Netflix: Stranger Things Official Season 4 Discussion (Drops 4/28/22) (Season 4 Vol2 Trailer 6/21/2022)


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Jon Bon Jovi's son disagrees


she Is still just 18….. look at Adele… she is all about the brothas now. I know that look.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Good episode. Listened to it (Kate Bush one) this morning in the playlist rotation while driving ...



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It may have been just me, but after episode 1 of this season I skipped all the whole Mom/Sherriff in Russia subplot (up til the climatic battle in last episode). It just didn't relate at all to the main story. And I KNEW the all the main characters were going to survive so there was no suspense at all. Anyone else feel the same?


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Walter Panov

Rising Star
It may have been just me, but after episode 1 of this season I skipped all the whole Mom/Sherriff in Russia subplot (up til the climatic battle in last episode). It just didn't relate at all to the main story. And I KNEW the all the main characters were going to survive so there was no suspense at all. Anyone else feel the same?
I felt the same. I fast forward it several times cause the outcome was obvious. No real drama. No suspense. I wasn't feeling that subplot.