence? I think not.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
If you want to hear a much more plausible explanation for flat earth, in my opinion, it's nothing but a PSYOP distraction to derail the truther movement that flourished after 9-11. Not that it was 100% true, but a lot of the original content back then started "accidentally" uncovering some truths that the powers that be didn't want out.
So basically they decided to poison the well and distract the conspiracy theorist by creating such a ridiculous theory bait making all conspiracy theorists look stupid while taking away any credibility they accidentally stumbled on.
Notice since flat earth you rarely hear about 9-11 or Harp. Coincidence? I think not.

That's so goddamn STUPID!!

If you actually fucking listened to FLAT/TRUE Earthers, you would know these are the same people talking about the fallacies of 911, harp, etc. Look at how much easier HAARP would work on an enclosed, flat earth vs. that bullshit globe.

Road Rage, stop being an asshole and be objective. You want your globe model to be all sewn up and it AIN'T! The problems with it are pouring out of the seams, plenty of unexplainable phenomena that hasn't humbled you enough yet to at least consider that what you've been told has been a big lie, which would not be the first time.

Shit, we MIGHT BE in a simulation. That's another possibility I've considered. There's evidence pointing in that direction too. This is about seeking truth, not just being stuck on an idea. When I can look and see things 500 miles away because the curvature that's supposed to be there to block it is not actually there, then HOUSTON WE HAVE A FUCKING PROBLEM- and it AIN'T FUCKING REFRACTION!! :angry:


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
That's so goddamn STUPID!!

If you actually fucking listened to FLAT/TRUE Earthers, you would know these are the same people talking about the fallacies of 911, harp, etc. Look at how much easier HAARP would work on an enclosed, flat earth vs. that bullshit globe.

Road Rage, stop being an asshole and be objective. You want your globe model to be all sewn up and it AIN'T! The problems with it are pouring out of the seams, plenty of unexplainable phenomena that hasn't humbled you enough yet to at least consider that what you've been told has been a big lie, which would not be the first time.

Shit, we MIGHT BE in a simulation. That's another possibility I've considered. There's evidence pointing in that direction too. This is about seeking truth, not just being stuck on an idea. When I can look and see things 500 miles away because the curvature that's supposed to be there to block it is not actually there, then HOUSTON WE HAVE A FUCKING PROBLEM- and it AIN'T FUCKING REFRACTION!! :angry:
I said it's my opinion, and I don't argue opionionated arguments.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Also if your claim is that we are living in a simulation can't 100% but unless you can define a experiment that is able to falsify this claim it's outside of what we consider science and objective reality.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Or the problem arises because you think you know something that you don't
Not a problem when you can cite all your claims with actual scientific experiments, mathematics and scientific papers. Now if you are pulling shit out of your ass and claiming it's the universe, welp trying to provide collaborating evidence is a bitch!


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Not a problem when you can cite all your claims with actual scientific experiments, mathematics and scientific papers. Now if you are pulling shit out of your ass and claiming it's the universe, welp trying to provide collaborating evidence is a bitch!

jesus christ, all these threads and you're saying I never cited sources, math and papers?!? :smh:


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
jesus christ, all these threads and you're saying I never cited sources, math and papers?!? :smh:
Those flat tards claiming the horizon rises to eye level is not a scientific paper, can you even site any measurements that can tell me how big, far away or how fast the magical floating sun is on your pizza planet?


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Those flat tards claiming the horizon rises to eye level is not a scientific paper, can you even site any measurements that can tell me how big, far away or how fast the magical floating sun is on your pizza planet?

There are apps that allow you to measure the horizon to eye level. I've posted that before.

I've posted about the sun distance too, which DUDE, It's a magical floating sun either way!! You think the globe model is so much more logical when it's NOT! It sounds even more crazy than the flat earth model when you really think about it from a logical perspective!!

Milky way's moving at over a million miles per hour, the sun is moving at 438k miles per hour, the earth is moving at 67K miles around the sun while spinning at 1000 mph, spinning that can't be observed btw????


As kids they took yall to planetariums to sit on a FLAT surface and watch a DOME with stars moving across the ceiling and you idiots, including myself, walked out thinking we lived on a spinning ball flying around the sun perfectly at an infinite frequency! Wow man! :smh:


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Show me this app and show me any measurements of the horizon rising to eye level, because I have videos of pilots showing their auto level on their hud clearly above the horizon, not only that there are people with the theodolite app that clearly measures the moon below eye level (how the fuck is that possible on a flat earth)?
As far as calling gravity magical how do you explain gravimeter and the billion dollar industry that uses it to find minerals and oil or what subs use to navigate without revealing their location with sonar?
Look I get it, you aren't too bright and will change the subject a million times with gotcha questions, but do so knowing people with half a brain can see through your lame act a mile away.

This is why they call you stupid.


The Legend
BGOL Investor
It has actually been known that the Earth was round since the time of the ancient Greeks. I believe that it was Pythagoras who first proposed that the Earth was round sometime around 500 B.C. As I recall, he based his idea on the fact that he showed the Moon must be round by observing the shape of the terminator (the line between the part of the Moon in light and the part of the Moon in the dark) as it moved through its orbital cycle. Pythagoras reasoned that if the Moon was round, then the Earth must be round as well. After that, sometime between 500 B.C. and 430 B.C., a fellow called Anaxagoras determined the true cause of solar and lunar eclipses - and then the shape of the Earth's shadow on the Moon during a lunar eclipse was also used as evidence that the Earth was round.

Around 350 BC, the great Aristotle declared that the Earth was a sphere (based on observations he made about which constellations you could see in the sky as you travelled further and further away from the equator) and during the next hundred years or so, Aristarchus and Eratosthenes actually measured the size of the Earth!
